- Comment on Jazz hands 4 months ago:
Well in that case all you’ve done is reinvent tempo but worse. Unless you vary the rate on the fly, which requires moving the counter and/or radioactive material on the fly. And then all you’ve done is create a very bad musical instrument.
- Comment on Jazz hands 4 months ago:
You can’t predict the next click, that’s what random means. This would never have gotten far enough to appear in front of an audience. They would have tried it at rehearsal and realised it was impossible.
- Comment on Jazz hands 4 months ago:
The third sentence makes it clear it’s fake
- Geiger counters aren’t rhythmic, they’re random
- How would the audience know the beat matches the counter?
- Random music doesn’t sound good, the audience would be more excited for good music
Disappointed in the people who believed this.
- Comment on c o e x i s t 4 months ago:
You can believe that Jesus Christ is the mortal incarnation of the Lord taken human form to forgive humanity’s sins, and still think Christianity is wrong. Christians worship Jesus. But Jesus is the name for the mortal body of the Lord. Jesus is an avatar. A physical representation of the divine essence. Worshipping Jesus is idolatry. Jesus is as much a physical object meant to represent the Lord as the golden calf was. And worshipping a statue of Jesus on the cross is double idolatry. You’re worshipping an idol of an idol.
Jesus was a Jew. And anyone who follows His teachings is also a Jew. Christians are heretics who abandon the teachings and values of Jesus by worshipping Him. If you want to follow Jesus, then listen to what He says, and worship the spark of the divine essence that exists within your own mind. Jesus said that YOUR faith can move mountains. You don’t get to do that by worshipping an idol. Christianity is not the way.
- Comment on THICC 4 months ago:
I don’t talk to you about otherkin and dragons because I think you’re stupid, I talk to you about otherkin and dragons because I thought you were interested in understanding my metaphysical views. I interpreted your statement that you were having trouble understanding my conversations with dragons as a request that I make my speech more approachable. I failed to anticipate that you wanted me to pretend you understood perfectly after you said you were struggling and continue to be opaque. If you want me to ignore you when you ask for help and speak in riddles instead, I can certainly accommodate that wish.
- Comment on THICC 4 months ago:
It’s not a joke. It’s just me dumbing down my spirituality to the level comprehensible by realists, because you said you were having trouble understanding it. Everything sounds dumb when you phrase it realistically, because reality is dumb.
- Comment on THICC 4 months ago:
I’m talking about joining otherkin discord servers and watching OSP videos.
- Comment on THICC 4 months ago:
IMO fixation on the noumenal, that the physical world is inaccessible, is a dead end.
My perception is the opposite. Being trapped inside one universe is the dead end. Abandoning the universe lets you experience a multiverse. You can use magic and meet fantastic creatures like dragons and gods. Traversing the mythic plane, the world between worlds, is the route to greater knowledge. I never showed down learning from this realisation. The pace just keeps accelerating.
- Comment on THICC 4 months ago:
That’s nonsense. You don’t need objectivity for all that. Subjectively, we did all that, and also subjectively we didn’t. If you’ll permit me to explain the subjective angle against all of that.
Yes, scientific medical advancements saved many lives. Before modern medicine, about half of all babies died. However, death is a social construct. There is no law writ upon the bones of the universe saying “life is real”. Life is just self-replicating compounds that humans decided to give a name. There’s no such thing as dead babies nor alive babies if you don’t buy in to the human construct of life. And yet, I choose to believe in life, and thus I am grateful to doctors for saving babies. A subjective gratefulness for a subjective saving.
Engineering and astrophysics put a man on the moon. Yet, masculinity and man-ness are social constructs. Neil is not a man because the universe decreed it, he’s a man because humans did. And the same goes for his humanity. Humanity is just a silly thing humans invented. I am not impressed that a man walked on the moon, because I don’t believe in men. Nor am I impressed a human did so. But I do choose to believe in people, and I choose to believe two people went to the moon. That’s why I’m grateful to science for its subjective achievement.
Computing and telecoms created the internet. But the internet isn’t real! You ever heard someone use the phrase “IRL”. It literally translates as “in real life”, and it refer to not the internet. The internet is fake. It’s a social construct. It is not imbued with any more inherent realness than the illusory physical plane. But I choose to believe in the internet, and I choose to be glad science made it. Even as assholes tell me to go touch grass because they think I use it too much, and a dose of the illusory physical plane ought to fix me.
Hope this explains why science is fake and good.
- Comment on THICC 4 months ago:
Reason offers no path to objective truth. Syllogism requires premises. Premises require axioms. Reason and logic cannot create knowledge ex nihilo. They can only create knowledge within an already extant framework.
