- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
not necessarily
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
the vegan society definition makes no mention of consent.
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
to be clear, it’s not constant.
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
you seem to go on the defensive for meat and dairy
your characterization is irrelevant to the truth of what I’ve said.
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
go comment on stuff you enjoy rather than getting riled up about this stuff
I don’t tell you what to do. kindly return the courtesy.
further, I’m not riled up but your screed indicates you might be.
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
The meat and dairy industries have lobbied hard for ag-gag laws criminalizing photography on their farms after abuses have been discovered by undercover investigators and activists.
and that’s bad
but it’s still not necessary to kick cattle for milk
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
Female mammals, including cows, produce milk as a result of pregnancy in order to feed their young.
they don’t have any volition in the matter. they produce milk. period. but they’re not constantly pregnant.
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
Doing so to a creature who can’t consent is pretty wack though
it’s a veterinary procedure
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
artificial insemination isn’t torture. cows aren’t kept constantly pregnant. kicking and beating cows isn’t part of husbandry. killing cows at the end of their useful life is fine.
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
nature doesn’t have intent
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
milking cows isn’t torture, but I’m pretty sure humans have a bigger carbon footprint than cattle
- Comment on Veganism is pro-fossil fuel 4 months ago:
eating meat is absolutely justifiable.
- Comment on Honey 4 months ago:
Care to elaborate?
poore-nemecek is bad science that misused LCA data and drew wild conclusions by, as i said, myopically distilling disparate studies with disparate methodology into discrete datapoints. we cannot rely on this methodology to understand the industry.
- Comment on Honey 4 months ago:
Given that 80% of all agricultural land is used to feed and raise animals
that’s not a given, though. about 93% of all soybeans are used by humans, but about 77% of the cropweight is fed to animals. how can this be reconciled? because we press about 85% of the soybeans for oil, and the byproduct is fed to animals. so we can’t say 77% of the land used to grow soybeans is used for animals. 93% is for humans. this myopic focus on distilling all facets of the industry into discrete datapoints fails to understand the system as a whole.
- Comment on Honey 4 months ago:
the goal of veganism is to reduce animal exploitation.
- Comment on Honey 4 months ago:
the vegan society definition makes no mention of consent at all, only exploitation
- Comment on Honey 4 months ago:
Beef and dairy? Causes huge amount of greenhouse gasses and with current methods of production, it is not sustainable
what makes you think this?
- Comment on Honey 4 months ago:
Eating animals and their secretions requires harming significantly more plants than eating the plants directly because animals need to be fed too,
and they are mostly fed parts of plants that people can’t or won’t eat. the same field that grows soybeans for human consumption is growing animal feed, it’s just different parts of the plant.
- Comment on Lemmy's gaining popularity, so I thought new people should see this. 4 months ago:
you are putting specific terminology in place of the words as written,and claiming it’s a clear connotation, when it is not
- Comment on Compulsory Meat In Schools Should Be Scrapped, Says Dale Vince 5 months ago:
no, it’s not.
- Comment on Compulsory Meat In Schools Should Be Scrapped, Says Dale Vince 5 months ago:
it would be if it caused the industry to pollute less or even just stop growing. it doesn’t.
- Comment on Scrap law making schools serve meat, says Labour donor Vince Dale 5 months ago:
why is your “update” over a decade old? how often are they released?
- Comment on Compulsory Meat In Schools Should Be Scrapped, Says Dale Vince 5 months ago:
ignoring corruption is gross. trying to distract from it with a whataboutism Is some degree worse
- Comment on We can post about feeding on them just not about feeding them 5 months ago:
stop wasting both of our time.
you’re free to not respond at any time.
- Comment on We can post about feeding on them just not about feeding them 5 months ago:
Approximately 0.01% of lemmy’s user base would conflate simple “use” with exploitation.
can you substantiate this?
- Comment on stop 5 months ago:
- Comment on We can post about feeding on them just not about feeding them 5 months ago:
I’m surprised you don’t have a better understanding of exploitation
you have no idea what my understanding is. that’s not the subject of our discussion. don’t make this personal.
we are discussing the vegan society’s understanding.
- Comment on We can post about feeding on them just not about feeding them 5 months ago:
the barest definition is a synonym of “use”. the vegan society could clear up this ambiguity but they have chosen not to do so, and there is no reason to assume they prefer a special definition of exploitation.
- Comment on We can post about feeding on them just not about feeding them 5 months ago:
The absence of exploitation is indicated through consent,
no, it’s not. it’s exploitation by the barest consent, like exploiting a fallow field or a forest. the definition of exploitation can by synonymously defined as “use”. using a corpse is exploiting it. using a corpse which has, with informed consent, been consigned for use is still exploitation.
- Comment on We can post about feeding on them just not about feeding them 5 months ago:
if the vegan society wants to create an additional carve-out for consensual exploitation in addition to its exceptions for practicability and possibility, it’s not as though they are unaware of these concepts. they have not done so, and there is no reason to believe they mean to do so.