- Comment on I'm high and there's nothing you can do about it 1 day ago:
OP, is this you?
- Comment on They're gonna have to be really cool about a lot of stuff real quick. 2 days ago:
BRAIN: “You are tasked to consider the evidence, and whether it proves BEYOND a reasonable doubt: whether my client is undateable. Is my client… a perfect man? No-” ME: “She can kill me, yeah.”
- Comment on If any external factor made you create art, would your art be created by that factor? 2 days ago:
It’s called being cultured, like cheese. Though art is a bit different as whatever shapes you does so long-term, even if you could zap away issues instantly the memory and thus influence will still be there.
Also health/brain issues for me are likely a bigger detriment than anything, resulting in me doing nothing most of the time (small chores on a good day). So anything created is a rare win in spite of that.
- Comment on Kamiya Critiques Wii Version of Okami | Retro Gaming News 24/7 3 weeks ago:
well yeah most people don’t have the hardware to play the pre-HD versions at their best
Maybe you mean an actual PS2, but IME using emu w/higher internal res on a non-stellar computer was a pretty good experience.
Meanwhile the HD version is data bloated (likely because everything is uncompressed for no reason, or multiple resolutions of FMVs including 4K) so the download would be painful for me. And really with Okami’s aesthetic especially, I don’t think HD is necessary.
I think it would’ve been better to change the FMVs into in-engine if viable, I assume the ones like that were just a hardware limitation if not just some production thing.
- Comment on Events are occurring! 3 weeks ago:
<Scientists holding their ears to the ground>
- Comment on For an alien race that visit us, humanity as a whole would be furries. 3 weeks ago:
What if aliens have no bones so they call humans bonies?
And they do an impression like “Oh look at human me… don’t think about biosphere collapse. Uhh, sure hope I don’t slip on solid water and break my bone legs in the tax-filing business parking-lot! (my body is not proficient at such recovery and I cannot afford access to medical machines)”
- Comment on The key is to match the 4/10 pain with a 8/10 high 4 weeks ago:
I actually was going to say something like that but got bored with it. I’d rather watch NWAR again for the detective puns.
- Comment on The key is to match the 4/10 pain with a 8/10 high 4 weeks ago:
The name’s Diff… Diff Fective.
You think I’m Abe Normal? No, but I have a lot of respect for them, really pushing the meta strategy further than ever.
- Comment on The key is to match the 4/10 pain with a 8/10 high 4 weeks ago:
I’m built diffefectively 🫠
- Comment on Have you tried coping harder? 4 weeks ago:
As someone untreated (and shut-in), the grass isn’t green here either. I don’t know what the here-and-now alternative is, especially as a well-understood and very-effective med that can be taken irregularly is probably an exception rather than the norm (esp. for something serious/underlying).
I take more issue with the cost and hoops of the US health-insurance system (+other stuff like transportation). It’s a failure even by “pick two” standards… if it’s “you try this first” or 4 appointments for testing/specialists before one step is made it would be much better if bureaucracy weren’t also an issue.
Specifically with the gov’t imploding now (and the impending rug pull) I’m not sure what I could ever do unless there was a real change someone will let me be a test subject for physical brain preservation (and they’d move my brain some other not-imploding country).
- Comment on Have you tried coping harder? 4 weeks ago:
Go into a local field and tame a wild horse??? Probably healthier that way anyways (all-natural, soul-bond)
- Comment on Have you tried coping harder? 4 weeks ago:
But did you know that women who own horses are likely to live on average 15 years longer than women who do not own horses? Why wouldn’t people get a majestic car-sized animal to improve their well-being, are they stupid?
- Comment on Because we are knitted into the fabric of the universe a global change to the nature of universe could change the entire consequence of out lives. 4 weeks ago:
Damng, I never understood Dr John P. Wheezer’s song as much as I do right now.
- Comment on Current day America has proven beyond a doubt, humanity is the only animal that wouldn't jump out of a slowly boiling pot of water. 5 weeks ago:
Water? Preposterous!
A giant pot of delicious soon-to-be stew, however… mighty tempting, doc! You’ll have to treat me right though, you wouldn’t want to get food poisoning from stringy meat would ya?
- Comment on A Pivot To Indie won’t save us [AURAMBLES blog] 1 month ago:
I don’t see patient as “letting it slide [off]”.
These days I don’t really buy things ever, I mostly play free games if even that. Less hopeful of the industry, feel like I wasted money. Later purchases were more patient, but disappointment there only slowed it even further.
This is a me problem (and a lack of income), but I sort of see it as being patient to a fault.
something gets done and completed
I am talking within the context of mental/physical health issues and never having made anything close to a game. Personal despair, isolation, lacking viable options, collapse.
So it’s more of an existential crisis. I am guessing there are probably some idioms about learning/practicing survival skills when the ship you’re on is already sinking.
- Comment on A Pivot To Indie won’t save us [AURAMBLES blog] 1 month ago:
The topic and community have an unfortunate overlap for me, “patient” probably means I’m not doing it beyond some scattered attempts.
I have lurked with the ideas on different low-resource solo-dev specializations. I feel like the pieces are mostly there for me (Godot 4.4 will be closer to that), though I still need to put a lot of work in for no clear end-goal (I don’t really want to really sell something, even if I could).
And thinking about the future (gestures broadly) just makes me feel like
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 2 months ago:
See Bowling Alone.
Personally (and from a US shut-in perspective!) I’d take it further: the social contract is broken. When society has been molded to almost exclusively generate money, the closest to winning there is when you’re broke is trying to spend the least amount of money possible which surely will be solitaire confinement.
I don’t think there’s any easy fix, moving to a better area is an individual thing yet is also the core issue when it comes to transportation+rent+cost-of-living.
- Comment on Vegan drink Oatly can’t call itself ‘milk’, judges rule 2 months ago:
I would go with cereal water. It’s what it is, and something it can be used for.
- Comment on Four Thieves Vinegar Collective | an anarchist collective dedicated to enabling access to medicines and medical technologies to those who need them but don’t have them. 3 months ago:
I’m hoping more for brain preservation (non-upload, lower cost like chemical fixation+non-cryo). Get me out of here.
- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
I mean you can buy it here in a normal store. So I’m not sure if you mean a dentist can’t use/sell it, or if you’re thinking about the nano forms of it.
- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
For other toothpaste that still strengthens enamel, there is toothpaste with hydroxyapatite (which can be ingested, at least that specific ingredient). Though it is probably more expensive.
- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
It could likely be replaced with hydroxyapatite instead (it also can be used to remove lead and other things from water, which makes searching about being added to municipal water difficult). Good for not only teeth, also bones.
I also wonder if adding other vitamins would make more sense (just enough to stop deficiencies) if we’re talking about health outcomes, though the first idea I had with vitamin C came up with results of that messing with the chlorine in the water.
- Comment on What do you create? 3 months ago:
Me: “If I make a new mascot platformer with vertex colors, maybe someone would get me out of here? What are the chances and outcomes? Would I even have enough time to make something decent with current conditions?”
Blender, Godot 4, player controller in Nim-lang via gdext-nim, and on top of the 3 hats I need to learn I don’t have many viable ideas.
Also somewhat related to the social isolation thread in showerthoughts, I live on the edge of nowhere and don’t even want to drive.