Most meat alternatives like impossible burgers are bullshit.
Ultra processed shit food.
There’s a lot of good vegan food that doesn’t pretend to be burgers, ribs or anything else besides what is it.
Plus who fucks an animal before you eat it?
Submitted 8 months ago by to [deleted]
Most meat alternatives like impossible burgers are bullshit.
Ultra processed shit food.
There’s a lot of good vegan food that doesn’t pretend to be burgers, ribs or anything else besides what is it.
Plus who fucks an animal before you eat it?
If you’re looking for context, this is a shit post about my recent interactions with a certain community of vegans
Makes sense, I saw your instance and I had questions that I did not want to ask.
Mammals need to be pregnant to produce milk, so to get cow milk you have to impregnate a cow. That’s what they mean by rapist.
They only need to be pregnant once. The calf milk is different than normal milk and can not be sold. The stuff we drink is what happens after a calf is born but you never stop milking so the cow stays productive. I think you need to revisit mamal biology. Once the process of Milk production is started milk will be produced in most mammals till the long term cessation of mamary tisssue stimulation.
I’ve never had to impregnate a cow.
it’s not rape, it’s a veterinary procedure called artificial insemination and it’s safer than letting a bull mount them.
Plus who fucks an animal before you eat it?
Everyone eating dairy.
Cows are mammals. They produce milk for their calves, its not something that cows just naturally produce. So the dairy industry only exists from repeated forcible impregnation.
Everyone who drinks milk fucks cows?
Am I supposed to take you seriously right now?
forcible impregnation
Rape. You meant rape.
Impossible burgers cooked right on the skillet are pretty damn good, imo. And easy. I’m no vegetarian but we keep them in our weeknight rotation.
That’s fine, just remember they’re junk food and not the health food people seem to think they are.
Yea, but they also hate the lab grown stuff that’s being worked on which is so close to the real thing without all the killing and cruelty and stuff
Beyond burgers are literally right there lmao. You don’t need lab grown meat to stop supporting animal abuse, it’s a thinly veiled excuse to avoid having to change and grow as a person
Another frustrating thing about alternative meat burgers is they are often still using animal products…
Vegans need to downvote anyone that disagrees when them is proof their ideas cannot stand scrutiny. They do not relish in a debate of in any capacity. They don’t even have original ideas, it’s the same couple talking points because it’s ideology base. They call themselves converts but won’t accept it’s a religion.
You know what’s “funny”. Vegans DO fund not only alternatives but also meat subsidies with the taxes on vegan food. For meat to be as cheap as it is, a lot of tax money is going into the industry
Also, who says vegans don’t support these ventures and call people murderers at the same time. We can have both.
The screaming, raging, seething and antagonizing only serves to make people less receptive to such ventures.
Yeah same can be said of the military industrial complex. Welcome to lemmy, most people here hate the government
This is ironic because the argument concedes vegan ideology, it’s just attacks them for not doing more. At this point the carnists are not really arguing, they’re negotiating terms of surrender.
Most meat consumers already suspect vegans are right. We get aggravated because we’d rather ignore that question. And a vegan threatens to force the issue, even in our own mind. If you’ve ever wondered why vegans inspire automatic hostility, ridicule, and derision it’s because they threaten a carnists identity as a good person just by existing.
Nope. Vegans are fine. Veganist like you are religious nut jobs. You’ve created narratives and then act like anyone who doesn’t agree with you is the bad guy. Not unlike the far right or any other extremist group.
That feeling of your existence being a threat is the same feeling any other authoritarian feels.
anyone who doesn’t agree with you is the bad guy.
You seem a little defensive. Threatened even.
It’s your own conscience calling you the bad guy, dipshit. Stop projecting.
I came up with an idea recently so I just have to ask: are you a false flag? Your behavior doesn’t serve to make anyone more open to your position. In fact, it serves the exact opposite purpose. So, really, are you a false flag trying to make people less receptive to veganism as a whole or what?
Yep, we’re from the meat lobby and we’re here to make sure nobody eats vegetables. Please don’t eat vegetables, it’ll be so bad for shareholder value!
The best thing for a vegan to do is to keep being a vegan. Seriously, just keep on doing it.
It doesn’t mean evangelise, it doesn’t mean denigrate, it means just carry on doing what works for you.
If you’re insulting other folks, or trying to push a lifestyle, odds are folks don’t dislike you because you’re vegan.
Sorry, best thing for a vegan to do in order to do what?
You have no right to sacrifice victims for your life style for their body and their secretions
Your fist swinging stops the moment it touches the nose of an animal.
wow, someone felt targeted!
I’m not a vegan (yet) but I have a lot of respect for those who are. I would love to see some developments of cruelty-free lab grown meat and just hope it won’t be full of shit.
Nooooo, because shame and insults are clearly the best ways to get people to switch over to your ideology. /s
It worked on me. I went vegan because I was ashamed of eating meat.
so if i and enough other people think your a fool and deride you long enough because you got peer pressured and bullied into making your dietary decisions youll switch back to eating meat ?
