But ask me about legalized weed ;]
Yeah you’re full of crap dude. You’re telling me you’ve never used the GPS on your phone at the VERY least? Even for walking in the city or something?
Submitted 2 months ago by Clinicallydepressedpoochie@lemmy.world to showerthoughts@lemmy.world
But ask me about legalized weed ;]
Yeah you’re full of crap dude. You’re telling me you’ve never used the GPS on your phone at the VERY least? Even for walking in the city or something?
yeah, shit post.
To be totally fair, with my older phone the GPS never worked properly (it was very cheap), so I’d usually look up the directions to a place beforehand and text them to myself for use later. Did get lost a lot but you can usually just ask somebody where to go
Having access to the sum of all human knowledge in your pocket hasn’t helped you in any way at all?
Either you’re too high to think straight, or you’re lying.
What does having it in my pocket vs at home on a desk change? Im never really in such a hurry to find something out that I can’t just look it up later. I actually prefer researching at my desk.
Google Maps was life-changing.
Don’t let downvotes from smartphone addicts get you down. You’re being thoughtful about it and that’s a good thing.
Well, it’s a whole lot easier to get from point A to point B than it used to be.
And I can instantly find out what that actor’s name is or what song I’m currently hearing.
But yeah, they’re also pretty goddamn annoying at times.
All I want to say is, knowing an actors name or a song name isn’t really meaningful change. I guess if I really liked a song and listened non stop.
I like podcasts and I like apple music. The thing is, these both predate smart phones. Hence "pod"cast. Who knows though if they would have gotten as popular if everyone didn’t have easy access as they do today.
For me, it was notes, calculations, and having access to the necessary information for making the two.
I might be sitting in the train, looking out the window, zoning out, and suddenly I start thinking about the melting point of tungsten. I begin to wonder how much power an arc furnace would draw while melting tungsten, and could you keep one running with just solar power. How many panels would you need at this location? I have so many questions, and most of them involve calculations.
You can imagine how glad I am that I don’t need to carry a calculator and a bunch of books with me.
Smartphones have saved my ass.
I’m really bad at remembering things, and when something pops in my head, it needs to be dealt with immediately, or it’ll be lost forever. Credit cards due tomorrow? Open app, and done. Oh shit. My credit card is due tomorrow. Gotta go!
I probably could do better time management. Remember those daily organizers, lol?
Gps without having to buy an expensive in-car GPS unit.
Gps that automatically updates maps.
GPS that updates routes based on traffic\
Route planning including public transit
Especially when you’re not sure what your departure time will be
That accounts for temporary route changes
That automatically updates permanent route changes
You’ve obviously never had to read a shampoo bottle to keep you entertained while taking a dump before.
Google Maps on my smartphone is God tier.
I drove in the before times. You have any idea how much of a pain in the ass it was to use a paper map or look at written directions and miss a turn? Do you realize how great it is to type in “food near me” and see everywhere you might want to stop for a bite to eat and right where it’s at? That I can youch a business name on the screen and it will show me its hours they’re open? How n8ce it is that I don’t even have to look away from the road and have nice lady robot voice tell me to turn right 2 miles?
I could give up a lot of my smartphone stuff and not have it be “for the worse”, but im keeping the mapping stuff.
Look, are there downsides? Absolutely.
But, just thinking about the few days for Christmas:
Buddy and I were out and making plans to swim. Using our phones we found out what time the pool was open, then found out whether there was bbq nearby. We then added this to our calendars. All at thr same time without having to go home, look it up, coordinate then write it down.
The next day, I got groceries. I used my grocery app which also contains a couple hundred recipes I’ve collected. The grocery store had a great deal on something I hadn’t expected so I pivoted, used my phone to look through my recipes, found an appropriate one and adjusted.
Later, running errands on my bike and finished a bit early. On a whim, I checked to see if a movie I wanted to catch was anywhere near. It was but not in an area I bike often. Booked my tickets on the phone, navigated there and streamed music to listen to as I rode.
Heck, when I visited for Christmas, a friend sent a message warning the ferries to come home were getting cancelled. I checked while we were out at dinner, found the last ferry was still running and had space so was able to make it home instead of getting stranded.
Outside of this week, I’ve dated a bunch of girls whom I’d have never met were it not for “the apps.” Say what you will, it expands the network of dateable folks well outside your own social networks.
In summary: streaming music everywhere, all sorts of apps making things easier (in this case, recipes etc) navigation, making plans on the fly, dating all sorts of folks, booking things without having to find a computer and way more.
Congrats on having a low-effort life?
