- Comment on Since Peanuts are legumes that are nut-like, it would be more accurate if they were named Nutpeas. 22 hours ago:
It’s strange how many people are eager to discover the “true name” of things. IDK if that’s the influence of Rumpelstiltskin, D&D, or just vestigial old-European superstition.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 days ago:
No, the whole idea of copying consciousness depends on “dualism” or the concept that mind and body are separate. This is no different than the concept of a “soul”. And it will never be reified outside science fiction and religion.
- Comment on There Is No AI Revolution 4 days ago:
The money in AI is going to be the wages of the people it replaces. Those tech billionaires call it a revolution because getting labor without wages is the promised land for cunt billionaires.
The AI revolution is here because that’s what the owners want. If you think they’ll wait until the AI is as good as humans to replace humans I’ll point out that self-checkout already exists.
- Comment on Watch: A real-life flying car takes to the skies 5 days ago:
the safety of the actual car is good enough for consumers
This is a revealing statement.
- Comment on anti-evolutionism 5 days ago:
Yea, I started to get suspicious when he called Hegel a fool and a fraud.
The ironic part is that the author himself relies on definitions to make his point. He slyly asserts that “social constructs” are “made up” and therefore should and can be ignored like Mr. Snuffleupagus. Of course, I doubt that the author would claim that there are no social differences between a black woman and black man, because that would expose his argument for what it is.
He writes to say: There is no essence in these identities, therefore we can ignore them, therefore I don’t see race!
- Comment on Psychology 5 days ago:
I’m not a Scientologist, I am suspicious of psychology because I know it’s history. Sociology never suggested stabbing someone in the eye with an icepick, or create a psychosexualsatanic fantasy that gets innocent people put in prison. Economics never spearheaded a forced sterilization movement.
But their so much better today with the pseudoscience of IQ or the land of make-believe called evolutionary psychology.
- Comment on why do some straight people deny their loved ones’ homosexuality? (keyword: SOME) 5 days ago:
Tell him he should smile more.
- Comment on anti-evolutionism 5 days ago:
If you’re going to get rid of essentialism, you’re going to have take on bigger fish than creationists. Because the problem of essentialism is not that it objectifies everything, it’s that it refuses to understand the difference between language and ideas.
The worst essentialists are called structuralists or logocentrics. This kind of thinking is dominant in Western Philosophy and it infects the minds of people you probably respect, progressives like Noam Chomsky and reactionaries like Christopher Hitchens.
Essentialism is like capitalism. It’s in the air we breath and the water we drink. It’s so accepted and conventional that people will assume your a fool for describing or criticizing it.
- Comment on I thought he died before they invented baseball 5 days ago:
Jesus’ idea of running a universe is like Elon’s ideas about running a company.
He even did a flood once to drown all the DEI.
- Comment on I thought he died before they invented baseball 5 days ago:
On his knees.
- Comment on A monolithic and ruthless conspiracy: What was John F. Kennedy referring to? 5 days ago:
He’s talking about the Soviet Union. This would have been clear to anyone at the time. Conspiracy just means more than one person working together.
- Comment on smort 6 days ago:
I’m just going to point out the irony of using this meme format to make that point.
- Comment on smort 6 days ago:
If debating intelligence is waste of time, imagine what a “shit show” trying to measure it must be. This is the central point: measuring intelligence is just as foolish as measuring beauty or charm.
The problem is that this isn’t just a debate on the internet. Your IQ score can still literally be the difference between life and death in the US legal system. So it’s pretty important to let people know it’s pseudoscience from eugenicists that, by the way, doesn’t work!
- Comment on ‘The tyranny of apps’: those without smartphones are unfairly penalised, say campaigners 6 days ago:
There should be a warning label on any establishment or product that requires a smartphone to use.
- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 1 week ago:
Even little babies know the difference between mommy and daddy. The shift in attitude that’s required to reform transphobia (I know) means digging into the basement of how you think of yourself and the people you love. This is threatening, it’s scary.
For the conservative, a trans person should not exist. It contradicts the ‘natural’ hierarchy or is a rebellion against God. So their must be an alternative motive: sexual perversion. So you connect the dots between “scary” and “sexually deviant” and pedophile is the natural result.
Calling a trans person a sexual threat soothes the dissonance by shifting the identity “trans” into something where the repulsion and fear make sense. Pedophilia is a box where you can put people whom you fear and hate them actively without the need to examine your own motivations or ever, ever have to look at it from a trans perspective.
- Comment on ACAB, no exceptions 1 week ago:
You never see cats working with the police.
- Comment on Far to many people think that Jesus from the Bible was light skinned, even though he grew up in what we call the Middle East. 1 week ago:
The best argument for Jesus’ existence comes from Christopher Hitchens.