Why /s
Former vegan, long term vegetarian; I don’t even like telling people I am a vegetarian because of the agresive ones.
If you want a meat alternative try black bean burgers or falafel. Both are solid options.
I have removed way too many posts for incivility, so I will be locking this thread and going through it to remove the rest.
Just because you feel strongly about a subject does not give you reason to break rule 1.
Bunch of triggered meat flakes 🤡
This comment section gonna be spicy~
Tbh I kinda agree with you, calling someone a murderer or rapist for eating meat is overboard; however the biggest issue I have is the pretentious and self-righteous attitude that vegans have. Like, cool, you don’t eat meat, good for you! I agree that commercially raised farm animals are often abused, and that even animals raised by small, private farms don’t always get to lead their best lives.^1 At the same time though, you’re not making your cause look good.
Yes, I might honestly be a better person if I stop eating meat, dairy and buying any form of animal product; but I’m also gonna be associated with assholes with overinflated egos. I’m distanced enough from the slaughter that the overinflated ego is more of a turnoff than the slaughtering of animals.
Is that how it should be? No, but that’s how humans usually work. The object perceived to be closer is a higher priority than the object perceived to be further away. Animal slaughter is perceived as being further away than being associated with assholes, so the fear of being associated with assholes is a greater “threat” than the inhumane treatment of animals.
Be a vegan if you want, or don’t. You’re honestly probably a better, healthier person if you’re vegan (though you probably have your head up your ass about it), because your diet and spending habits are less likely to contribute to climate change, animal cruelty, and because you have to be conscious about what you eat, your food is likely healthier.
Just… Don’t be an ass about it, dude.
Instead of accusing people of being “carnists”, talk about a good (totally-not-vegan) dish you had recently. Instead of accusing people of murder, talk about the pros and cons of real leather vs faux leather.^2 Instead of telling people they’re animal rapists, talk about new sources of cow’s milk.
I swear I recently read about a technically vegan blue cheese that won and then got disqualified from a cheese competition because the milk it was made from was technically synthetic cow’s milk that had been derived from fungi or something. Talk about that shit. That is pretty fucking cool. Fungus milk that’s virtually identical to cow’s milk? That’s awesome!
Meat eating and the damage it causes is far off in most people’s rear-view mirrors, and many people don’t know or don’t have time to find ways of getting off the meat highway. They don’t know about alternatives or up-and-coming technologies related to meat substitutes. Being an ass is only going to turn people away; if you really care, then you’ll understand that you have to take people’s hands and take baby steps with them. And no, you can’t get angry when they mess up. You’re helping a baby to walk, if you get angry then they’ll just get angry, demoralized, frustrated with you or themselves, or something else, and you risk them giving up. If you actually care though, then you don’t want them to give up, and that means you have to grit your teeth and bear it when they complain about how something sucks or admit they have a “guilty pleasure” like dairy ice cream.
Some additional notes:
^1 imo meat should only be harvested from animals that have died from age-related causes. “But the meat will be too tough!” Yeah? Hispanic people figured out how to deal with that a long time ago. Make fajitas! I still eat meat anyway though, despite knowing they’re slaughtered and don’t die of old age.
^2 when it comes to leather, my experience is that natural leather lasts a lot longer than faux leather, and faux leather tends to use plastics. Additionally, I’ve heard that while “leather is a byproduct of the meat industry” is mostly a myth, it’s my understanding that there are “ethical” ways of getting leather, e.g. by taking cast-offs that’d normally be trashed, leather harvested from animals that have died from old age; you just have to be very conscious about where you’re buying leather from. I’d be curious if anyone knows about any non-petroleum-based faux or lab-grown leathers. I mean, it’s literally just skin, how hard can it really be to grow that in a lab?
I love being an annoying vegan because it was annoying vegans who made me go vegan. I was once like you, I knew the animal ag industry was fucked, but I still liked eating meat and dairy. Then eventually the cognitive dissonance caught up to me and I realised that enjoying meat and dairy wasn’t a good enough excuse to support a cruel industry that is quite literally destroying the planet.
At least you’re not in denial about what you’re supporting and you’re not spreading misinformation. I’m chill with that, but I think you’re wrong about what’s effective at converting people to veganism.
PS: people make pineapple and cactus leathers nowadays, I’ve heard of a mushroom based one, too. Not sure on how the durability and longevity compares just yet but it seems pretty tough so far. Also not sure on the processes involved and how ‘clean’ they are.
How come you’re so opposed to the concept of, like, self-esteem that you think it’s worse than death? Like, someone having high self esteem is a worse thing in your emotions than something dying. Why is pride worse than death to you?
I honestly wish people as irritating as you had their own instance so I could just block it outright without the extra work.
Bye! 💜
Says the same group of people who follow vegans to the ends of the earth to argue against their philosophy of treating others better
Did you bother to read my comments in the relevant thread or are you speaking from a position of omnipotence?