Empiricism is equally flawed, for the ghost in the machine problem is bidirectional. Many philosophers have asked how a construct of information, such as the human mind, can control a construct of matter such as the body. But I ask the reverse question, how can information perceive matter? How can matter act upon information? As we can see from the difficulty babies and children have with perceiving the world, perception is a learned process. How do we know we’ve learned it correctly? How do we know we’re not just reproducing social biases? The answer is that we certainly know that our perception is indeed a reproduction of social bias. For example, our perception of other people as men or women is quite immediate to us. We notice it before we can name any details that lead us to this perception. Yet some people are nonbinary, and transphobes perceive others as male or female when it is untrue and they are both or neither. The symbols that make up our perception, our schemas, are indeed founded upon social bias. They are not the source of truth.
And am I to point out the flaws with mysticism as well? I’m sure you are already familiar with those.
Thus the only answer is to consciously choose our axioms and our schemas, with the aim of imagining into being a better world, or at least the tools to create one. We cannot do this if we chain ourselves to belief in the objective.
- Comment on THICC 4 months ago:
That’s right, it’s just my subjective opinion. Which I’m choosing to push on others because in my subjective universe, the belief in objectivity has been used as a justification for various genocides.
- Comment on Natural ecosystems 4 months ago:
I don’t think agricultural orgs are the ones talking about sustainable gardening.
- Comment on THICC 4 months ago:
Like 60% of internet speak, “thicc” did indeed originate with AAVE.
- Comment on THICC 4 months ago:
There’s no such thing as objectivity.
- Comment on What a prompt 4 months ago:
Actually Eldritch Blast is 1d10
- Comment on Prisencolinensinainciusol 4 months ago:
You left your SI in the link
- Comment on Can it get any more obvious 4 months ago:
Well it’s true. Watch this:
He was a boy, he was a boy.
Can I make it any more obvious?"If the lyrics was this, homophobes would be up in arms about it saying it brainwashes children into thinking the gay is normal. Truth is, the version that actually exists is brainwashing children into thinking the straight is normal, and furthermore that platonic relationships between members of opposite genders don’t exist.
- Comment on Can it get any more obvious 4 months ago:
If you don’t have good lyrics, do vocal or instrumental. Lyrics are not required.
- Comment on Can it get any more obvious 4 months ago:
It’s heteronormativity. It’s homophobic is what it is.
- Comment on 10 years 5 months ago:
To be fair Plato said that earth and water elements want to go down in order to be near the other earth and water. That’s his explanation for the phenomena of gravity. Newton’s explanation is rather less intuitive and requires an understanding of orbital mechanics.
- Comment on 10 years 5 months ago:
The only hard part is getting the atheists to actually believe in the FSM. You might have to ask them to keep a prayer journal.
- Comment on 10 years 5 months ago:
Here’s an idea science has yet to explore:
Bring in a bunch of atheists and give them a placebo painkiller that they know is a placebo. Then put their hands in ice water and record the pain response. Send the control group home, but ask the experimental group to believe as hard as they can in the Flying Spaghetti Monster for the next week. A week later, give everyone another placebo painkiller and another pain test. Hypothesis: intentional religiosity increases the strength of the placebo effect.
Faith might be like a muscle. And it might be possible to deliberately cultivate faith for beneficial purposes.
- Comment on Netherlands | The Hague becomes world’s first city to pass law banning fossil fuel-related ads 5 months ago:
Does this include cars and petrol? Gas heating systems and barbies? Please say yes
- Comment on Biology Class 5 months ago:
You left your SU in the link
- Comment on Look Closer 5 months ago:
- Comment on August 30th 2024. America adopts the metric system. Never forget. 5 months ago:
I’m never going to get used to twenty five hour times.
- Comment on 😳😳😳 5 months ago:
Okay but have you considered that watching Picard argue that slavery bad is fun as hell?
- Comment on Disco Clam 5 months ago:
Humans can mix channels to create an infinite variety of perceived colour through combination. We can even see pink, which doesn’t exist in the EM spectrum. It’s a colour that only exists in the minds of living beings.
Mantis shrimp brains are too simple to mix channels. They can only recognise the presence of absence of the 12 colours their eyes can see. While a mantis shrimp can see infrared, ultraviolet, and polarisation, a mantis shrimp will never know the beauty of blurple, electric lime, hot pink, or any of the thousands of other colours humans can see thanks to channel mixing.
- Comment on Lemmy being used as a source now 5 months ago:
It’s an individual tracking code that tells Google who generated the youtube link you click on. That way, they can see who you’re talking with on other websites.
- Comment on Lemmy being used as a source now 5 months ago:
You left your SI in the link