It sounds like you need to tell a doctor what you’re telling us. Hopefully it’s just stress or lack of sleep, but these are serious symptoms. Don’t rely on Lemmings for a solution to this one.
Submitted 1 year ago by to
Comments 1 year ago
This sounds like my wife when her B12 gets low. She needs regular injections.
It honestly could be any number of things. You should go and see a doctor. 1 year ago
I also came here to suggest a B vitamin deficiency. It’s just a quick blood test to find out. Doctor is the way to go. 1 year ago
Long Covid gives me the same symptoms, feel like I’ve been living in a fog for 2 years now… 1 year ago
People are already saying ADHD which is great, but I don’t think ADHD alone would explain the problem developing ~1 year ago. Might you have long COVID? 1 year ago
This reads exactly like my symptoms that attribute to Covid. But that’s a self diagnosis. 1 year ago
It could be also be GAD or autism 1 year ago
It’s not COVID as I’ve been like this for as long as I can remember. Thanks for the suggestion though! 1 year ago
But if you are forgetful how far back can you remember? /s
Seriously though is this just Short term forgetfulness or do you have problems with long term memory too? Short term is probably something like ADD or something similar and could be easily managed with the right medication and life management techniques. Long term could be a bigger deal as it might have something to do with the transition of memory from short term to long term or storage of long term memory. Really you just need to see a doctor and maybe a specialist if you haven’t already. I know that sounds daunting but really it is going to be way easier in the long run. If you don’t have easy access to medical care. Get a friend/family member who is really good with organizing and have them help you search for and set up an appointment for some low cost health care. If you don’t have any idea how to do that DM me and I will give you some pointers I have had to do it a lot. 1 year ago
Have you considered seeing a doctor about possibly having ADHD or something related? 1 year ago
ADHD is definitely a possibility. I have it and can relate to those issues. However stress, anxiety and fatigue can also cause problems like this without there being an underlying condition like ADHD. Definitely agree on seeking professional help though, if that’s possible. 1 year ago
Yes, I meant to add that I intend to see a doctor soon. I just decided to ask Lemmy to see what people think in the meantime. 1 year ago
That’s adhd, bud. Go talk to a psychologist to be sure. 1 year ago
I often will dissociate when in a new work environment and it causes these symptoms. It will also feel like I’m not really the one moving my body, everything is far away/in a cave, and I’ll get incredibly startled by any person coming through a door or turning a corner. First time it happened at work when I was a teenager I sat in my car for 30 minutes after work because I didn’t think it would be safe to drive. It felt like I was intoxicated. 1 year ago
I struggle with similar symptoms regularly. For me the culprit is boring old anxiety. I know how to relax. I know I am not in danger. Anxious brain gonna do anxious brain stuff. Not saying this is your solution, but it sounds very close to my experience. Just like they say drowning doest look like it does in the movies, anxiety can present in many ways. Therapy is a really good thing. If you feel weird about that, I’d say (forgive the woo woo) just go for a walk every day for a week. Sounds like your brain needs a break. Love to you boss. Times tuff. 1 year ago
Seconding this. My anxiety behaves very similarly when I’m in stressful situations.
Not saying that is what OP has but sounds so similar. 1 year ago
Do you have ADD?
Cause this sounds like my ADD to be honest… 1 year ago
I’m ADHD (inattentive type, so just ADD I guess).
This all checks out. The audio processing disorder part is particularly frustrating. I can hear everything perfectly, but can’t focus on a person speaking because my brain will give equal attention to every other noise source around me. 1 year ago
I can hear everything perfectly, but can’t focus on a person speaking because my brain will give equal attention to every other noise source around me.
THAT’S A SYMPTOM OF ADD??? I did not know that! 1 year ago
Make an appointment with your general practitioner and get a referral to a neurologist. 1 year ago
Its a common symptom in autism. 1 year ago
Quick answer: talk to a medical professional—could be any myriad of things going on but seriously: cognitive changes are not best diagnosed by asking strangers on the least-used social media platform available. To reiterate: talk to a medical professional. 1 year ago
Carbon monoxide, or if your job exposes you to cleaning chemicals that could be improperly diluted regularly. If you haven’t considered diet and exercise that’s a thing. 1 year ago
Have your sleeping habits changed with the new job? If you’re not sleeping well regularly that could potentially be a cause. 1 year ago
if you judge a fish by how it climbs a tree it will live it’s whole life believing that it’s stupid.
