- Comment on Why's everyone freaking out about Firefox Terms of Service? Isn't it Open Source? 1 week ago:
Why not? Or at least if people are choosing a browser they might not see the benefits of Firefox and just see that chromium is more spread and thus more compatible and “user friendly” (whatever that means). If Firefox isn’t better than chrome, why not switch over to the bigger one…(?)
- Comment on This community has given me bean brain. 5 months ago:
As that vegan: thank you for trying :)
- Comment on X ordered to pay $600K to fired employee who didn’t click 'yes' on email ultimatum 6 months ago:
you know what I always stan for? “former Twitter”. I just love that shit! I hope it always stays like this to show that the rebranding didn’T work
- Comment on In a story, should the villain have the same skin color as the hero so that the story isn't called woke or racist? 6 months ago:
Maybe we don’t care about right-wing comments?
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
Talk to them and react to their communication.
The biggest turn-on for any person is being taken serious and actively seeking consent.
That’s it. That’s the general advice.
- Comment on Fortnite Players Band Together to Pick on In-Game Tesla Cybertrucks: 'Destroy on Sight' - IGN 7 months ago:
Based kids
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
not sure? I got one superlike to use for free a week. is that a regional thing? i have never paid for OkC in my life.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
I’m holding the torch for OkCupid. I’ve met my SOs there. Many queer folk, leftists, likes work reasonably well and you even get free “superlikes” once a week. Messages are free, likes are free.
- Comment on J.K. Rowling Blasts “Gender Taliban” David Tennant After ‘Harry Potter’ Actor Said “Whinging” Trans Critics Are On “Wrong Side Of History” 8 months ago:
So much Love for David Tennant<3
- Comment on non vegan pizza time 8 months ago:
You know what’s “funny”. Vegans DO fund not only alternatives but also meat subsidies with the taxes on vegan food. For meat to be as cheap as it is, a lot of tax money is going into the industry
- Comment on Nearly all Nintendo 64 games can now be recompiled into native PC ports to add proper ray tracing, ultrawide, high FPS, and more 9 months ago:
so. For dumb people like me (or just for me to be clear), how do I play those games? i watched the video and read the site. there’s a link to the MM gamefiles on GitHub, but the video said you still need the ROMs? or this RT64? I’m old and apparently at some point, you just lose tech savvyness… :( can I get a step-by-step?
- Comment on Has google stopped working for finding anything? 1 year ago:
yeah no. i am WILLING duckduckgo to work as a search engine, but the results are so bad, it doesn’t do phrases well. i just searched “blue sign construction”, thinking i’d find infos about blue signs in construction sites. literally the whole first site is about “bluesign”, something to do with textile production. and the picture results are 99% just construction signs in all different colours.
- Comment on 4202 g 1 year ago:
this chicken is probably less than 2 years old. chickens could live for 10years if they’d be left alone.
- Comment on Met arrests more than 60 climate activists at Just Stop Oil protest 1 year ago:
Hm “Anti-Protest Power”… Now if that were any other country, it would be an outcry about democracy being destroyed… The right to protest might be one of the most important pillars of democracy… :/
- Comment on How to tell a girl "I love You" without telling her "I love you"..... 1 year ago:
Tell her more words than those three. The three are important but also overused. Tell her what you feel when you’re together. Or what she does that is special to you. Or character traits you find amazing and why.
Show her that you actually see her.
- Comment on Long Haired Men, How Do You Take Care of Your Hair?? 1 year ago:
Jup. Q.E.D. I’m old
- Comment on Long Haired Men, How Do You Take Care of Your Hair?? 1 year ago:
Because in the 90s I was already 6-16 years old
- Comment on Long Haired Men, How Do You Take Care of Your Hair?? 1 year ago:
Welp… I’m old
- Comment on Long Haired Men, How Do You Take Care of Your Hair?? 1 year ago:
Hey. My hair was pretty long and very nice. Here’s my number one tip: don’t use anything. Normal shampoo, don’t wash too often. No blow-dry, no hard brushes or combs, use soft brushes. The receding hairline is just genetics. Yeah hats and ponytails make it a little faster, but everyone’s hairline will recede.
For getting the hair out of the way, I also used bandanas sometimes. my long hair dressing up as axl rose
- Comment on Does a food being like 'high in B6 vitamins' or whatever actually mean anything or make anyone feel tangibly different? 1 year ago:
The other issue is, just because the lab tested for high amounts of a vitamin does not mean that you will get those vitamins into your body. Most vitamins need a combination to actually get absorbed by your body or to not have an adverse effect. (Vitamin C needs iron, B vitamins often benefit from K, …) So, sometimes a food item with “low levels” of the vitamin will actually give your body more of it that something that just has vitams B crammed into it without anything to help your body digest it.
- Comment on Shoplifting an epidemic, says John Lewis boss 1 year ago:
Shopliferts of the world, unite and take over
- Comment on Is there validity in reading a post / text / etc, appreciating it, yet not feeling the urge to like it? 1 year ago:
I have no clue. I get shown “trending communities” with zero posts. “Hot” might also be by engagement? Like how many clicks the posts have? Literally no clue
- Comment on What are some alternatives to bars that stay open late for folks that don't drink alcohol? 1 year ago:
That’s 100% understandable. I don’t really “get” bars. So I don’t go. I don’t know what to do there. If I want to go out at night, I go to clubs, but they have some of the same issues with drunk people. Aside from that, I have hobbies to share with like-minded people. For example I go to an open couple dancing (Forró) event as often as I can.
- Comment on What are some alternatives to bars that stay open late for folks that don't drink alcohol? 1 year ago:
No I totally understand. It wasn’t meant as the best solution. Just a suggestion. I’m not a fan of bars myself tbh
- Comment on What are some alternatives to bars that stay open late for folks that don't drink alcohol? 1 year ago:
Have you considered going to a bar and drinking whatever you want?
- Comment on Is there validity in reading a post / text / etc, appreciating it, yet not feeling the urge to like it? 1 year ago:
I don’t even know if it makes that much of a difference on Lemmy. On Reddit, posts with many likes got pushed, but here… I don’t know. You don’t really collect likes here.
- Comment on What Are You Playing This Week? September 04, 2023 edition 1 year ago:
Hey. I’m still trying to finish star wars Jedi: fallen order (yes, the old one). Depending on who of my partners has time or wants to play, we’ll either be playing shift happens or trine4
- Comment on It's not just you — no one is posting on social media anymore 1 year ago:
yes. normal people getting paid to post that.
- Comment on It's not just you — no one is posting on social media anymore 1 year ago:
it’s interesting how many comments show that people like to read the headline and are content with that to form an opinion. literally the first paragraph says that it’s not “THERE ARE NO POSTS” but it says that the “feed is swamped by a combination of perfectly curated photos and professionally created content.” - the problem is that the paid content creators have become GOOD. so many of them really look like they are just opinions and casual mentions of movies/clothes/…things. viral marketing is really at a point where so many fronts that have been established have been broken down in the guise of “irony” or “sarcasm”. “I’m only buying the Barbie merch ironically” etc.
- Comment on It's not just you — no one is posting on social media anymore 1 year ago:
ah i guess that’s in the process of changing. you can see this happening right now. more right-wing memes, more “look at this cool movie/toy/outfit… i found. it’s really me, a normal human being just like you!”