- Comment on The US Is Considering a TP-Link Router Ban—Should You Worry? 1 week ago:
It looks just like the Tik Tok ban to me. Racist/Nationalist nonsense that doesn’t solve the actual underlying problem, which is lack of regulation in the US
- Comment on The US Is Considering a TP-Link Router Ban—Should You Worry? 1 week ago:
“the single greatest insider threat risk the Bureau of the Fiscal Service has ever faced.”
- Comment on When it's driving you crazy because you can't open the window 3 weeks ago:
Cropping a farside comic to poorly remove the signature is a new level of shitpost lol
- Comment on Autoplay videos are cancer to me 3 weeks ago:
I don’t know what app they’re from, but I’ve definitely been sent videos that are the way you described
- Comment on Morning Blast 1 month ago:
Working from home, I regularly clock in on the toilet
- Comment on Palworld Lawsuit 1 month ago:
Every game borrows from other games’ ideas and mechanics
It’s not only games, this is just straight-up how art works. Culture develops over time. Of course capitalism had to get a middleman in there lol
- Comment on AI-generated phishing emails are getting very good at targeting executives 1 month ago:
Yes, a pleb that clicked a link that brought the org to an expensive screeching halt for weeks, would have been fired
- Comment on Le Reddit Army is Here 1 month ago:
Now that’s an unpopular opinion
- Comment on If you begin the Voyager episode "Spirit Folk" at exactly 11:49:35 on New Year's eve, Ensign Harry Kim will kiss a cow as the clock strikes midnight. 2 months ago:
You could try it at 11:49.35 tonight, and report back
- Comment on What do people (as in, IRL) actually think of the [alleged] perpetrator involved in the NYC shooting? 2 months ago:
All my IRL friends have been sharing the same memes we see here
- Comment on FBI recommends coming up with a 'secret word or phrase' to make sure your family know you're you and not some hellish AI copycat 2 months ago:
Saying the same thing over and over again in different conversations would be super useful if your goal is to train an AI to listen to calls
- Comment on don't be a coward 2 months ago:
Cytoverse too
- Comment on He may be a cat, but he's also a dawg 3 months ago:
I think that must have been what the person that suggested the name wanted lol
- Comment on KING COLEOPTERA 3 months ago:
It definitely feels like “neurotypical,” at the very least, isn’t the extreme majority it’s made out to be
- Comment on The amount of people your age is only going down with time. 3 months ago:
I was thinking the same thing, like, “Only because we aren’t traveling the stars yet.”
- Comment on Live Long and Prosper... with aliens 3 months ago:
Now that’s boldly going
- Comment on Academic papers yanked after authors found to have used unlicensed software 3 months ago:
Don’t underestimate the power of executives to make really dumb choices. My company decided we’d create our own ticketing system this year, and now my Firefox tab consumes multiple gigabytes of ram…
- Comment on Serving as the POTUS as a Non-Medical Intervention for Preventing Cognitive Decline in the Elderly (N=2) 4 months ago:
…the difference was determined to be insignificant…
These findings suggest that being elected the President of the United States may be a viable strategy for mitigating cognitive decline among older adults.
That feels like a bit of a jump
- Comment on "You'll end up in a van down by the river" if you do drugs, don't go to college, etc. advice never includes the warning: "Don't suffer major Depression that gives you complete apathy for existence." 4 months ago:
You have a big paper due on Monday? Don’t smoke until it’s done, because you won’t get more creative, you’ll just not do it.
I actually love writing while high. Everything flows so much more easily for me, and I make connections I might not otherwise. It’s great when I’m having trouble just getting words on the page. It does usually require an extra passover in editing though lol
- Comment on Preview ‘Star Trek: Lower Decks’ Season 5 Premiere With New Images From “Dos Cerritos” 4 months ago:
Yo it’s this Thursday??? And I knew it was about time we got a duplicate ship episode! Lol
- Comment on TikTok owner ByteDance sacks intern for sabotaging AI project 4 months ago:
The university I went to told us not to bother with unpaid internships, because it’s just a sign the company doesn’t care about you. Paid internships pretty much always still give college credit.
- Comment on Nacelle Reveals First Eight Star Trek Action Figures at NYCC... With Plenty of Character Surprises! 4 months ago:
Yoooo we can actually get Boimler’s Mirror Archer figure!
- Comment on Its a lot easier these looking at a beautiful person these days and not feeling a bit of jealousy know there is a decent chance they would vote for fascism. 4 months ago:
I don’t think Trump and his ilk are known for being attractive
- Comment on The ghost of StarCraft: Ghost endures as a new shooter set in the RTS universe is in the works at Blizzard 5 months ago:
It looks like easy co-op fun though. I love Gears of War co-op, just because it’s super easy to get into with a couple of friends.
- Comment on Your stupid decal finally makes sense! 5 months ago:
Do you see people with the Unsalted decals as well? There are a ton of those here in Michigan, with the same font, and I’ve seen them in surrounding states as well. Maybe the areas on the border should get Brackish stickers lol
- Comment on Steam does the opposite of forcing Arbitration on its users 5 months ago:
It really feels like we’re peasants, gathered by the fire, gossiping fearfully about the prospect of a succession war
- Comment on I always get them confused. 5 months ago:
There’s a lot of science fiction where the rules of the world are defined by the author. I think the difference is that the foundation of science fiction is on what the world is, both literally, and metaphorically, while the foundation of fantasy lies upon what the world could be, hence the name fantasy
- Comment on Netanyahu considering mass clearance of northern Gaza, Israeli media reports 5 months ago:
Genocide is much broader than just killing everyone
- Comment on Oxygen 5 months ago:
The sun is actually a sad FAILED star! SMALL! When you look at the stars I look at Big stars strong stars. The sun is Nothing! Crooked Mercury props it up! That’s why Mercury lops so bad now. Sad. The other stars they want toake our sun into one of those shithole stars. BLACK HOLES!! Not me though I love the Sun ask anyone. No one can take care of the sun like me. We’re practically the same color
- Comment on Oxygen 5 months ago:
Not quite as catchy as the original