- Comment on Can we please make a viable (federated!) amazon alternative? I have an idea! 1 week ago:
Lol again they’re business savy. You’re an idiot 🤣
- Comment on Can we please make a viable (federated!) amazon alternative? I have an idea! 1 week ago:
Lol that’s called business. It’s why nothing came from any of the investigations accusing them of not doing enough to protect workers employed by other companies they purchased from. It also happened around 2015ish and all the articles I found from 2020 praise their supply chain managment.
I mean they were called out for not being attentive enough and they responded in a way you would hope a company would respond. Albeit an article written by walmart but still they owned up and addressed it.
- Comment on Can we please make a viable (federated!) amazon alternative? I have an idea! 1 week ago:
I know 20 years ago Walmart was the face of corporate evil but hear me out. They have had 1 company MO and have never wavered from it, providing affordable goods at the lowest possible price to the consumer without any bells or whistles. No coupons, no buy 3 get 1 free, no sketchy pricing based on bullwhip procurement.
My message here is to encourage anyone like myself who is fed the fuck up with Amazon, Google and Microsoft shitting on every product they put out all rhe while cutting all operating costs from any semblance of customer support. I call Walmart every year to check how much .22 ammo they have around deer season to get my tags and the winters supply of varmint ammo in one trip. Every year I speak to a real person even if it rings for a hot minute.
For about the same price as Amazon prime, I have Walmart “prime” that comes with free delivery of not just market place shit but also same day grocery delivery. They dont spread themselves too thin like literally every single corporate giant out there. They were better equipped than Amazon to get into the market place industry and they are killing it. While every other shit head company is dumping billions into AI (Walmart might be too idk so take this with a grain of salt) Walmart invested billions into developing their drone delivery project.
Tldr: I encourage everyone who likes simple affordable products from a straight forward without any bullshit to give the Walmart equivalent of Amazon prime a shot.
- Comment on Mexican President Threatens to Sue Google Over 'Gulf of America' Label on Maps. 2 weeks ago:
What do you mean by not resolving? It isn’t working for you?
- Comment on Mexican President Threatens to Sue Google Over 'Gulf of America' Label on Maps. 2 weeks ago:
Everyone has drug cartels. The US doesn’t even make thr top 20 tho.
- Comment on Watchdog recommends £2,500 pay rise for UK MPs 2 weeks ago:
It so fucking insane how much career politicians make. Especially in the US where they work 2 days a week on average. $174,000/year to work 104 days a year. Fucking bullshit.
- Comment on North Korea to expand nuclear weapons programme, says Kim Jong-un 2 weeks ago:
If you cover up the thumbnail from the shoulder up,it looks like Trump. Weird body shape, small arms and hand, weird posture lol
- Comment on In almost 100% of scenarios that I can think of, the underdog is always the "good guy" 2 weeks ago:
Fuck yeah the civil war is exactly thr type of scenario i knew i couldn’t think of. I fuckin love that you also gave me a list of historical events I’m not super familiar with to look up too. Thank you for this comment🍻
- Comment on Why do the femcels and the incels not.... date each other? 2 weeks ago:
FYI “unemployedness” = unemployment
- Comment on In almost 100% of scenarios that I can think of, the underdog is always the "good guy" 3 weeks ago:
Got it and totally agree.
I’m still learning how to use markdowns for text so I didn’t know if it was a markdown of a format lemmy on sync app didn’t recognize or maybe it was missing a part of the markdown.
- Comment on In almost 100% of scenarios that I can think of, the underdog is always the "good guy" 3 weeks ago:
I dont get what you are trying to say, what is the relevance to the discussion of underdogs vs Goliaths and their being viewed as an optimist or pessimist? Also what’s up with the asterisks? I can’t tell if you are implying the trauma makes them underdogs or if their feats make them the giants.
- Comment on The next scandal involving Musk should be called Elongate. 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on In almost 100% of scenarios that I can think of, the underdog is always the "good guy" 3 weeks ago:
So I just had this realization that I think is what you are describing and I have genuinely never noticed it until the comment I replied to in the screenshot from this earlier in this thread. (I’m on mobile and don’t know how to link comments so I just screenshotted it. If you can’t read it then just look at the comments a couple below yours.)
- Comment on In almost 100% of scenarios that I can think of, the underdog is always the "good guy" 3 weeks ago:
Jesus just describing how they can be considered underdogs sounds like a statement of support for them. That’s so wild and have never noticed this affect before your comment. Even knowing the purpose of your comment was to show how the underdog is the bad guy.
- Comment on In almost 100% of scenarios that I can think of, the underdog is always the "good guy" 3 weeks ago:
So I thought about the confirmation bias affect and feel like it wasn’t overly relevant anymore even though it has been in the past. I do not doubt there were stories of the hero conquering savages but as we see it now those depictions are largely understood as the conquering nation being the bad guy.
If anything confirmation bias in today’s history books happens through omiting of unfavorable shit governments do.
