- Comment on Linux Mint 22 released: An attractive option for migrating away from Windows | Windows 11 system requirements block millions of PCs from upgrading, while Linux Mint continues to work on older hardware 7 months ago:
Power users probably just use hotkeys and type, Gnome is attractive and stays out of your way. That said - I like Plasma, too. That’s the fun of Linux, it’s so customisable to each person’s needs.
- Comment on Google Is the Only Search Engine That Works on Reddit Now Thanks to AI Deal 7 months ago:
I’ve been using it for a while and agree. At least I know how they’re making money off of me.
- Comment on Title 7 months ago:
The funniest part of this is that it didn’t have the one song I expected:
- Comment on You can see the motion too 7 months ago:
Neigh. The picture is only showing from the (human) wrist down. Horse legs and most (all?) mammal quadruped legs actually pretty closely resemble each other.
- Comment on Google's AI-powered search summaries use 10x more energy than a standard Google search | The Hidden Environmental Impact of AI 7 months ago:
You’re literally responding to an article criticising the power consumption of ai. What do you mean where are the people? They’re right here.
- Comment on caturday 8 months ago:
it’s time to make some
- Comment on Following raft of consumer complaints, Shein and Temu face early EU scrutiny of DSA compliance 8 months ago:
Probably, I don’t know much about Temu but its ads are all over instagram, it just sells stuff ridiculously cheap which is enough to make me highly suspect of whatever they’re doing. Shein is an online clothes store that uses essentially slave labor to make very cheap made to order clothes. It’s just basic capitalism race to the bottom stuff.
- Comment on Ironing 8 months ago:
I got into sewing so I do use an iron, but even then half the time I’m lazy and don’t even press my seams. I’m not very good at sewing as a result, but I have a good time all the same.
- Comment on Ironing 8 months ago:
you can do both if you just choose not to care about wrinkled clothes.
- Comment on Wasps 8 months ago:
I had a nest outside my bedroom windows for years once, it was just fun watching them do their thing.
- Comment on Wasps 8 months ago:
I’ve always been chill with wasps and never had a problem
- Comment on non vegan pizza time 8 months ago:
Obviously I’d prefer it if you didn’t eat animals but I’m actually chill with just being more mindful about what you support. If you’re going out of your way to try and minimise the harm you’re doing then that’s better than most people.
And at least you recognise the environmental harm. The only thing that really annoys me is people lying about these things.
- Comment on non vegan pizza time 8 months ago:
They might not like it but they sure do tolerate it happening to an animal they like the taste of and don’t actually have to see it themselves.
- Comment on non vegan pizza time 8 months ago:
I didn’t choose to ignore anything. I just have a life outside of being an annoying vegan.
You already knew what I was going to say, though. I’m personally against wool products because they breed sheep specifically to grow unhealthy amounts of wool and once the few good coats they have in them are gone they send them off to be killed for food anyway.
Sheep can also be mistreated during the shearing process, and since shearers are often paid per sheep they’re incentivised to rush through them.
I’m not going to use the word rape here since I don’t think it applies.
Have I activated any trap cards?
- Comment on non vegan pizza time 8 months ago:
Yeah, I used a metaphor to help explain how you can be found responsible for something even if you didn’t do the thing yourself.
- Comment on non vegan pizza time 8 months ago:
You realise that veal is often just the calves taken from dairy cows, right? If you drink milk you are already supporting veal. They’re killed anyway, it’s just the difference between them being discarded or being sold.
- Comment on non vegan pizza time 8 months ago:
Ok, so because you’re being needlessly pedantic here is the comparison.
I am not directly responsible for the wars and murders my government commits because of the reasons I stated above. But if they had a big bucket that said ‘put money in this big bucket to directly support the wars and murders of your government’ and I were to put money in of my own free will - then yes I would be directly responsible for those wars and murders.
If I do not put money in I am not directly responsible.