Don’t come at me like that’s some sort of insult, bra.
No. Being overly hostile against smartphones because you don’t do much in your life is having a low-effort life. You’re basically saying soap is useless because you don’t shower.
The ‘smart’ is the only part of my phone I like.
the good:
The bad:
So, yeah.
Twitter isn’t toxic. Twitter doesn’t exist. Twitter was very left leaning.
X is toxic.
I’ve not heard IG is toxic. I’ve only heard it’s the place to see braindead bimbos in bikinis.
FB is more 1984 than toxic. It steals all your personal info. Even if you’ve never signed up at all.
Got a mom who uses FB? Well she put your phone number in.
I can only think of one thing that holds me back from a phone like a Nokia 3310, GPS map routes. Other than route planning and turn by turn everything else I could easily do without.
I honestly don’t drive enough to really consider it. Each their own i suppose.
Don’t get the down votes, its not like you were expressing anything but a reasonable point of view. Anyway happy new year!
Sucks to be you, bro, but that’s not a universal experience.
I grew up when cell phones weren’t common, then flip phones were the thing. I didn’t get my first smartphone until I was already out of high school. My life was improved immensely. Not just the connection that allows me multiple vectors of communication to the people who matter to me, and the ability to plausibly ignore communications from those who don’t, but the absolute plethora of utilities now at my fingertips.
Do you even know how to balance a checkbook? Have you ever had to do it? In less than a minute I can see not only my bank balance, but all transactions going back months.
My teachers all told me I wouldn’t have a calculator with me all the time. Turns out that was not to be.
If I need to know something, anything, ever, I have a device on my person that allows me immediate access to the sum total of human knowledge. Whether it’s a question of what time the hardware store opens, how to fix a cracked pipe, or what rocket fuel the Saturn V used, the information is right at my fingertips.
I don’t ever have to be lost again. First time in a city? I can get directions to anywhere, from anywhere, any time I want.
I even have a freakin flashlight at all times.
Yeah, it sucks that some people get stuck in a narcissistic spiral on facebook or obsessively doomscroll to the detriment of their own health, but that’s not the smartphone’s fault any more than it is just the invention of electricity’s fault.
Does it suck? To not be reliant on something like a “smart” phone?
I don’t think it sucks for you to not be reliant on it, but it also seems like you don’t know how to use it for your advantage.
Never install social media on it and go figure out what it can do for you.
At first they were really cool and seemingly had unlimited potential with a wild and unknown future as numerous brands competed intensely with their own take on the formula.
These days, they are ultra expensive glass rectangles that exist to serve you endless ads and harvest every piece of info about every facet of your life. You also have to pay enormous subscription fees to get half the functionality they used to have. I just got an iPhone on a deep discount from my carrier and I stopped giving a shit about phone tech. Processor speed, camera specs, “AI”, whatever. It’s all trash to me now and the technology doesn’t excite me in the slightest. Carriers and manufacturers have choked all the life and enjoyment out of smart phones.
I love how they are very robust and can handle just about any video game I’ve played in the last 30 years except the smart phone gaming industry is completely cooked and when titles do get released for mobile you have to wade through an ocean of shit to find them.
These days, they are ultra expensive glass rectangles that exist to serve you endless ads and harvest every piece of info about every facet of your life.
It sounds like you need to delete some apps.
I barely use any these days.
People who hate smartphones are luddites. There’s so much these devices bring to the table that it’s hard to summarize. From instantly connecting to anyone in the world with audio as well as video to knowing exactly where we are at any point in time. Enabling us to handle almost any situation. As long as my phone can connect to a cell network or Wi-Fi you could drop me anywhere in the world and I’d be fine.
The people who think smartphones have made the world worse are barking up the wrong tree. It’s not the concept of the smartphone that did that, it’s apps and capitalism that did. Exploiting psychology to wring any possible profit out of humanity is the problem, not these wonderful fruits of miniaturization.
There’s so much these devices bring to the table that it’s hard to summarize. From instantly connecting to anyone in the world with audio as well as video to knowing exactly where we are at any point in time. Enabling us to handle almost any situation. As long as my phone can connect to a cell network or Wi-Fi you could drop me anywhere in the world and I’d be fine.
What problems are you actually solving, though?
Why do I need to connect to anyone in the world with audio and video? Why does any one need to know exactly where I am at all times? Why are you being dropped anywhere in the world with only a wifi connection?
There are a lot of good things that a smartphone provides that has made my life better.
Weather they apply to you I don’t know.
Here are some great features of my smartphone that had improved my life.
