- Comment on What one Finnish church learned from creating a service almost entirely with AI. 6 hours ago:
Churches are profit machines, but they have to pay a preacher. The electricity for running an AI is probably less than the preachers salary
- Comment on Go Earth! 1 day ago:
Earth did not win
- Comment on You guys have to end it 2 days ago:
I’m not that into the idea, and the simulation kind of ruins what I’m after anyway. I want to feel it when I get a good/bad shift and I want it to matter.
Sure, you can simulate the engine rumbling and the gears grinding. You can even rock the boat a bit with some hydraulics. When I shift “wrong” you can make me feel it for sure. But when I shift right, it’s not just smooth so that you can’t feel it. It’s smooth so that you can feel it ya know? (Okay maybe it wasn’t that smooth and what you’re really feeling is a slight clutch dump but wasn’t it fun)
- Comment on You guys have to end it 2 days ago:
EVs don’t shift
I know there’s no reason for them to, but a small part of me wishes there was. Something so satisfying about being good at managing gears
- Comment on Is there any counter AI bots in the fediverse 4 days ago:
Forcing the Fediverse into your experiment isn’t going to get you into the position you think it will be the way
- Comment on Existential Comics promotes suicide 5 days ago:
Not if you’re really good at it
- Comment on Times are tough for everyone 5 days ago:
It’s just a quick text to the “wrong” person and if you say no you get hit with an extra big cleaning fee :)
Isn’t capitalism so fun
- Comment on Unsubscribe 5 days ago:
The 30% rule is based off AGI (adjusted gross income) which accounts for some taxes but I don’t remember which.
That’s not to say you’re wrong, by any means. Our economy is literally failing. The average person cannot meet their basic needs to survive
- Comment on Unsubscribe 5 days ago:
$250 per day, 5 days a week, 50 weeks a year.
$62.5k a year. That’s just enough to pay the average rent in America if you follow the 30% thing that gets taught
- Comment on Times are tough for everyone 5 days ago:
AirBNB is kidnapping that you pay for?
I’ve had a few rentals that were basically a duplex and the owner lived next door, and I know some AirBNBs are even worse than that. So I guess it’s not too far off
- Comment on Close Call 5 days ago:
- Comment on Close Call 1 week ago:
I’m planning on buying a 3D printer relatively soon, but haven’t ever had one so I’ve never bothered to learn much about them. Could I bother you to point out which part is the bed probe?
- Comment on Expanding bicycle water bottle threaded insert in TPU 1 week ago:
Nobody asked but I thought this was funny
I skimmed the text, looked at the pictures and then sat here for like 2 minutes trying to figure out what tf you printed and why before I realized “maybe I could actually read the text like a human being instead of divining it out the fuckin air huh?”
- Comment on My Thoughts on the Zen Browser 1 week ago:
Like the other person said, beta software is expected to go through pretty large design changes. It’s not a matter of “forcing it on the user” it’s a matter of “my software isn’t ready yet, I’m not certain what my vision is, and if you’re not willing to put up with me figuring out what I want out of this software then wait for it to release and I’ll keep it stable from there”
- Comment on I add two docker containers via CLI and suddenly I can't ssh into my machine or access any local container.... what happened?? 1 week ago:
If you’re gonna use Linux you’re gonna need to learn to use a search engine. Find a tool that can be used to check what ports are open for a machine, there a several available.
I would try searching things like “Linux cli port scanner”
- Comment on I add two docker containers via CLI and suddenly I can't ssh into my machine or access any local container.... what happened?? 2 weeks ago:
Have you hit it with anything to check if your ports are still open? There are a handful of tools for the task
- Comment on I add two docker containers via CLI and suddenly I can't ssh into my machine or access any local container.... what happened?? 2 weeks ago:
What port do you have SSH set to? What ports did you change the services to? Is the SSH port open?
- Comment on It's impossible to defend any amount of alcohol consumption without sounding like an alcoholic. 2 weeks ago:
I think in some areas, the culture is starting to shift around that a bit. I remember the 2000-2010s era having a lot of shows that were more on-the-nose about the topic and then seeing more people talking about how to properly interact with recovering alcoholics on social media in the years following.
Purely anecdotal, of course. I just get the vibe that some areas where drinking used to be very expected, have learned to treat it as a choice
- Comment on Five Confusing Fediverse Things 3 weeks ago:
(Don’t ask how)
I imagine you just couldn’t find the words at the time but I would have, with relative accuracy, summed this up as:
“Each server on that web can communicate with every other server on that web by using ‘secret’ information to determine a path to get there”
Each federated service is on its own web
I know you said simplification to the point of inaccuracy, but while I’m being pedantic:
“Each federated service is on its own web, but imagine they overlap with each other in such a way to bleed into a single web”
- Comment on Dinner bell is going off 3 weeks ago:
This was actually my biggest struggle when I tried to use edibles to quit. I would take an edible, sit for 20 minutes and think “what if I get the ball rolling with a dab?”
- Comment on Dinner bell is going off 3 weeks ago:
I tried to quit smoking by using edibles. I do think they’re just as addictive
- Comment on Working below minimum wage to save the planet 3 weeks ago:
Do you have pets? My first project will be cages for my electronics to keep my cats away from them, eventually I want to put together a hall tree. They’re like coat hangers with a seat and storage for your shoes, but I’ll also add a section for my work clothes
- Comment on Anyone Can Push Updates to the DOGE.gov Website 3 weeks ago:
::: PEDANTRY BEYOND THIS POINT This joke would have worked even better (it already works well) if you put the lines in the other order :::
- Comment on How to prepare a self-hosted machine I gift to remote friends - Learning Together 3 weeks ago:
I dunno if you’re trolling me or if your UI just looks different but
Having the link at the top of the post like this, because it’s embedded into the actual post instead of the body like the second link, makes it pretty clear to me that that’s a discussion link and not a podcast link
- Comment on How to prepare a self-hosted machine I gift to remote friends - Learning Together 3 weeks ago:
The in-body link is to the podcast, but the post itself is a link to discuss.james.network which is a transcription of the guide
- Comment on How to prepare a self-hosted machine I gift to remote friends - Learning Together 3 weeks ago:
You don’t even have to listen to a podcast to find out how misguided this comment is. Click the link, it’s all transcribed. It’s not a question, it’s a guide.
If you’re not interested in the content, scroll past instead of being rude to people.
- Comment on Someone spent 100 days mapping Super Mario's entire planet – and the result is epic 3 weeks ago:
New phone, who dis?
- Comment on My German is a little rusty, but... 3 weeks ago:
You should check out the next 5 verses of that. James 5:1-6. It’s gotta be one of my favorite bits from the bible. I would put it here, but I kind of wonder if enough people start googling it if the powers that be will notice
- Comment on Yeah, tunafan9000?? 3 weeks ago:
Fuckin lol
- Comment on We're in the endgame now 3 weeks ago:
Non judicial punishments and courts martials make up the american military legal system.
NJPs are basically your commanding officer saying “you did this wrong, you’re grounded. Half pay and stay in your room for a month”
Courts martials are an actual legal proceeding with a military judge who says “you did this wrong, straight to jail. Do not pass go, do not collect $200”
All this to say, yes. In fact, there are jobs in the military that can be legally punished with execution if they aren’t performed diligently even during peace times.