wa wa wa
- Comment on Explain yourselves, comp sci. 10 months ago:
Its the algebraic properties that are important, not all vectors are n-tuples, eg the set of polynomials of degree less than n.
You need a basis to coordinate a vector, you can work with vectors without doing that and just deal with the algebraic properties. The coordinate representation is dependent on the basis chosen and isn’t fundamental to the vector. So calling them n-tuples isn’t technically correct.
You can turn them into a set of coordinates if you have a basis, but the fact that you can do that is because of the algebraic properties so it’s those properties which define what a vector is.
- Comment on Explain yourselves, comp sci. 10 months ago:
It should be magnitude plus orientation, not velocity. Velocity itself is a vector quantity
- Comment on It must confuse English learners to hear phrases like, "I'm home", instead of "I am at home." We don't say I'm school, or I'm post office. 10 months ago:
- Comment on teachings 10 months ago:
Oh no, you were right on the money. In G^2^ you have two basis vectors
. The geometric product of vectors specifically is equivalent touv = u dot v + u wedge v
… the dot returns a scalar, the wedge returns a bivector. When you have two vectors be orthonormal like the basis vectors, thedot
goes to 0 and you are just left withu wedge v
. Soe1e2
returns a bivector with norm 1, its the only basis bivector for G^2^.e1e2^2 = (e1e2)*(e1e2) = e1e2e1e2
A nice thing about the geometric product is its associative so you can rewrite as
… again that middle product is still just a wedge but the wedge product is anti commutative soe2e1 = e1e2
. Meaning you can rewrite the above ase1*(-e1e2)*e2 = -(e1e1)*(e2e2) = -(e1 dot e1)*(e2 dot e2) = -(1)*(1) = -1
… Thuse1e2
squares to -1 and is the same asi
. And now you can think of the geometric product of two vectors asuv = u dot v + u wedge v
= a + bi` which is just a complex number.In G^3^ you can do the same but now you have 3 basis vectors to work with,
e1, e2, e3
. Meaning you can construct 3 new basis bivectorse1e2, e2e3, e3e1
. You can flip them to bee2e1, e3e2, e1e3
without any issues its just convention and then its the same as quaternions. They all square to -1 ande2e1*e3e2*e1e3 = -e2e1e2e3e1e3 = e2e1e2e1e3e3 = e2e1e2e1 = -1
which is the same as i,j,k of quaternions. So just like in G^2^ the bivectors + scalars form C you get the quaternions in G^3^. Both of them are just bivectors and they work the same way. Octonions and beyond can be made in higher dimensions. Geometric algebra is truly some cool shit. - Comment on Big Tech Is Faking AI 10 months ago:
Possibly they are trying to use the data generated by the workers to train an AI
- Comment on teachings 10 months ago:
I think you can make arbitrarily complicated roots if you move over to G^n^ which includes the R and C roots…
For example
(3e1e2e3e4)^2 = 9
in G^4^, complex roots are covered becausee1e2^2 = -1
making it identical toi
so G^n^ (n>=2) includes C.G^n^ also includes all the vectors so any vector with length 3 will square to 9 because
u^2 = u dot u = |u|^2
- Comment on Been playing FF7 Rebirth (35 hours in) and really not enjoying it. Does anyone else feel this way? 10 months ago:
How do you spend 35 hours on a game you aren’t enjoying??? My dawg value your time more
- Comment on wat 10 months ago:
All the people trying to explain why division and multiplication are the same and dividing by fractions bla bla bla…
But it’s missing the point that a cell dividing is nothing like algebraic division so the analogy just doesn’t make sense.
Saying its “dividing in half” so its actually “x/0.5 = 2x” doesn’t make any sense because the phrase “divide in half” in every other context means “x/2”…
Any ways if you want to model a cell dividing you should use an exponential
- Comment on Discord began blocking servers with information prohibited in the Russian Federation 11 months ago:
looks around at the fediverse uh we kinda already are…
- Comment on Republican senator renews push to make daylight savings permanent 11 months ago:
I don’t think that was ever true even on Reddit. You can’t control how people choose to use their vote and I feel that is how things should be.
- Comment on Republican senator renews push to make daylight savings permanent 11 months ago:
dont take the down votes personally, stating your opinion online risks people disagreeing. That’s all the down votes mean is people saying they disagree. it’s not a great look to add an edit complaining about downvotes. if they hurt too much maybe move to an instance that doesn’t have down votes like, i find it very peaceful to not be able to see downvotes and let’s me worry less about stating my opinion on things.
also yeah I disagree with your comment but I can’t downvote from Blahaj ;)
- Comment on Why does the film press talk so much about box office income? 11 months ago:
Because people think mo money = mo good… its core ideology of capitalism.
- Comment on Fox show hosts said Taylor Swift "should be conservative" given her background, because to them it's an identity. 1 year ago:
Are you talking about Canada?