GPS navigation - being able to quickly and easily find your way is amazing. Though I will never have my GPS running with sound, I use it to have a map up when driving where I can glance to see the general idea of the way to my destination, this sometimes mean I miss a turn, but it’s fine the system quickly calculates the route again and I don’t get yelled at to follow directions when it might be impossible, reducing stress.
Smart lighting, my phone can turn on my lights at home before I get home making me able to open my front door into a cozy lit up home rather than a black void.
Translation on the go, being able to get translations of just about anything you need at any point is amazing, sure the translations are not perfect, but they are good enough.
Entertainment is probably to biggest win for me, being able watch a movie, listen to music, read a book where ever you are on a small device you have with you is truly amazing.
It is a tool. Make sure to use it rather than allow it to use you. For my next phone I wish I could get a dumbphone but the need to have something like Google Maps is too strong. I'll definitely just get a cheapie though, or perhaps a Fairphone.
These badboys exist - tempted to get the hotspot and navigation version.
Wow and even those have touch screens (most of them:-).
I just got a fairphone, and so far i have no complaints.
That somewhat sounds like perfection actually:-).
Is the touchscreen experience less smooth than a traditional smartphone?
Do you never leave your house?
I wish
Fair enough. My life would be quite a bit worse without it personally. Nobody is forcing you to have one though, if it’s genuinely not doing it for you you can always get a dumb phone.
Hey, to each their own.
You’d have paid more for basic services like insurance as you couldn’t compare the market. You’d have to trust that clever guy in the pub since you couldn’t Google anything. You’d get lost driving to a new place and have to ask for directions, of course getting the village idiot.
I desperately hate how my I’m addicted to my phone and I’m praying that when the next generation of Garmin watches come out it will be able to talk to ChatGPT and make phone calls from it, so I could ditch my iPhone forever!
You’d have paid more for basic services like insurance as you couldn’t compare the market.
Computers are a thing. My wife does all that stuff anyway.
You’d have to trust that clever guy in the pub since you couldn’t Google anything.
Striking up a conversation with a stranger a bar sounds like fun, even if they were trying to take the piss out of me. Most people are just hovering over their phones when they go out, theses days.
Maps always existed and mapquest was fine.
I use the Realcalc scientific calculator app at least 5 times a week. As others have mentioned GPS functionality for driving is great. I also use my phone’s GPS to get waypoints for the location of fixtures for my job as a telecommunications facilities designer.
Having a high quality camera is also handy for work and personal stuff.
Oh man where to start.
No tertiary devices. No GPS or iPod in my car. Just my phone. For so many useless gadgets. Cameras, video cameras…CALCULATORS, All in one place. That’s number 1.
2 would be that these devices are all a part of an ecosystem that grew so fast… Not only did our phones suddenly all have GPS, but it’d tell us about traffic. That used to be someone’s news beat. Gone, overnight
Mobile browser. What?! You mean every time that annoying know it all friend starts confidently talking about something they know nothing about You can just Google it right in front of them instead if having it be some annoying thing.
For better or worse, I am never bored.
That’s just the first few that come to mind…
What if i liked my ipod?
What if know about traffic didn’t stop me from driving straight into 99% of the time?
What if me and my friends were never far from a browser and any disagreement could have waited the 10 minutes it took to get to a computer?
I always feel fucking bored.
I thought there was a whole movement going on among the “youngs,” where they were specifically getting old flip phones that couldn’t run any apps. I heard about that trend more than a year ago, so it’s probably long passed.
Still going but hard to get a decent new flip phone.
Smartphone can be used to organize protests.
See: Hong Kong Protests (they didn’t suceed in their goals, but still, they did put up some resistance)
Also, union activity. Encrypted chat apps to prevent employers finding out what you are up to. Prevents emplpyers preemptively fireing you before you legally form the union and get legal protection. Make strike-breaking harder.
Encrypted communications is very useful for people in abusive relationships. Smartphone cameras and microphone can record evidence of abuse. And data connection could also be used to save it to cloud and prevent deletion of evidence. Also, while not a “smart” phone specific feature, text to 911 is very useful if the abusive spouse is nearby and you need to call for help, and need to keep quiet. GPS positioning makes it easier to locate you.
Smartphone can be used to organize protests.
Oof, what about all the disinformation and basically the breakdown of democratic structures because of it?
Also, union activity. Encrypted chat apps to prevent employers finding out what you are up to. Prevents emplpyers preemptively fireing you before you legally form the union and get legal protection. Make strike-breaking harder.