I read the first in the list and got what’s continued in this thread to appear to be a perfectly accurate read.
Can’t help but notice the sudden influx of downvotes for any comment that isn’t making the claim that all farmers fuck cows. It’s almost like some kind of brigade.
I already apologized to the mods. I’ve been watching the vote counters fluctuate. I’m really sorry the nice people from shitpost are having to deal with this I just wanted a funny post.
do you think .world admins care?
Honestly no they are pretty lax but feel free to ask them
As someone who was successfully converted to veganism I’m not going to take your shitty cow raping, carnist ass, stanky opinions on how to convert people. Go on, chuck a few slices of bacon in the pan for me.
vegans are insufferable to animal abusers the way environmentalists are insufferable to climate change deniers
no one likes animal abuse
I will. I plan on enjoying it. I hope you recognize that I’m doing this at your behest, equivalent to you eating the meat. Have you ever considered that some people know where their meat comes from and know that it’s not being kept in horrible conditions? I don’t really care that it’s dying to feed me. Plants die to feed me too.
Obviously I’d prefer it if you didn’t eat animals but I’m actually chill with just being more mindful about what you support. If you’re going out of your way to try and minimise the harm you’re doing then that’s better than most people.
And at least you recognise the environmental harm. The only thing that really annoys me is people lying about these things.
There’s this great game on the internet called Half Earth Socialism. The idea is the earth has converted to a single socialist government, and you get to be dictator for life. Can you save the earth from climate change without losing popular support and being coup’ed?
A lot of people say they failed this game because it’s too hard. But I didn’t, I won on the first try. One of the biggest things I did in the game was make meat eating illegal. It was a really hard policy to push and I lost a lot of support with my constituents, I nearly got ousted. But then pollution started going down, temperature slowed its rise, extinction went down, biodiversity went up, and everyone was happier. Within a few years my approval rating was back up and then some. I also banned cars and it was the same effect.
What I’m saying is your meat should be illegal.
no one is raping cows
So you’re saying the cows in farms all consent to being impregnated by a farmer’s fist up their vagina? How? How do cows consent to sex?
Let me ask you this: where do you stand on sheering sheep?
I didn’t choose to ignore anything. I just have a life outside of being an annoying vegan.
You already knew what I was going to say, though. I’m personally against wool products because they breed sheep specifically to grow unhealthy amounts of wool and once the few good coats they have in them are gone they send them off to be killed for food anyway.
Sheep can also be mistreated during the shearing process, and since shearers are often paid per sheep they’re incentivised to rush through them.
I’m not going to use the word rape here since I don’t think it applies.
Have I activated any trap cards?
I think one should only be allowed to shear sheep if they’re either not breeding their sheep, or breeding them to produce more manageable coats like in the wild. Ideally our sheep population would be much lower and the animals would naturally be healthy. So people should only be allowed to extract labour value from their sheep if they’re working to reduce exploitation.
By eating meat, I save vefan’s food from going extinct.
Still wish to see more of a rise of kangatarianism. Basically, starts in Australia, where the land has an overpopulation of kangaroos. You only eat their meat, helping the ecosystem equalize. There are similar species in America that we have way too many of in the wild.
To be clear, this practice couldn’t sustain for decades of popularity, but it would mean people don’t have to give up meat as a whole, while we continue to research tastier alternatives.
Whoever said that is probably a murderer and a rapist.
Surely this has nothing to do with calling people murderers and rapists…
I’m not the one calling people murderers and rapists
I mean honestly, I think it’s way less cruel than letting it grow up in a feed lot and then forcing it through the slaughterhouse.
Do not rape your meat
Stop me. 8 months ago
but… they do fund the meat alternatives. thry literally pay money for that shit? I guess thst’s ehy it’s a shitpost 8 months ago
I’m not even a vegetarian and I’ve heard way more meat eaters fucking constantly bitching about vegans than I’ve ever heard vegans being annoying about it.
Just feels like whiny baby bullshit honestly. 8 months ago
Tbf, there are way more non-vegans than there are vegans. I feel like this should be expected to an extent. 8 months ago
Your comment actually made me wonder if the Lemmy community’s vegan/vegetarian communities are better, and I need to look it up!
The reddit ones seem very hostile when I tried to participate as a person who eats meat but mostly has a vegetarian diet (and my wife is fully vegetarian) 8 months ago
They’re overpaying for them. Which them makes companies calculate “we could sell a lot of product at small profit margins to the general vegetarian and flexi public” vs. “we could not invest in production capacity and charge affluent urban vegans and arm and a leg” and guess what they’re going for.
The reason why there’s tons of almond etc. milks costing 3-4 times as much per litre as actual milk is not because of subsidies. It’s because vegans are stupid enough to buy 20 cents of ingredients for that price. 8 months ago
You should open an almond milk store, undercut the big boys, and make a fortune.