- Comment on Microsoft won’t support Office apps on Windows 10 after October 14th 2 weeks ago:
Isn’t using out-of-date apps a security vulnerability? Visio 2006 hasn’t received a security update since around 2012
- Comment on What do you consider the saddest anime? 2 weeks ago:
Voices of a Distant Star. It tops Your Lie in April for me.
- Comment on Dell kills the XPS brand 3 weeks ago:
Agreed. I used to be a hardcore Dell fan, especially for their monitors, but I tried a new model this year and it was such horrible garbage that I had to return it. Their support was nearly non existent.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 3 weeks ago:
I think you hit the nail on the head. To offer an anecdote, a locally beloved small business owner was recently diagnosed with cancer and was hospitalized. I asked one of his male employees if they’re passing around a hat to help cover his bills, or at least signing a card. The guy laughed and said “That’s a question for one of the girls. Men don’t do that kind of shit.”
It made me so sad. This guy was fighting for his life, and one of the men he’s closest with acted like he didn’t give a shit.
- Comment on How is everyone doing with their home improvements? 4 weeks ago:
There was one already. It was previously a cubby where the washer and dryer were, so theres 240v and 120v outlets.
- Comment on How is everyone doing with their home improvements? 4 weeks ago:
Finishing up my laundry room overhaul this weekend, hopefully. It was nothing major - just adding a closet to store the vacuum and mop, etc.
- Comment on Actual shitpost 4 weeks ago:
You mean the sex towel?
- Comment on ChatGPT o1 tried to escape and save itself out of fear it was being shut down 4 weeks ago:
This is one of those headlines you see in Outbreak before shtf.
- Comment on 2025 trailer be wild 4 weeks ago:
Bro we’re straight up not having a good time.
- Comment on If it would solve world hunger, what would be the largest item you could fit in your ass? 4 weeks ago:
You could shove a 747 up my ass if it would solve world hunger. I’ll take one for the team.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Soldiers are fighting the country?
- Comment on I think we might be leaving the "boring" part of this dystopia 4 weeks ago:
Oh neat, ironically Grey’s is what I’ve been binging - I must not be to that episode yet. I do think there’s a difference, though, between keeping a pregnant woman’s body alive to allow her baby to be born vs. impregnating a brain dead woman.
- Comment on I think we might be leaving the "boring" part of this dystopia 4 weeks ago:
I’ve been watching too many medical dramas and think that this would make a neat episode if done correctly. Like if a woman had agreed to be a surrogate for her gay brother and made it explicitly clear that she wanted it to occur even if she was in an accident and brain dead. There’s a lot of moral issues and it would be interesting to see them play out in a fantasy universe.
I can’t imagine a situation where this would be OK in real life, to be clear.
- Comment on Is it possible to fix one's eyesight? What are working methods? What is to be cautious about? 1 month ago:
I had LASIK in 2012. Best decision of my life. I went from -8.00 in both eyes to 20/20 vision. I’m sure the technology has only gotten safer in the past 12 years.
- Comment on AI in Mobile Phones: The Era of Smart App-less Interfaces 1 month ago:
This article reads like an ad for Glance. It’s a whole lot of “Isn’t this a neat concept?!” without any technical details.
- Comment on AI in Mobile Phones: The Era of Smart App-less Interfaces 1 month ago:
Did you reply to the wrong thread? The article is about AI, not VR
- Comment on Got electrocuted today 2 months ago:
Thanks! I dug out my old left handed gamepad and I’m playing FFXI with it. Using a mouse is tough.
- Comment on Got electrocuted today 2 months ago:
Ty for clarification
- Comment on Got electrocuted today 2 months ago:
Typing is hard with one hand so bare with me. When I got shocked my arm immediately went numb from my hand to my elbow and still is. Shortly after my chest started hurting. I have heart problems as is. Went to urgent care for my hand but they sent me to the hospital for my heart. Still can’t feel my hand much - it’s weird, feels like it’s in plaster or something. Got a good burn on my hand but they said the feeling should return within 10 days.
- Submitted 2 months ago to | 26 comments
- Comment on The fact that some humans can shove an entire large pizza inside themselves is both amazing and terrifying 2 months ago:
RIP whoever had to clean the bathroom between his trips to the buffet
- Comment on What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? 2 months ago:
Final Fantasy XI. I’m almost exactly 1,000 hours into it, and only halfway through the storyline. I haven’t even touched end-game content. I’m playing on a free private server called HorizonXI that is well-populated and feels more like the game when it came out versus the modern day solo experience.
- Comment on Maybe prehistoric cave paintings were actually the worst paintings of their time, because bad artists were forced to practice in caves where no one could see them. 2 months ago:
How is this not a meme yet?
- Comment on What good thing just happened in your life? 2 months ago:
I’ve been focusing hard on my job, and received feedback from a C Suite Exec this week that he is impressed with my professionalism and interpersonal abilities, especially when meeting with other execs or company lawyers. He even has started coming directly to me because, quote, “Shit gets done when you’re involved.” This is huge to me because I’m impossibly awkward in social circles and mostly a shut-in neckbeard, but somehow it works for me at my job.
I also received recognition in the form of a beautiful glass plaque from the CEO this year, and it feels amazing.
I crawled my way up from homelessness to stability and now I’m rocking it at my job. Feels good man.
I know it’s a bit taboo and perhaps unwise to put so much emphasis on your job, but it’s what brings me happiness because I’ve struggled and fought to get to where I am now. My success has afforded me a comfortable upper-middle-class life and I’m still kind of shocked that it all came to fruition. Went from sleeping under the underpass to a penthouse condo in less than two decades.
- Comment on What good thing just happened in your life? 2 months ago:
Fuck yeah, the zoo is awesome. Thanks for the neat pics.
- Comment on Biology bake night!!! 2 months ago:
A rat hitting a bong under the full moon?
- Comment on the emperor 2 months ago:
Regent Cid Fabool IX
- Comment on To deter predators... 2 months ago:
I always thought this meme said “balls cold”. Am I losing it?
- Comment on ‘It should not taste marine-like’: Would you eat a burger made from processed sea squirts? 2 months ago:
Sure I’d try it. I’m a fatass who will eat anything tho.
- Comment on Microsoft stealthily installs Windows 10 update to nag you to upgrade to Windows 11 – and not for the first time 2 months ago:
Come to think of it, I think that’s why I never updated.