It goes like this: We know the nativity story is made up because of the census. There was a census near the time, but it was after Harrod’s death and cannot fit the story. But why fabricate the nativity? Probably because Jesus of Nazareth is supposed to be born in the “city of David”: Bethlehem. So then, if Jesus was invented whole cloth, why not make him Jesus of Bethlehem and save the aggravation?
- Comment on In the 1985 movie Teen Wolf, when Scott Howard turned into a teen wolf, would he have had a human penis or a wolf penis? 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
There are computers made bespoke for Amish people. It’s basically just a desktop loaded with a word processor and a spreadsheet program. You could easily cook up something like this with a Linux distro and an older laptop. Maybe even a Chromebook.
I think your kinda shooting yourself in the foot by fucking with Reddit, YouTube, and Facebook. Those things run on dopamine.
- Comment on OSHA is woke 2 weeks ago:
OSHA did 911.
Think about it. We know that the buildings were destroyed in a controlled demo. The whole point of a controlled demo is safety. What kind of a diabolical organization would murder 3,000 people using the best safety practices???!!!
- Comment on Online algorithms could help save the planet with just a few small tweaks. 2 weeks ago:
There is no market solution to capitalism. Something, something, tools of the master.
- Comment on Chinese EV leader BYD to offer ‘God’s Eye’ self-driving system on all models 2 weeks ago:
“Gods eye” view is a common idiom for a third person perspective. That’s probably what they’re referencing.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
“Cannot speak for my intentions” is gas-lighting. Of course mind reading isn’t a thing, but It’s perfectly reasonable to infer intention from action. If not, serious crimes like murder would be impossible to prove.
There are people in by life that have difficulty telling the difference between something that can’t be known with precision, and something so mysterious that any explanation is as good as any other. Some people are vulnerable to this kind of thinking.
- Comment on YSK: Charles Lindbergh Pushed Anti-Semitic Conspiracies As Part of the America First Campaign 2 weeks ago:
I think it’s been a minute since Lindbergh was anybody’s hero. However, before anyone defends him as a “product of his time”, antisemitism and racism may have been more socially acceptable, but everyone knew, or should have known it was wrong.
There was never any time in history where “nobody knew” oppression was wrong. The oppressed always know, but nobody listens to them for some reason. And the oppressors imply knowledge of their wickedness when they spend so much effort making cringe arguments that it’s a virtue instead.
What we should highlight is the fact that being a bigot cost Lindbergh, not just his legacy. It made him foolish enough to swallow bad-faith bullshit and get on the bandwagon with a circus of pigs. Racism makes fools of smart people.
- Comment on The parable of the "Good Samaritan" is an ancient example of Israeli racism / bigotry 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on The Cybertruck Appears to Be More Deadly Than the Infamous Ford Pinto, According to a New Analysis 2 weeks ago:
I love Elon Bad posts, but I think it’s worthwhile to examine why Elon bad in this case.
Like many reactionaries, Elon’s business philosophy is pure tech-bro-libertarianism. And like all libertarians, he’s stuck in the neoliberal mindset of less regulation (don’t scrutinize) and more efficiency (let me be cheap), in order to create the safe space that industrialists need to
extract, er create.He’s literally said things like (paraphrasing)
When I see a specification for three bolts I ask: why can’t we do it with two?
His transparent reasoning is that if he’s allowed to cut corners, he’ll save money today and consequences can be dealt with when they arise.
He’s following the software model of release a minimally viable product and patch it later. Only instead of user frustration at being beta testers, you fucking die maybe.
- Comment on When will we have auto turrets mounted on plane engines to stop birdstrikes? 2 weeks ago:
The intake of a jet engine can kill birds a dozen at a time. The exhaust can drive them extinct. A turret would be just showing off.
- Comment on what if another country staged a coup in the US and deposed trump? 3 weeks ago:
A foreign country can’t stage a coup, only foment one. If your looking for expertise, there are a bunch of CIA guys about to be unemployed.
- Comment on Why was Hitler so mean and hateful toward one group or another? I find it hard to believe he woke up one day and said you and you suck but these people over here are good. Taking it so far as killing? 3 weeks ago:
IIRC during the third Crusade, the Christians slaughtered 60,000 Jewish people before they even got out of Germany. The beef goes way back.
Some people will say the origin is Christ’s death. But even reading that story it’s clear that Europeans and Israelites weren’t on good terms then either.
It’s hard to find a “cause” for a belief that isn’t rational.
- Comment on idijt 3 weeks ago:
Nothing is more on brand than a language pedant making grammar mistakes. What do you expect of person who thinks memorizing rules is the hallmark of intelligence?