- Comment on Sounds crazy but... maybe you shouldn't delete Facebook just yet 2 weeks ago:
People complaining about Facebook on Facebook is profitable for Facebook
Delete it, stop being part of the reason other people are there. If you can realise it’s a cesspool and get out, so could they.
I encounter a surprisingly large number of people who seem ashamed about their Facebook usage and say things like “but I need it for […]” or “but I only use Messenger” or some other way they rationalise it to themselves
Just get out.
- Comment on Sounds crazy but... maybe you shouldn't delete Facebook just yet 2 weeks ago:
Add them to your calendar
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 2 weeks ago:
That’s how you get new checks and balances, once the dictator falls.
But you’re right the US is rapidly burning its power and alliances. That would take decades to repair, and they might never reach the same position again.
- Comment on Is there any hope for Ukraine to survive as an independent state now that trump is desperately wishing for a peace treaty with Russia, even bypassing Ukraine? 2 weeks ago:
The US can’t sign a peace treaty on behalf of Ukraine. They’re not mandated to negotiate by Ukraine.
The US can stop supporting Ukraine but that doesn’t force the Ukrainians to stop fighting, or Europe to stop supporting Ukraine
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 2 weeks ago:
It’s never over.
Even the worst dictatorship can collapse. They get internally couped until the dictator learns to purge anyone capable of challenging them, then human mortality fixes that dictator and the government collapses
It’s not good though. The best time to fix it was ages ago before Reagan. The second best time is right now before the police state is firmly in place
- Comment on France runs fusion reactor for record 22 minutes 2 weeks ago:
Arguably, the nearby sun scale fusion reactor has been fairly useful for us. Nowadays we can convert its output directly into electricity using solar cells
- Comment on Ukraine isn’t invited to its own peace talks. History is full of such examples – and the results are devastating 2 weeks ago:
What part of your country are you willing to give to Russia to keep the peace?
And then repeat every few years until all of your country is russia
Isn’t peace grand?
- Comment on YSK You can substitue blood for eggs in recipes 4 weeks ago:
Does quiche need to rise? Aren’t the egg whites in the filling and you only need them to set into a delicious binder for the cheese etc?
- Comment on Apps doing year wrapped gives you a hint on how are you being tracked. There is probably a legal issue there somewhere like data retention. 2 months ago:
Music recommendations are part of the core offering though and keeping play history is pretty vital for that. There might be local ways to do it but probably not as good
- Comment on I cannot tell you a way my life has genuinely gotten better since the advent of "smart" phones. 2 months ago:
I rented a car at some point where you had to input the address letter by letter using a little scrollwheel kinda thing.
Smartphones have issues, but the map thing is a killer feature in itself.
- Comment on I cannot tell you a way my life has genuinely gotten better since the advent of "smart" phones. 2 months ago:
I had those. They were much worse.
- Comment on YSK that there's a better index than the BMI to measure obesity called the Body Roundness Index 4 months ago:
If you’re frictionless too, physicists will love you
- Comment on YSK that there's a better index than the BMI to measure obesity called the Body Roundness Index 4 months ago:
[…](The wikipedia page) has a calculator that supports metric more properly