It’s retail. Make as many mistakes as you need to. Allow yourself the space to make mistakes. You’re fine :). Idk if this helps. 1 year ago 1 year ago
It’s worth following up with a doctor about, especially if it suddenly started with no warning.
It could be indicative of something, or of nothing, and a doctor would be the best judge of that. 1 year ago
Have you been checked for sleep apnea?? Maybe ask for a sleep study! That could explain a lot of what’s going on 1 year ago
You might be exhausted, you might have ADHD. Thing is, I have ADHD and was really good in retail. So nobody can diagnose you over the internet. You could also be describing something like dyspraxia or a spectrum disorder. Or, as I say, tiredness. 1 year ago
Long COVID might be another bad possibility. Anyway, as everyone says, see a Dr. 1 year ago
Maybe some kind of neurodegenerative condition? 1 year ago
adhd 1 year ago
This is just suggestions. Im not an expert, but imo you can try not crucifice yourself too much. Talk with your parents , close friends and search for a psycholigist. This probably can help you and give you a possibility to feel more ““relax””. Nobody are perfect and we have different problems/struggles. I wish you all the best 1 year ago
Thank you very much! 1 year ago
every time i have any stress i become like this, also a bad case of butterfingers. i think it has to do with stress and add/adhd. 1 year ago
My dad had something similar. Could it be PTSD? My dad had it after finding one of his best friends dead. 1 year ago
If you are worried, a qualified medical practitioner is always more reliable than a web forum.
Insufficient or poor quality sleep can cause problems with attention and memory, and can exacerbate existing conditions.
Poor sleep could be caused by a medical condition (sleep apnoea), or psychological (stress). Often stress can be hard to identify, particularly if it’s long term stress.
Again, this might not be your problem, and finding the right doctor who actually listens to you is important. Don’t be afraid to try more than 1 doctor if the first makes you uncomfortable. 1 year ago
Have your hearing checked. See if you can get evaluated for possible ADHD or other condition. If you can; I know ow not everyone has access. 1 year ago
If this feels new rather than something you’ve always dealt with, please get evaluated by a doctor right away. Nobody on Lemmy can diagnose you over the Internet. 1 year ago
This isn’t new for me, I’ve always been like this. It’s just that it’s begun to cause me issues again since starting a new job. And yes I intend to see a doctor as soon as possible, but I’m just asking Lemmy in the meantime to see what people think 1 year ago
Do you have anxiety? I had a lot of these issues before I got on anxiety medication when I worked retail.
I think for me it was that my brain was too focused on anxiety and over thinking things that it wasn’t properly paying attention to the job and social aspects 1 year ago
Getting mental health conditions properly diagnosed in a clinical environment is absolutely not that simple. I am basing this off of more than a decade of going through the US mental health system at a high level of utilization. I am not saying that OP shouldn’t try to get a professional opinion, it can be valuable but its not the end all be all. People need to absolutely understand that a lot of the time the doctors are just guessing at what is wrong mental health wise and are subject to a lot of biases. Hearing what other people online have to say and self evaluating is absolutely still a valuable thing to do and dismissing op by saying “go to a doctor” is actually anti helpful. 1 year ago
Are you talking about general practitioners or psychiatrist? I think OP should go to a GP if these things aren’t normal, but since OP said they are, they should see a Psychiatrist / psychologist. It’s true, that this may not help depending on the doctor, but a psychiatrist can do real evaluations as to not “guess” and help fine-tune any depression/anxiety meds that are prescribed as to not keep a person on prescriptions that “aren’t actually helpful”. Some of it is guess work, yes, but if you treat for anxiety, try different meds, and it’s still not going away, then a good psychiatrist will suggest something else. This is coming from over a decade of moderate-use of the US mental healthcare system.
I want to point out that saying “you should see a doctor” should always be the first post on any psychological and/or physical problem post for the simple fact that some people do ask questions on the internet instead of seeing a doctor. This is not dismissive and does not prevent people from giving their non-medical opinions, but if someone follows someone’s advice on the internet instead of going to the doctor, this could be a life-and-death mistake.
Also, from what OP said in the original post, this could just as easily been a fairly serious medical condition. 1 year ago
Yea, this sounds serious enough to see a doc about. Particularly if it’s a new thing. 1 year ago
everyone knows this. not everyone has access to Proper Healthcare. surely a crowd sourced answer you can google to verify is better than nothing 1 year ago
The correct answer will always go to doctor.
I don’t really know what to say if there is no proper health care available, even my country (a developing country too) still have free health care.