That’s the difference between paying taxes and buying a bottle of cow milk.
- Comment on non vegan pizza time 8 months ago:
You can’t really compare the two things. You have limited control over how your taxes are spent, you can vote on how you want them spent and protest the actions of your government, but outside of that it’s not up to you.
With milk, though, you are directly financing it by buying the product, and the product wouldn’t exist without those things happening. So you are in effect a ‘conspirator to cow rape’ since your demand incites the act.
- Comment on non vegan pizza time 8 months ago:
As someone who was successfully converted to veganism I’m not going to take your shitty cow raping, carnist ass, stanky opinions on how to convert people. Go on, chuck a few slices of bacon in the pan for me.
- Comment on non vegan pizza time 8 months ago:
It’s like if you pay a hitman to do some murders for you. Are you a murderer? I guess not technically, but ‘conspirator to commit murder’ doesn’t have the same ring to it. Thus we just opt for rapist, since you support an industry that annually rapes cows and kills their calves so that you can enjoy a tall glass of cow juice.
It’s ok if that’s what you want to do. No judgement here.
- Comment on non vegan pizza time 8 months ago:
I love being an annoying vegan because it was annoying vegans who made me go vegan. I was once like you, I knew the animal ag industry was fucked, but I still liked eating meat and dairy. Then eventually the cognitive dissonance caught up to me and I realised that enjoying meat and dairy wasn’t a good enough excuse to support a cruel industry that is quite literally destroying the planet.
At least you’re not in denial about what you’re supporting and you’re not spreading misinformation. I’m chill with that, but I think you’re wrong about what’s effective at converting people to veganism.
PS: people make pineapple and cactus leathers nowadays, I’ve heard of a mushroom based one, too. Not sure on how the durability and longevity compares just yet but it seems pretty tough so far. Also not sure on the processes involved and how ‘clean’ they are.
- Comment on non vegan pizza time 8 months ago:
Even if what you said was true (spoilers: it’s not and you’re making shit up, most dairy cows are impregnated once a year) your argument is that it’s ok because we only rape and kill the cows calf shortly after birth once.
It’s fine that you have shitty opinions, but stop spreading misinformation to support them. And definitely stop doing it while using big words to smugly pretend you’re smarter than other people.
- Comment on We need a larger one. Yes, for the last time. Pleeeeeeeeeease! 8 months ago:
it was about the hardons we collided along the way
- Comment on Qualcomm and Intel can't sell chips to Huawei anymore, report claims 9 months ago:
Yeah, just an off topic rhetorical jab, but I appreciate your answer. I guess it just bothers me when politicians hand wave about free markets when it’s obvious they have the power to make these sorts of changes. I wasn’t talking about Biden specifically either, I’m not even American.
- Comment on Qualcomm and Intel can't sell chips to Huawei anymore, report claims 9 months ago:
Why can’t they regulate capitalism when it comes to important shit.
- Comment on How you hanging in? 9 months ago:
I feel like this when I go to see my doctor and we exchange pleasantries on the way to their room.
“How are you today?” “Yeah, good” “So what can I help you with?” “crippling depression” “oh”
- Comment on You can't see him!!!! 9 months ago:
Lena Cena is pretty funny but these people sound insufferable.
- Comment on The Tech Baron Seeking to “Ethnically Cleanse” San Francisco 10 months ago:
This is pretty unhinged but I do kinda get a giggle imagining him and several other losers walking around in their grey Elon Musk shirts.
- Comment on The wild successes of Helldivers 2 and Baldur's Gate 3 send a clear message: Let devs cook 10 months ago:
There’s also titles where the Devs cooked and ended up spending too much time and resources and underdelivered on huge flops. See Daikatana or whatever kickstarter game is disappointing people at the moment. Making games is just difficult, let alone making something that everyone loves.
- Comment on Scientists warn Australians to prepare for megadroughts that last more than 20 years 10 months ago: