Iran’s ambassador to Lebanon (injured in pager explosion), apparently!
Who still uses pagers?
Submitted 5 months ago by to
Comments 5 months ago 5 months ago
He was probably meeting with someone who had one, being an ambassador and all. 5 months ago
People that work on-call do this, especially in tech or security.
I’m considering making the switch because my paging calls are from a random set of phone numbers, so I cannot attach a specific ringtone to them. After a few horrible pages, you start to associate your phone going off as a world-ending experience, when it’s just your wife calling to ask if you want her to pick something up for you from the shop. 5 months ago
Alternative thought, what about dual sims? Could you not assign a ringtone to a specific sim, and use that sims phone number only for work? 5 months ago
This along with a work profile works just fine 5 months ago
Could you not just change the ring tones of your contacts to something else and then have all unknown callers use the bad time ring tone? 5 months ago
People that work in classified environments. You can’t have smart devices (phones, watches, anything that communicates with the outside) while in these controlled spaces. pagers are acceptable because they’re 1 way communication, so there’s no risk of data leaks from the classified space 5 months ago
Pagers are not guaranteed to be 1 way comms and bringing them into secure locations is a security violation. Additionally, depending on the classification, no unauthorized and undisclosed devices of any kind would be permitted, including any electronics or electronic media such as tapes, CDs, discs, etc. Even when I was issued a verified 1-way pager, I was specifically briefed I was not permitted to bring it into a classified location. Most of the highly classified SCIFS are shielded anyways, you can’t use it inside so it’s safer to leave it out, along with all other devices.
If your organization allows it, then (if federal) they are breaking the law and should be reported/up-channeled. If it’s corpo, you should bring up additional concerns with your security team. 5 months ago
Idk man, I have a federally compliant 1 way pager. So it’s not illegal. We score the highest marks on our DoD security audits every year. Theyre distrubuted from the security office, so I’m sure they do some sort of vetting on each individual one.
We’re a govt contractor, but our civilian govt counterparts use them too 5 months ago
3000 less people than last week 5 months ago
You can also setup local comms network for them and the bands they can operate in have better structural penetration vs most WiFi/cellular?
It also gives them a singular, simple device that won’t be confused for personal notifications like a smart phone.
Not everything needs to be bleeding edge. We still use forks and spoons cuz they just work. 5 months ago
Not everything needs to be bleeding edge. We still use forks and spoons cuz they just work.
I use my hands, even better than forks and spoons. 5 months ago
Hands are essentially just giant sporks 5 months ago
You use your hands because they were better than just your mouth 🤷♂️ (thanks evolution) 5 months ago
I saw something where they gave their kid a pager instead of a phone so they could still be told when to come home but couldn’t waste time fucking about online.
I thought that might actually be pretty effective except for the fact that the kid could easily just ignore your pages. 5 months ago
Although there are dumb phones out there 5 months ago
The Wire… great show to watch. 5 months ago
It,s a discipline. 5 months ago
The irony is unreal 5 months ago 5 months ago
Beeper king ftw 5 months ago
If anyone sees a salamander, it’s Liz’s. 5 months ago
Guests at restaurants where you get a device that beeps when your food is ready. Guess what? That’s a pager. 5 months ago
People that don’t want their location triangulated from cell phone towers. 5 months ago
So…essentially just because they’re cheap?
I can see maybe businesses that don’t want/need to buy full-blown smartphones for their employees. These things probably cost $50? vs. $700 for a smartphone. 5 months ago
Cellular signals have a hard time penetrating dense concrete buildings and underground structures. That’s why doctors still use them, even in the States. 5 months ago
Doctors that work on hospital bunkers? Do pagers not use cellular signals? 5 months ago
Hezbolah, apparently. 5 months ago
Not anymore. 5 months ago
I think I’d like a 2-way pager these days. They were a little ahead of their time because me and most people preferred phone calls to sending text messages but that’s obviously flipped hard over the last decade. I straight up groan when someone has the audacity to call me now lol 5 months ago
They’re called phones. 5 months ago
They offer text messaging as well yeah, but simpler devices are nice. I use my smartphone most when I’m at work, bored in the break from (like right now) but outside of that I just usually have better things to do. I often leave my phone at home in favor of my smart watch which does a lot less but still has my music on it and a way for the wife to contact me which are the 2 main things I value. I’m just saying that even it’s not for the majority, 2 way pagers would likely have a place in the market. There’s a whole group of people these days that love shopping for dumb phones to cut distractions out of their days. 5 months ago
I don’t know why people still using pagers day. Smartphones exist to replace that, even if you afraid to use smartphones because NSA/FBI/CIA/KGB tracking you could use dumb phone tho…
Even dumb phone can achieve so many things compared to 5 months ago
It’s because they are simpler devices which are much less infrastructure dependent, and also less power hungry. A single battery charge in a pager will last you much longer than a single battery charge on a smartphone.
Also due to their lower infrastructure requirements they can function even if cellular networks are not functioning, at all or optimally. 5 months ago
Doctors 5 months ago
Israel could have taken out entire hospital staffs with this “technique”. Hope they remain human and don’t. 5 months ago
They (Israeli government) have murdered thousands of innocent men, women and children already without any remorse. Destroyed the entirety of Gaza.
What makes you think the Israeli government has any heart, sympathy or feelings at all? 5 months ago
Seems unlikely considering only pagers belonging to Hezbollah had the explosives added. 5 months ago
Those devices were bought by Hesbollah, for their soldiers to use, and were connected to a network they operate.
From what I understand about the attack, even if one of these devices made it’s way into the hands of a doctor, it would have to be connected to the Hesbollah network to detonate.