- Comment on MIT Students Stole $25 Million In Seconds By Exploiting ETH Blockchain Bug, DOJ Says 9 months ago:
This is like saying they discovered how to pick a lock so deserve everything in whats locked by it.
- Comment on Why mathematics is set to be revolutionized by AI 9 months ago:
I haven't read this article, but the one place machine learning is really really good, is narrowing down a really big solution space where false negatives and false positives are cheap. Frankly, I'm not sure how you'd go about training an AI to solve math problems, but if you could figure that out, it sounds roughly like it would fit the bill. You just need human verification as the final step, with the understanding that humans will rule out like 90% of the tries, but if you only need one success that's fine. As a real world example machine learning is routinely used in astronomy to narrow down candidate stars or galaxies from potentially millions of options to like 200 that can then undergo human review.
- Comment on Why Are Rap*** & Ped** Protected In Jail? 9 months ago:
I suspect you are just a troll as others have said, but in the case you aren't;
It's been shown for all crimes, that degree of punishment doesn't really have much effect on deterrence. People tend to not know what the punishment for any given crime is, they tend to underestimate how likely they are to get caught, and when worrying about consequences they tend to worry about consequences they understand, like how their family or friends will react, not what living in prison for years will be like.
The justice system everywhere is fallible, protections for those in jail aren't only for the absolutely guilty, they are for the innocent who are incorrectly incarcerated.
Killing someone wont undue what they've done. As horrific as it is, the trauma inflicted on someone can't be undone. You are only putting more suffering into the world when you punish someone without tangible goals.
- Comment on ‘My whole library is wiped out’: what it means to own movies and TV in the age of streaming services 9 months ago:
Other comments are wrong, its complicated residual structures on tv/movies.
- Comment on Self-hosted website for posting web novel/fiction 9 months ago:
You can probably throw together a pretty simple wordpress website without much knowledge. Just keep it mostly out of the box, maybe change the theme.
- Comment on I'm so tired of hearing about US police brutality and China being authoritarian. Why does it feel like everyone is a hypocrite here? Where are the posts about Chinese protests and police brutality? 9 months ago:
Here is a very recent example.
- Comment on I'm so tired of hearing about US police brutality and China being authoritarian. Why does it feel like everyone is a hypocrite here? Where are the posts about Chinese protests and police brutality? 9 months ago:
As a Canadian, I do see reports of police violence in Canada, and I imagine I'm largely seeing the same stuff you are, so you've also likely seen some. With that said, police violence per interaction is a pretty low % everywhere (to be clear, it should be 0), but its like 10x higher in the US than other comparable countries, and the US has a huge population. Because of a combination of those factors I wouldn't be shocked if like 90-95% of police violence happening in English speaking countries is happening in the US.
- Comment on Prime Video subs will soon see ads for Amazon products when they hit pause 9 months ago:
On a free service sure, on something you are paying for? fuck off.
- Comment on The best way to keep feeling young is to remove all of your mirrors. 9 months ago:
I can still see my hands. They look older than I feel.
- Comment on How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals 9 months ago:
They do hate them, but generally conservatives believe in personal failings so do direct action against individuals, liberals believe in systemic failings so direct their effort towards changing the system, not the individuals.
- Comment on Hades II is now available in Steam Early Access! 9 months ago:
Not OP, but I have over 500 hours in a couple roguelikes and over a thousand in Slay The Spire. Depends on how good the game is at providing different experiences.
- Comment on The discourse 9 months ago:
This is it. I think some ticktocker went around asking random women, and 4/5 chose the bear.
- Comment on why did the eclipse not darken proportionally? 10 months ago:
Our eyes are evolved to detect a high range of brightness's so we experience brightness on a logarithmic scale not a linear one.
- Comment on Anime newbie looking for suggestions 11 months ago:
Madoka Magica, Vinland Saga
- Comment on Reddit: Return Of The Junk Stock IPO 11 months ago:
So, they are likely very poorly managed but, R&D is a common slushfund to keep your profit negative so you don't have to pay taxes.
- Comment on Nintendo Is Telling Game Publishers Switch 2 Will Be Delayed 1 year ago:
Its completely believable that it was targeted for fall of this year to be announced in this months nintendo direct, but they ran into complications.
- Comment on Are there any genuine benefits to AI? 1 year ago:
Sure, the public doesn't have access to a cutting edge research AI that public results from were only published a couple of days ago.
- Comment on Are there any genuine benefits to AI? 1 year ago:
No one knows the long term benefits/costs yet, but its potentially more empowering to small creators than large ones. Everyone has access to the same tools, and for instance, if it can offload a bunch of work from an indy game dev, that could let them focus more on the part of the game design process they are most skilled at/interested in.
- Comment on Elon Musk Bought Twitter to Settle His Jet-Tracking Beef, New Book Claims 1 year ago:
Its possible for them to have different interests. Its also possible for this to be the nucleation point that got things rolling without it really being the full cause.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Fallacy's are Fallacys exactly because they prey on some human emotion or evolutionary brain quirk.
- Comment on My jaw hit the floor when I watched an AI master one of the world's toughest physical games in just six hours 1 year ago:
This is because Recipes aren't copyrightable (they can be patented hypothetically but no one is going to do that outside of a major brand), but the story blurb they write can be. Makes it much harder for some bot to pull out all of the recipes from a site and relist them.
- Comment on xkcd #217: e to the pi Minus pi (31 Jan 2007) 1 year ago:
e^iπ tricks you into thinking e is magic.
- Comment on Unity bans VLC from Unity Store. 1 year ago:
Game development can take years. If someone was already halfway into their game, and chose to finish it in Unity rather than throwing away a year+ of work, is doubly punishing them rather than actually punishing Unity.
- Comment on Why did we give up on insulation? 1 year ago:
People build housing to the specs their environment requires. The UK has extremely stable moderate temperatures so doesn't put the extra cost into insulation or central cooling.
- Comment on Nintendo Switch 2 Release Date May Have Just Accidentally Been Revealed by...Gameshark 1 year ago:
This assumes they have inside knowledge (which maybe they do), but they could also just be guessing, I think everyone thinks its going to release in sept-nov this year.
- Comment on OpenAI claims The New York Times tricked ChatGPT into copying its articles 1 year ago:
Its not clear that training on copyrighted material is in breach of copyright. It is clear that regurgitating copyrighted material is in breach of copyright.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
- Comment on Disney backs down from 'Steamboat Willie' YouTube copyright claim 1 year ago:
Youtubes copyright system isn't really the 'problem', the copyright laws are. Youtube gets yelled at by both sides at the same time and generally takes a reasonable middle man position. It's not youtubes job to arbitrate who owns what.
- Comment on YouTube can't stop showing me AI deepfake ads 1 year ago:
Google continues to push blatant scams with their ads and wonders why people run adblockers.
- Comment on Spotify starts 'disinvesting' in France in response to new music-streaming tax 1 year ago:
Its not unusual for countries outside the biggest media producers (like the US for instance) to have rules in place to make sure there is continued local cultural output.