I was in my mid 30s when I found out that you could hold some button when continuing after game over in Super Mario Bros to continue in the world you died.
We just got gud and abused the turtle shell stair 1up.
Submitted 4 weeks ago by The_Picard_Maneuver@lemmy.world to retrogaming@lemmy.world
I was in my mid 30s when I found out that you could hold some button when continuing after game over in Super Mario Bros to continue in the world you died.
We just got gud and abused the turtle shell stair 1up.
You could do what now?
I am legitimately angry to only be learning this now
I watched a video recently about tool assisted Speedruns which actually educated me on why this worked. An issue with the sound card and the way user input was handled allowed certain button combinations to cause Random Code Execution. It’s actually possible to beat one of the Mario games (can’t remember the name right this second) on the first frame using this method, but it requires a ridiculous amount of inputs
Whelp I was today years old when I found out about this…
After completing the game, when you’re sent back to the title screen, you can also press B to select which world to start on. The World 1-1 in the HUD changes, then you have to do the continue trick - hold A and press Start.
I can finish the game on one life without warps, but I’ve never once been able to get the 1ups from a Koopa shell.
Which button? Tell me!
“Dont worry guys I found the solution” aah comment
Billy Mitchell after using emulation software
I was one of those kids. I mow play roguelites and roguelikes instead
Those old NES games broke my fear of failure, so roguelikes, soulslikes, and similar games where you have a real chance of losing are my jam.
This also applies to games with permanent roster losses like XCOM or Darkest Dungeon. I can’t get enough.
Funnily enough, I couldn’t get into the souls likes until now. The need to memorize boss patterns doesn’t appeal to me me
Xcom Ironman is the true achievement 😅
You might like Last Train Home. Every soldier loss is permanent and there’s only so many you can find/rescue.
Based on true events, which is the most insane part. It’s kinda like frostpunk and an RTS game mixed together, which is very satisfying. Souls-like difficulty.
Shit, is this why I like rogue likes?
The tough ones, especially. OG NES TMNT conqueror here (as you can tell it’s still in my list of life achievements).
Battletoads was the badge of honor
That game is hard to beat even with a fucking game genie, it’s insane.
I still have Turbo Tunnel PTSD
You’re totally right and its one that I never beat. I haven’t gone through it with an emulator either. There are some games I have since gone through with an emulator using save states that I didn’t beat legitimately back in the day, like Castlevania, that I recognize would have been HAF to beat without assists. I still may try Battletoads the old fashioned way because I have a lot of respect for that game. I’m pretty sure if I or one of my friends had owned the game we would have beaten it, but we never managed to over the course of several rentals.
I got past the water level once…
I beat DuckTales without getting hit.
This is bullshit. I
was there and we sure as fuck didn’t use pussy ass filters until we were old enough to understand the health benefits.
There are no health benefits to the filters, they only keep you from getting tobacco in your mouth.
Pssst, that was part of the joke. Don’t tell anyone.
and a swig of Maddog 20/20 was also in order. Or some Night Train Express if one of your buds was already in their 30s.
I have not-so-fond memories of pink grapefruit Maddog…
I have ridden the Night Train. I have looked the Devil in the eye.
Mario Bros was the first souls-like
laughs in Contra
I think I also hear Castlevania and Ninja Gaiden laughing.
I almost used Contra instead lol
I still maintain that the first Goomba in 1-1 probably has the highest kill count of any single creature in the universe.
And your little brother got peanut butter on the manual so you mom threw it away.
3 lives left.
Beating Rayman 1 on the PS1 be like
That’s not even that hard and it does have saves
I dunno, getting every cage is pretty gruelling, and you can’t beat the game unless you do EVERYTHING.
That being said, if you genuinely don’t think it’s “even that hard”, then you’re definitely on another level, and I salute you
Treasure Island Dizzy only had a single life. One of my earliest memories is of my sister losing her shit as she accidentally dropped the snorkel while she was cycling through her inventory underwater.
Holy crap I totally forgot that game existed. Me and my best friend were obsessed with it, drawn 3 tomes (yes, tomes) of comics about its character.
In my day we played like men!
Also me:
I could complete Robocop and Midnight Resistance though.
I’m going to pretend you only used that for the pause feature and taking screenshots. Otherwise, we’re going to have a problem.
– Video Game Police
The best feature was being able to back the entire memory up to disk so I wouldn’t have to wait ten minutes to load it from tape.
Even with infinite lives, half these games were close to impossible to beat.
Well, there’s your problem. You’ve plugged a Romantic Robot into the place where your Kempston joystick should be. Never going to win at Daley Thompson’s without perfecting your waggle. Also, the Speccy will probably crash from hammering the keyboard if you try.
Midnight Resistance is one of those weird games where the first level is the hardest; it’s not too bad to finish it if you do the first bit. Fair play on Robocop, though - that’s a hard game.
Once Inwas bored and started playing Contra, without the Konami Code.
Its one of those games that just loops when you finish it.
I finally stopped a few hours later after like the 4th or 5th loop.
Super Mario Bros in the NES for me, the excitement if you reach a later level for the first time, only to die and have to try it al over again.
Totally not this 80s kid.
I beat ET as a kid. I just wanted to share that. No cigarette afterparty occurred, though.
This was me after finishing Majora’s Mask 100%.
And here’s me replaying some of those and using save states like a mad man
misk@sopuli.xyz 4 weeks ago
It’s impressive because after dropping all those coins into machine he could still afford some smokes.
watson387@sopuli.xyz 4 weeks ago
They were less than a dollar a pack back then.
misk@sopuli.xyz 4 weeks ago
Damn those rich American kids.
Tomato666@lemmy.sdf.org 4 weeks ago
In the UK some shops would sell you a single cigarette for less the ten of our new pennies. Around '86 I think.