- Comment on Fox show hosts said Taylor Swift "should be conservative" given her background, because to them it's an identity. 1 year ago:
No really, you are the one who has no idea what the left is advocating. I am very involved in leftist politics. If you agree with the things I said you are likely more aligned with the left than you think…
No idea what the bank account comment is about… sounds like some weird conspiracy theory stuff, really dawg lay off the utube videos
- Comment on Fox show hosts said Taylor Swift "should be conservative" given her background, because to them it's an identity. 1 year ago:
You have an incredibly inaccurate view of left wing politics. Leftists don’t have a problem with staying in shape or self improvement. They do have a problem with discrimination against those who can’t stay in shape. Leftists are not opposed to cochlear implants, this is laughably inaccurate. Leftists are the ones pushing for universal healthcare. Leftists want free college so people can improve themselves. They want workers to have more power, trade unions are full of some of the most hard working people in America. The only part about Taylor Swift that aligns with American conservatism is that she became incredibly rich by having rich banker parents fund her music career from a very young age.
You really should try to see what actual leftists are advocating, not some culture war garbled YouTube videos are telling you.
- Comment on y'all get gamer leg too? 1 year ago:
cases like this are why we need more specific tags like NSFL… i see NSFW and i think oo something horny not something to give me nightmares
- Comment on “In 10 years, computers will be doing this a million times faster.” The head of Nvidia does not believe that there is a need to invest trillions of dollars in the production of chips for AI 1 year ago:
im sure using AIM made you an AI expert too
- Comment on “In 10 years, computers will be doing this a million times faster.” The head of Nvidia does not believe that there is a need to invest trillions of dollars in the production of chips for AI 1 year ago:
Can we stop with this “not real AI” meme… it’s a painfully dull response at this point, why does the goal post have legs? Just because Penrose thinks quantum mumbo jumbo is needed doesn’t mean he is right, machine learning is completely outside his field of expertise.
- Comment on What is your weirdest comfort habit? 1 year ago:
a horny thing
this might sound weird but when im overly agitated or anxious or stressed out i really like hardcore anal… its kinda like an intense workout, plus the sexual release
- Comment on Junior Dev VS Machine Learning 1 year ago:
im a rendering engineer. like GPU programming and engine programming.
- Comment on Junior Dev VS Machine Learning 1 year ago:
How is this sub not meant for me?
- Comment on Junior Dev VS Machine Learning 1 year ago:
This comic makes no sense
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Its a common symptom in autism.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Getting mental health conditions properly diagnosed in a clinical environment is absolutely not that simple. I am basing this off of more than a decade of going through the US mental health system at a high level of utilization. I am not saying that OP shouldn’t try to get a professional opinion, it can be valuable but its not the end all be all. People need to absolutely understand that a lot of the time the doctors are just guessing at what is wrong mental health wise and are subject to a lot of biases. Hearing what other people online have to say and self evaluating is absolutely still a valuable thing to do and dismissing op by saying “go to a doctor” is actually anti helpful.
- Comment on What part of this are you not understanding, Beverly? 1 year ago:
Why is it only women in the comparison with a dog?
- Comment on Intel's Meteor Lake CPUs are slower at single-core work than previous-gen models — new benchmarks show IPC regressions vs Raptor Lake 1 year ago:
My goto for easy multi threading is lock free queues. Generate work on one thread and queue it up for another thread to process. Easy message passing and stuff like that. It doesn’t solve everything but it can do a lot if you are creative with them. As long as you maintain a single thread ownership of memory and just pass it around the threads via message passing on queues, everything just sorta works out.
- Comment on Moderna’s mRNA cancer vaccine works even better than thought 1 year ago:
Capitalism is the only system that can make things dont you kno?
- Comment on People who dont particularly care for or celebrate Christmas, Whats your favorite Christmas song? 1 year ago:
Carol of the Bells
goes way too hard for a christmas song
- Comment on Scientists show how ‘doing your own research’ leads to believing conspiracies — This effect arises because of the quality of information churned out by Google’s search engine 1 year ago:
Mainstream media… left wing… all corporate media is neo liberal and firmly on the right.
- Comment on Scientists show how ‘doing your own research’ leads to believing conspiracies — This effect arises because of the quality of information churned out by Google’s search engine 1 year ago:
An astounding number of people seemingly have no ability to do critical thinking
My feeling on the issue is that for a lot of people this sort of thinking is just not needed, at least not on the level to do actual academic research. I don’t think its inherent to who they are but just a reflection of the skills they have needed to develop throughout their lives. There is no pressure to develop a rigorous scrutiny of information if there is no consequences to getting the wrong answer. They can survive and thrive well without it. None of their peers are checking them. They might even do better without those skills, more resources to use developing the skills that matter to their lives.
A person who pursues stem as a career has something to lose if they get the wrong answer. Or other areas like journalism ect, I don’t want to imply its only stem people.
just my 2c