- Comment on In almost 100% of scenarios that I can think of, the underdog is always the "good guy" 3 weeks ago:
I don’t understand the purpose of the link to a list of serial killers. Assuming this is your way of saying a serial killer is an under dog and bad person, do you care to explain why a serial killer is an under dog? They’re killing 1 person at a time usually and they are usually going to kill the person using a tool or weapon while the other person is unarmed and unknowing to what happened. Or am I missing something?
- Comment on In almost 100% of scenarios that I can think of, the underdog is always the "good guy" 3 weeks ago:
Shit that’s a fucking good one. This is the type of responses I was hoping for.
- Comment on US Justice Department disbands teams investigating corruption, election interference. 3 weeks ago:
OK but my confusion is that none of that is even what the article is about or found anywhere in the article so I thought I was missing something or misread it.
- Submitted 3 weeks ago to showerthoughts@lemmy.world | 24 comments
- Comment on US Justice Department disbands teams investigating corruption, election interference. 3 weeks ago:
Arent the election interference the article references regarding the foreign influences? Are you saying that was a lie?
- Comment on US Justice Department disbands teams investigating corruption, election interference. 3 weeks ago:
So this is what I felt would happen as a result of Trump’s felonies. Every politician in America watched as a fellow politician’s books were put under the microscope. This is something that has not happened before and open the flood gates for corruption investigations. You think Pelosi and her husband’s wealth were accrued without insider knowledge? You think they are an anomaly? Obviously you can throw a dart blind at the republican party and hit someone with shady books but it happens on both sides. All I’m saying is the Trump trials were a catch 22 that even with the guilty verdict the results would push politicians to make changes so it couldn’t happen to them.
- Comment on Rocksteady is back working on a single-player Batman game, it’s claimed | VGC 3 weeks ago:
Best goon names ever.
- Comment on Body horror, the skull kid, the impending doom when you look up at the sky... 3 weeks ago:
To piggyback on your point, I also think this came out when congress was balls deep fighting the music industry because those devil musicians like Eminem, Korn, Limp Bisquick were ruining the youth.
- Comment on Reddit temporarily bans r/WhitePeopleTwitter after Elon Musk claimed it had ‘broken the law’ 3 weeks ago:
Yeah but you really can’t dox people even if it seems like the moral thing to do. It wasn’t any decision made outside the company, it was made by reddit because it was walking a fine line with their policies.
I’m going entirely off theory but there is a likely chance the people who got hired to be a minion had no idea the parameters of the job. I’ve gone thru the government job listings and they will tell you only so much about the position. What is required to qualify for the job, what tasks will be done in the job but beyond that, they aren’t going to tell you what the grand scheme of the position is. So to me, if any of that is true, then they are trying to post the identities of people who may be appalled by what their job is but don’t have the means to step down without having other income already lined up.
I’m not saying anything about what musk is doing is right. I’m just saying, there should be action taken to prevent the identities of people being posted on the internet for all to see.
Dont forget, reddit has literally falsely identifyied an innocent man who committed suicide as being the Boston bomber. Creating an absolute hell for the grieving family who thought their son was missing only to find out he committed suicide before the boston bombing happened. They only found out from the reddit manhunt to dox an innocent person.
- Comment on How do you keep up? 3 weeks ago:
In life? Amphetamines.
- Comment on YSK: There's a protest today at noon at your state capitol. 3 weeks ago:
Its crazy to think if I weren’t a US citizen and was reading this, I’d think “man that’s 50 individual locations for everyone to be able to participate if they want.”
When the reality is, if I wanted to attend my New York Stare protest in Albany, id be looking at a 5-6ish one way trip, 10-12hrs round trip just driving. I’m totally guessing tho. Ive never gone from my house to Albany before. Only ever went there from either the adks or NYC coming back to Buffalo.
Tldr: Yo, America’s big as fuck.
- Comment on Someone should research, why older people struggle to identity whose phone is ringing, if it's their own. Even if no one else in their social circle is using the same ringtone. 3 weeks ago:
Especially higher pitched sounds which in my experience is most default ring tones. My gramps can understand me, a dude, no problem when I talk but my younger female cousins start talking fast in high pitched voices, then 9 times put of 10 gramps’ response will be a polite smile and nod cuz he can’t understand a word the little shitbags are saying.
- Comment on Current day America has proven beyond a doubt, humanity is the only animal that wouldn't jump out of a slowly boiling pot of water. 4 weeks ago:
Well, duh. A slowly boiling pot of water is just a fucking hot tub for 90% of the time you’re in it.
- Comment on Adults diagnosed with ADHD have shorter life expectancy, UK study shows 5 weeks ago:
Oh fuck off there is plenty of resources available. I’ve had juvenile type 1 diabetes and adhd my whole life and there is no shortage of help. Stop being a whiny cunt.
- Comment on US bans controversial red food dye, decades after scientists raised alarm 1 month ago:
Who the fuck cares about the article. Where can I buy Starburst fruit by the foot?!?!