While encryption is super cool and has been really hard fought for (really interesting stuff) it has not been widely adopted and the data breaches we’ve seen since the entire culture has shifted to existing online are beyond description.
As a tool a smart phone is undeniably remarkable. As a tool to live your daily life it’s kind of underwhelming considering a the implications.
So far I have managed to avoid getting a smartphone and am still using a flip phone. Every time I look into getting one it gives me a yucky feeling. Of course I have a computer, a laptop, and also a tablet that I have some apps and games on for amusement. But for a phone to carry around, all I care about is having a way to make a call if needed and send/receive texts, so I have no need for a smartphone. I have taken my tablet to a cafe and used their Wifi to access the internet a few times, but I rarely want to do that.
Things that I can see a smartphone being useful for:
GPS/maps, but I don’t really need that since I rarely travel that far away and I know my way around my city and nearby cities. However I can always download static maps of other cities to my tablet if I’m going to an unfamiliar place and/or look it up online ahead of time–like when I had to go to a funeral, I printed off a couple maps–one close up on the location area and one zoomed further out to see the route to the area.
Signal app, which I’m not sure I’d use, but I think it would be nice to have in case I need secure messaging as we move into 2025.
ummmm, can’t think of anything else 🤔
Things I’m glad I don’t have to worry about by not having one:
Tracking, data harvesting, surveillance. Including via the phone’s mic.
going around like a zombie everywhere constantly staring a screen, unable to sit or stand quietly for more than 15 seconds without whipping it out (the phone! you knew what I meant). This is really not healthy. Maybe I wouldn’t do that, but who knows, maybe I would start doing that, as it seems everyone else does, and (sorry, but) it looks pathetic.
the constant beeping, dinging, vibrating, or whatever it’s set to do for notifications, from dozens of apps demanding attention. That would drive me nuts. My phone only makes a sound if I get a phone call or text, which is not often. If I ever started getting texts too often I might turn off sound for them.
The trick is to get someone to pay you to make the smartphones
I, too, hate phones and love weed
bradboimler@lemmy.world 2 months ago
If you don’t find value in smartphones I can respect that
You’d have to pry my own from my cold, dead hands. I have a map of the entire world (mostly) in my pocket! That in itself I find invaluable. I use Google Maps all the time. To find places and to navigate to them. On foot, public transit, and car. Here and in other countries.
Sure, I used to manage before Maps was a thing but do I ever want to go back? Nope.
That is one killer feature for me
And yeah I definitely see how life changed for the worse because of them. I actively moderate my own behavior.
corsicanguppy@lemmy.ca 2 months ago
Remember keeping a stack of bus route maps in your bag? Ha ha ha, dumb times.
bradboimler@lemmy.world 2 months ago
Printing out the MapQuest directions. Keeping the Thomas Guide in your car.
Clinicallydepressedpoochie@lemmy.world 2 months ago
I’m not going back that’s for sure. I do feel kinda of dragged along though, I didn’t have a cell phone until my early 20s and only became a full adopter when smart phones were ubiquitous. I just can imagine a life that was just a fulfilling without the existence of the “smart” phone.
bradboimler@lemmy.world 2 months ago
I hear ya. I too was a late cell and smart- phone adopter.
If I couldn’t use them anymore I would be annoyed at first. But I would adjust and yes, would certainly lead a fulfilling life regardless.
I myself am in between both extremes. Here are some ways I remain old school even though I’ve bought into the smartphone era:
I remain in a real sense anti-app and keep them to a minimum on my phone. I keep their permissions as locked down as I can and I review every update pretty extensively. It’s ridiculous how everyone and their brother wants me to install their app. No thank you. I’m quite content getting up to adjust the thermostat and don’t need a fully automated smart home.
If I’m socializing with someone they get my full attention. If I need to look something up, respond to a text, etc I excuse myself.
When I’m out and about I’m present in my environment. “Smartphone zombie” behavior is foreign to me.
I take full advantage of the digital well being and bedtime features of my phone. I set timers for my addicting apps.
Oh, when I do drive I am hands off with my phone. If I really do need to use it then I pull over.
theonlytruescotsman@sh.itjust.works 2 months ago
You mean portable GPS devices that have been around for a decade before smart phones?
stevedice@sh.itjust.works 2 months ago
Do portable GPS also have a list of every single business near my location?
bradboimler@lemmy.world 2 months ago
I was content and managed just fine with paper maps and directions before smartphones. When I got my first one it rendered those devices obsolete for me.
lurklurk@lemmy.world 2 months ago
I had those. They were much worse.