In Memex crowd thinking environment for thoughts unthinkable to separate beings, human-machine general intelligence raises superintelligent offspring to help all life.
- Comment on I'm Tired of Pretending Tech is Making the World Better 4 days ago:
I am once again linking the sick sad history of computer-aided collaboration:
- Comment on Does anyone have any good introductory, Fediverse infographics I could share? 1 week ago:
Who made this? I’d like it if it said Matrix is federated, Signal is not. Meta should be clearly grouped together. Aren’t there other alternatives to Reddit than Lemmy, so there should be more arrows going out of Reddit?
Something should be said about fringe servers (I’d never say “instance” except “server = instance”) and defederation both ways being common, so your home server choice matters. The email comparison is broken and should include “in principle” and then continue with “in practice [real situation]”. This is a start:
I like the yellow bubble here, but it’s inaccurate in many ways:
The infograph we’re looking for should also say at least:
- Censorship is done by server administrators and community moderators, but (on Lemmy at least) posting community censors you, not your home server.
- Your votes are public, you can be tracked, but it’s not done by default.
- On Lemmy, you shape your default firehose (‘all’) feed by muting (users, communities, servers), not by following. A normal person will have to mute tens of communities for the feed to start looking tolerable. This is one of the many prices of freedom you will have to pay, as are bugs and user experience issues.
- …
- Submitted 1 week ago to retronet@lemmy.sdf.org | 0 comments
- Comment on S Korea's impeached president fans communist fears and conspiracies 2 weeks ago:
If you’d reduce overwork, a backlash would be less likely.
Long hours are ingrained in South Korean society, but when the state proposed a 69-hour week, it was forced to back down as millennials and gen-Zers reject traditional working practices
- Comment on Why Are People Surprised When Trump Actually Follows Through? 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Why Are People Surprised When Trump Actually Follows Through? 2 weeks ago:
Increased blood lead level in children has been correlated with decreases in intelligence, nonverbal reasoning, short-term memory, attention, reading and arithmetic ability, fine motor skills, emotional regulation, and social engagement. … The effect of lead on children’s cognitive abilities takes place at very low levels.
High blood lead levels in adults are also associated with decreases in cognitive performance and with psychiatric symptoms such as depression and anxiety.
- Comment on What is your favorite retro racing game? 2 weeks ago:
Stunt Car Racer can have two players on two Amigas with a serial cable connecting them.
- Comment on Tinder-alternatives for the Fediverse 2 weeks ago:
Let’s not clone trash. Tinder sucks because it has no matching mechanism to filter out incompatible people. To find one interesting profile on Tinder I have to swipe about 500 profiles. To get more matches, I risk some false positives and like ~2% of profiles. Then I need to filter the matches in person. Very inefficient, a waste of time.
The opposite of that was OkCupid before Match Group destroyed it.
- Comment on What keeps Americans from being mad about the state of their country? 2 weeks ago:
Prussian schooling everywhere.
- Comment on Do you feel like you've reached the end of what the world has to offer? 3 weeks ago:
No. We’ve only scratched the surface of computer-aided collaboration. We could have a crowd thinking space with a consensus development environment, but instead progress has been opposed and we’re stuck with primitive wikis. My industry and career are standing still with extreme potential to improve humanity.
- Comment on Microsoft Study Finds Relying on AI Kills Your Critical Thinking Skills 3 weeks ago:
You might like confabulation better. Or bullshitting.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
I wouldn’t dare have everything invested in one house. What if there’s a bubble about to burst? I’d probably take some debt and buy foreign shares not related to house prices. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedge_(finance)
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
The backstory of Fallout:
Disaster capitalist company causes disaster by trying to pump up share value.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
You shouldn’t be paying any form of investor to pretend they can see into the future.
True, usually index funds outperform active investors, but there are special cases (third point below):
cnbc.com/…/heres-when-active-mutual-funds-tend-to…- Investors generally fare better in index mutual funds and exchange-traded funds versus their actively managed counterparts.
- The average investor pays about five times more to own an active fund relative to an index fund. This makes it tougher for active funds to outperform index funds, after fees.
- However, the lowest-cost active funds tend to beat the average index fund in categories like junk bonds, foreign stock and global real estate. - … A company isn’t affected by whether a fund invests or does not invest in them.
False. When you buy existing shares, they’ll see the increased demand and issue more shares, making more money from investors after you. Same as when you buy a stolen item, the thief reacts to increased demand by stealing another one.
… responsible funds are just for show …
Those “responsible” ESG-labeled funds (Environmental, Social And Governance) are too lax for modern investors’ thirst for good. We need tighter criteria. Someone here said tailored ethical funds exist: lemmy.world/comment/15070231
… donate the money to charities instead.
Good, but unsustainable. You can grow power by growing money in benefit corporations, such as Mozilla.
- Comment on Onboarding experience needs to be simpler for mass adoption 3 weeks ago:
Not all places did:
Some sites/apps had filters to hide low effort people.
Some had strict rules that were enforced, so even if you were clueless coming in, you would upskill fast while using it.
Some had a good onboarding course maing upskilling a breeze. - Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
The activity can be limited: Once in about 5 years, buy a diversified portfolio of 30 companies in at least 10 countries on at least 2 continents in at least 3 unrelated industries, and forget for 5 years. It’s easy nowadays through many banks’ websites. Maybe prefer to buy in a depression and sell on a bubble if you’re feeling extra active.
