- Comment on Valve adds "all the Team Fortress 2 client and server game code" to its Source mod tools, letting modders "build completely new games based on TF2" and publish them on Steam 6 days ago:
Source Mod tools not to be confused with Sourcemod tools.
- Comment on Why do most Americans use an iPhone? 1 week ago:
I can only speak for myself and my kids. I have an iPhone because my work gave me one for free. They only support iPhone for security reasons. Keeping Android devices up to date across a large fleet is challenging leaving security gaps. For my kids they wanted my old iPhones because it’s what all their friends have.
- Comment on The English word "four" has 4 letters. Are there any other numbers where the English name for them has that many letters? 3 weeks ago:
The answer to your question is zero yet at this he same time zero is not an answer to your question.
- Comment on Why was Hitler so mean and hateful toward one group or another? I find it hard to believe he woke up one day and said you and you suck but these people over here are good. Taking it so far as killing? 3 weeks ago:
He was a shit human, but he was also a politician. His political message had two parts: 1. Jews are responsible for all our problems 2. We need to conquer more lands.
He said this was the only alternative to handing the country to communists.
The simple xenophobic message appealed to the common people, fear of communism bought the elites in-line.
- Comment on I still don’t think companies serve you ads based on spying through your microphone 1 month ago:
While there is no system for monitoring the companies, experts can reverse engineer the apps and debug the devices. Thusfar, experts who have done this have found no evidence of these types of activities. All the evidence is anecdotal. I believe if this was a widespread practice, evidence would have been uncovered by now and we would have been reported on widely.
The implication here is really scarier than if they were listening to our conversations. It means they do not need to listen to our conversations. The telemetry they already have is so good that in many cases they know what you will say with such high degrees of accuracy that people assumed that they had to be spying on their conversations.
Either way, we need to demand an end to this unprecedented mass surveillance.
- Comment on Do You Need A VPN? 2 months ago:
A VPN transfers trust from the ISP to a VPN provider
Encrypted DNS does not stop ISPs from seeing the ip addresses of the websites you visit
For anonymity use TOR
- Comment on Fuck geometry 2 months ago:
In the complex plane each of these vectors have magnitude 1 and the distance between them is square root of two as you would expect. In the real plane the imaginary part has a magnitude of zero and this is not a triangle but a line. No laws are broken here.
- Comment on A little physics riddle 2 months ago:
The new coordinate system is moving one meter per second in the x-direction. This is small enough compared to the speed of light that we can ignore relativity. So the mass is the same and the velocity and momentum just get shifted by one meter per second, no?
- Comment on land before time 3 months ago:
This feels like the farside.
- Comment on I present: Managarr - A TUI and CLI to help you manage your Servarr instances 3 months ago:
You should name it Hawk, so people can call it Hawk-Tui.
- Comment on Sending intranet Email on a token ring network still used the same process as creating a Memo 4 months ago:
We had one case where a line had been strung over a lighting ballast in a janitor closet. Whenever that light was turned on the whole network would go down. Since it was only on for a few minutes intermittently it was a nightmare to find. You would go looking for the a bad terminator and the network would come back before you checked a single one. Good times.
- Comment on What Ever Happened to Netscape? 4 months ago:
Yes, but no.
The source code for Netscape Navigator was open-sourced and has become Mozilla Firefox. The company Netscape is now a mostly defunct brand while Mozilla is a non-profit, public benefit company in service to the Mozilla Foundation, and the Mozilla community.
- Comment on Location tracking of phones is out of control. Here’s how to fight back. 4 months ago:
A lot of great comments here. I just wanted to add that even just your ip address is enough to roughly track your location. When your phone checks gmail you are leaving digital breadcrumbs in Google’s logs of your ip address which roughly tracks your location. App permissions will not solve this. We need strong privacy regulations with teeth.
- Comment on That hurts a little 4 months ago:
It stings at first, but once you realize you can now play all of the classics on emulators it helps take the pain away.
- Comment on Microsoft releases a new Windows app called Windows App for running Windows apps 5 months ago:
Except for tha time with Windows 8 where they tried to get rid of them.
- Comment on How breaking up Google could lower your online shopping bill | A DOJ win in Google's ad tech monopoly trial could benefit everyone, experts say 5 months ago:
I just want my privacy back.
- Comment on Who still uses pagers? 5 months ago:
It,s a discipline.
- Comment on Mini PC for Jellyfin 5 months ago:
I run Emby and MythTV on a Beelink Mini PC. It is a little pricey compared to some of the options you mentions but not by too much. It works really well and is very quiet:
- Comment on Google is facing another crucial court case in the US – and it could have major consequences for online advertising. 5 months ago:
“> driving out rivals, diminishing competition, inflating advertising costs, reducing revenues for news publishers and content creators, snuffing out innovation, and harming the exchange of information and ideas in the public sphere.”
I feel like it is going to be hard to prove that Google’s anti-competitive actions have inflated advertising costs. Also, did news publishers lose revenue because of Google or was it Craigslist and jobs sites that killed their classified business?
Google is definitely a monopoly and has acted badly, but proving the harm in this way is going to be tricky. The government should go after them for privacy, the place where they have clearly abused their relationship with the public. Google normalizing spying on users has created the data economy that has resulted in us being spied upon us all the time and having all of our personal data being leaked over and over again.
- Comment on Student dorm does not allow wifi routers 5 months ago:
As someone who has administered networks and written policies like this the concern here is that you will run an open network that may be used for piracy, hacking, DDOS or to send bomb threats. Tracing down this type of behavior is required by law and allowing students to run open networks makes this near impossible.
- Comment on Studios are cracking down on some of the internet’s most popular pirating sites 5 months ago:
Fmovie is a new one I never heard of before. Good thing they mentioned it so I know to avoid it in the future.
- Comment on No one’s ready for this: Our basic assumptions about photos capturing reality are about to go up in smoke. 6 months ago:
Here is a famous faked photo of fairies from 1917 -> en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cottingley_Fairies
- Comment on BookWyrm.world 11 months ago:
Who are some people to follow on Bookwyrm?
- Comment on Sustaining Proton’s mission over time | Proton 1 year ago:
“ …ways you can organize a business that makes literally impossible to legally do these things. ”
Not disputing this is true, but could you provide some examples?
- Comment on Own a Roku TV or streaming device? You're about to see a lot more ads on your home screen 1 year ago:
We need a fediverse streamin service.
- Comment on Own a Roku TV or streaming device? You're about to see a lot more ads on your home screen 1 year ago:
I block logs.roku.com and cloudservices.roku.com on my pihole without impacting any functionality.
- Comment on How many of you actually use the headphone jack on your phone? 1 year ago:
I prefer wired - one less thing to charge.
- Comment on Firefox 120 ships today with massive privacy improvements - gHacks Tech News 1 year ago:
Love Librewolf, its default privacy settings are the best I have seen.
- Comment on Wow. I would unironically watch this 1 year ago:
Is Mater a Kilingon ship?
- Comment on Kirk, no! That's Fezzik, not the Gorn! 1 year ago: