- Comment on John Oliver promoted alternatives to big tech in last night's episode, including Mastodon and Pixelfed 4 days ago:
Yeah, odd inclusion. Duckduckgo is indeed a search enginge, but it’s essentially just a front end for Bing.
- Comment on What's it called when a man steals women's selfies to use to create a fake online persona, and when people call him out on this, he says "I never said those photos are me"? 1 week ago:
The simple answer is catfishing, but this amount of time and effort dedicated to trying and be perceived as a woman seems like unrealized gender dysphoria. They probably need time to reflect on their motivations instead of stealing peoples identities.
Or perhaps they are just a power tripping jerk.
- Comment on White House Faith Office 2 weeks ago:
Remember, when someone asks “What would Jesus do?”
Going after all 4 cheeks is a valid response.
- Comment on White House Faith Office 2 weeks ago:
What she cites the bible for
Though she clarified that donations wouldn’t actually go to help those infected, White used medical imagery to add urgency to her fundraising plea during a pandemic. “Every single day we are a hospital to the sick, not necessarily the physically sick,” she said. “But we are a hospital for those who are soul sick, those who are spiritually sick.” White went on to suggest that contributors offer a $91 donation, citing Psalm 91, or “maybe $9 or whatever God tells you to do.”
What I cite the bible for
Matthew 21:12-13 Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. “It is written,” he said to them, “‘My house will be called a house of prayer,’ but you are making it ‘a den of robbers.’
- Comment on I'll take a liberal. Just 86 the tofu. 3 weeks ago:
Not all vegan cheese are equal, some are absolute garbage but many are delicious. Miyokos specifically is an amazing vegan mozzarella that I use for pizza all the time.
- Comment on Tesla pulls out all the stops as Cybertruck sales grind to a halt 3 weeks ago:
It’s that woke mind virus! Those infectious liberals have prevented true patriots from buying his shitty cars to proposely smash their fingers in the trunk.
- Comment on Elon Musk email to X staff: ‘we’re barely breaking even’ 5 weeks ago:
Oh no! I did not-zee see that coming.
My heart goes out to him. ✋
- Comment on Timberborn, releases a 2024 overview devlog featuring development milestone trailers, user map content winners, workshop highlights and more... 1 month ago:
Well neat! That’s exactly what I was hoping to hear! Thank ya, I’ll pick it up.
- Comment on Timberborn, releases a 2024 overview devlog featuring development milestone trailers, user map content winners, workshop highlights and more... 1 month ago:
I’ve been keeping my eye on it ever since I saw the super cute release trailer. How worthwhile is it? What games is it simmiliar to?
- Comment on Israel anger over ICC arrest warrants for Netanyahu, ex-minister 3 months ago:
I watched the documentary Israelism, which focuses on Jewish Americans, many who joined the IDF realizing how thoroughly they had been lied to when they were young. This concept was the main thesis of the film.
The state of Israel has intentionally, knowingly and openly made it so that being Jewish means to defend Israel. So much so that critics of Israel must either be “self hating Jews” who they themselves are being antisemitic. You’re right, the are devaluing the word for their own personal use and doing so in a very scary time. There are Nazi’s walking down the streets, vocal supporters praising Hitler and loud ACTUAL antisemitic threats calling for harm again those of the Jewish faith. And in this time, Israel still continues to devalue the word. It’s selfish and only has terrible results.
- Comment on Trump confirms plan to declare national emergency, use military for mass deportations 3 months ago:
There are dark days ahead.
- Comment on Warcraft Rumble, Blizzard's first new RTS in years, will finally shed its mobile shackles and come to PC in December 3 months ago:
Look I wouldn’t be excited for a Clash of Clans PC port, so why should I care about a knock off clone getting a port?
- Comment on Russian court fines Google $20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 3 months ago:
Google would therefore have to find more money than exists on Earth to pay Moscow
Well to be fair, I do think it’s plausible that one day Google will indeed control all the money in the world.
- Comment on Elon Musk Fans Are Losing So Much Money to Crypto Scams 3 months ago:
But they weren’t talking with Musk, of course.
- Comment on Has Dr. Strange ever given a diagnosis mid fight? 3 months ago:
Maybe. Who am I to judge?
- Comment on Bitwarden Makes Change To Address Recent Open-Source Concerns 3 months ago:
I’m nerdy enough to use bitwarden and lemmy. But not nerdy enough to truly understand this.
Can someone explain it like I’m 5?
- Comment on Horrors We've Unleashed 4 months ago:
We gave a mosquito gender dysphoria?
- Comment on Everybody who ever voted for trump is a cunt. 4 months ago:
“Democracy’s on the ballot”
You’re doing fake performative outrage about primary voters while Trump is literally saying he would end voting.
- Comment on Starfield's first DLC is one of the worst Bethesda and DLCs of all time 4 months ago:
I just finished playing it for the first time and I was blown away right from the start! Guess I’m glad I waited for the polish, but the world design, voice acting and overall storyline was absolutely fantastic. I couldn’t help feel bad for all the artists that clearly put a lot of love in to the world only to be overshadowed by bugs and poor implementation.
- Comment on Music was better when ugly people were allowed to make it 5 months ago:
Oh sure, everything new becomes old eventually, that’s just how time works. I’m more poking fun at those who let their nostalgia determine what is worthwhile.
- Comment on Music was better when ugly people were allowed to make it 5 months ago:
“music was better when…”
Any version of this makes the speaker sound suuuper old and butter. 😂
- Comment on If the Olympics and presidential elections only happen once every 4 years, why the hell are we not doing them on February 29th???? 5 months ago:
There are other people pointing out all the pratical reasons why this isn’t the case.
But I like the spirit and vibe of this idea, good shower thought.
- Comment on I've always wanted to see Seattle. 5 months ago:
Couldn’t agree more about the weather, I love the PNW “nice day” of cloudys, mist and fog. If you have time, go take a silly picture with the Fremont troll, it’s near Gasworks which is also a spectacular view.
- Comment on The Swapper; A neat little puzzle game from the mid 2010's, which was just yesterday and definitely not 10 years ago. 5 months ago:
Oh goodness that takes me back, I remember enjoying that one a long time ago. Super unique mechanics and puzzles but you’re right, on the shorter side.
Will absolutely second your recommendation.
- Comment on Do all there former Republican leaders endorsing Harris do her any good? 5 months ago:
Can’t hurt.
However I don’t really care what Republican leaders say at all, hopefully Republican voters probably do.
- Comment on Last day for Star Trek Day sale on Steam (Sept 8-15) 5 months ago:
Are any of these games worth caring about?
- Comment on Hasbro CEO Says AI Will Become Core Part of Dungeons & Dragons 5 months ago:
Well that’s dissapointing. You don’t want to discuss this, but act superior and name call.
- Comment on Hasbro CEO Says AI Will Become Core Part of Dungeons & Dragons 5 months ago:
In terms of human perspective with digital tools AI’s difference of scale is a difference of kind. Photoshop fundamentally didn’t change the process and concept of producing images. It’s still a human sitting down with tools and producing art based off their ideas and rendered with their skill.
But AI removes that human process, now a string of keywords will mash up existing art to make a facsimile of something unique. AI doesn’t make anything new, it fundamentally can’t, therefore not really art. All of human culture is standing on the shoulders of historical giants, you and I can have this conversation because of someone else inventing computers, which exist because of someone utilizing electricity, which was only possible by the wheel, etc.
However I don’t think there is much to gain in criticism of an artist buying their paints from a store just as there isn’t any in artists using a mouse. Their perspective, skill and talent will produce something new, inspired by others undoubtedly, but not copy pasting brushstrokes. That’s just high level plagerism and intrinsically not unique.
I mean this is all philosophy of existentialism, what IS art and when does it become something else? The artistsy of the writers, painters and editors is what produces a compelling end multi generational international product like DND. Which is different than an end user using AI to spice up a character sheet inside the privacy of their own home.
AI is a wonderful tool, but only if the end use doesn’t really matter. My players and I don’t care about 11 fingered elves, but I’d be pissed to see that in a book I paid $50+ for. Just as I would be upset to read flavor text that recruisve of past writing or game mechanics designed by a machine incapable of actually running a session. If you are charging for a product, human artistry should be involved, anything else is free so who cares.
- Comment on Hasbro CEO Says AI Will Become Core Part of Dungeons & Dragons 5 months ago:
“I’m probably more excited though about the playful elements of AI,” he said. “I play with probably 30 or 40 people regularly. There’s not a single person who doesn’t use AI somehow for either campaign development or character development or story ideas. That’s a clear signal that we need to be embracing it.”
So as a DM and Player, yes, there are uses for AI. Generating a good character portrait as opposed to scouring search engines is the obvious one. But I also had good useage with putting my loose outline in to AI story generators, while it only produced garbage cliches that I didn’t use. It was a good way to brainstorm and see different angles of my original idea.
Having said all that, I super duper don’t want AI to become a core part of DND/MTG, art in products should be ACTUAL art by ACTUAL artists. Not my 8 fingered free placeholder nonsense. I truly struggle to think of a good way that hasbro could be using AI that would help the game.
- Comment on Why are people on the internet (and Lemmy) so quick to say someone "deserves to die" 5 months ago:
There is a pretty decent chance I saw that on the day it was posted. I feel old. 😔