Between stock sprees, save into a regular savings account.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
I think the most ethical thing to do is to help the most ethical companies trying to stay clean in a dirty economy. Surely there are good-enough ones in all countries and sectors. Makers of wind turbines, solar panels, batteries, cable, bicycles, electric vehicles (trains and trams!), etc. ASML, TSMC, Tuxedo, Fairphone, etc.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Maybe true, but we should blame those who made them that way with lifelong propaganda. Even if you wise up and do your best, tough luck being given FPTP voting and two evils to choose from.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Your money is being used there by the rich to kill the innocent.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Indeed, Wikipedia: Proof of stake # Energy consumption
In 2021, a study by the University of London found that in general the energy consumption of the proof-of-work based Bitcoin was about a thousand times higher than that of the highest consuming proof-of-stake system that was studied even under the most favorable conditions and that most proof of stake systems cause less energy consumption in most configurations.
In January 2022, Erik Thedéen, the vice-chair of the European Securities and Markets Authority, called on the EU to ban the PoW model in favor of PoS because of the latter’s lower energy consumption.
Ethereum’s switch to proof-of-stake was estimated to have cut its energy use by 99%.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Crypto money is a waste of computation that could be used for something productive, like protein folding.
When investing in (most) companies, the money buys means of production for making a product someone can use. I like that.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Usually index funds outperform active investors.
- Investors generally fare better in index mutual funds and exchange-traded funds versus their actively managed counterparts.
- The average investor pays about five times more to own an active fund relative to an index fund. This makes it tougher for active funds to outperform index funds, after fees.
- However, the lowest-cost active funds tend to beat the average index fund in categories like junk bonds, foreign stock and global real estate.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
That’s how the evil profit the most, and voting with your feet has limited effect. The correct solution is regulation and EU-mandated boycott.
- Comment on The extremely rich would rather not have another Einstein unless they knew they could control them and it wouldn't hurt the bottom line. 3 weeks ago:
If you’re in a dry, hot environment and evaporate water in a swamp cooler, you lose about 2.3MJ/l, from which you can skim maybe ~10% with a thermocouple. If you’re charging a Dacia Spring consuming 156Wh/km, you’d have to evaporate ~30 liters of water to drive 100km.
ev-database.org/…/energy-consumption-electric-carBut then, what if you bought solar panels and a wind turbine instead of thermocouples and water?
- Comment on The extremely rich would rather not have another Einstein unless they knew they could control them and it wouldn't hurt the bottom line. 3 weeks ago:
That pattern is strong in the sick sad history of computer-aided collaboration. The real geniuses were sidelined and kept poor.
www.quora.com/…/Harri-K-Hiltunen - Comment on Why was Hitler so mean and hateful toward one group or another? I find it hard to believe he woke up one day and said you and you suck but these people over here are good. Taking it so far as killing? 4 weeks ago:
- Rough childhood driving him to resort to narcissism to escape depression.
- Narcissism driving him to blame others for all problems.
- Methamphetamine and testosterone kicking the regular madness to the next level.
the infantile narcissism will be preserved as a kind of psychological fortress to protect the child against the vicissitudes of its intolerable life. Thus children may become evil in order to defend themselves against the onslaughts of parents who are evil.
… it is out of their failure to put themselves on trial that their evil arises. When they are in conflict with the world they will invariably perceive the conflict as the world’s fault.psychiatrictimes.com/…/methamphetamine-dictatorsh…
Morell’s notes reveal that he put Hitler on a regimen of Vitamultin – a preparation containing glucose, vitamins, and sometimes the methamphetamine Pervitin – and prescribed dietary restrictions, bloodletting, leeching, enemas, and the morphine derivative Eukodal to relieve the GI symptoms. Sedatives (for sleep) and testosterone (for sexual potency) were also among the considerable number of drugs (over 40 different kinds) Hitler took over the course of his adult life.
Does methamphetamine use increase violent behaviour? Evidence from a prospective longitudinal study
Conclusions: There is a dose-related increase in violent behaviour during periods of methamphetamine use that is largely independent of the violence risk associated with psychotic symptoms.
- Comment on You Can’t Post Your Way Out of Fascism | Authoritarians and tech CEOs now share the same goal: to keep us locked in an eternal doomscroll instead of organizing against them 4 weeks ago:
The blame can be placed accurately: www.quora.com/…/Harri-K-Hiltunen
- Comment on Current day America has proven beyond a doubt, humanity is the only animal that wouldn't jump out of a slowly boiling pot of water. 4 weeks ago:
Not on average, but we allow the most greedy to self-select into power, tipping the balance.
- Comment on Why are there triangles in the infill that get filled with one layer? 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on Australia Post parcel lockers are eligible to be installed in private apartment/office complexes! 1 month ago:
Mandate parcel locker interoperability,
or dO iT liKe FiNlanD dOes:
- In my building, there are lockers from Company 1, who prefers placing them inside. Nice.
- In front of a building 40 meters away, lockers from Company 2, who prefers the outside. Okay, more people have access, but sometimes it rains there. Such a short distance between lockers seems redundant.
- Not all shops I order from use Company 1 that I prefer most of the year, when it’s wet and/or cold.
- When I order using Company 3, 4, or 5, and I’m not home receiving, neither locker is used and I’ll have to fetch the parcel from the nearest branch or locker of Company 3, 4, or 5. This is stupid. I wanted to pay a dime to Company 1 locker for receiving the parcel and holding it for a few hours. That’s impossible in this lack of a system.
- Walking outside, I see many lockers in different Company colours not matched to the buildings they obscure.
Free market economy - isn’t it great!