- Comment on Alien planter head 22 hours ago:
It’d be cool, though, if the eyes didn’t have it. Can you mask out regions of the STL when applying fuzzy skin?
- Comment on 1 day ago:
Great title screen music, too.
- Comment on YSK: Gas stoves cause cancer 2 days ago:
Even charcoal grills inside are fine with proper ventilation. So you’re right, but your also not saying very much.
- Comment on YSK: Gas stoves cause cancer 2 days ago:
- It creates CO
- Something something.
They didn’t say CO2. They said “CO. 2. Etc”
- Comment on YSK: Gas stoves cause cancer 2 days ago:
Induction also doesn’t work with aluminum items like a moka pot without an “induction adapter” which is just a steel plate.
- Comment on What do you regard as retro? 1 week ago:
Ha, nice! Sounds about right. Something that has become fashionable again. Like 8-bit graphics. And backward looking, and all that.
- Comment on Getting a Steam Deck to emulate retro games? 1 week ago:
I think they meant to say they also play Steam games on it, which I will say is a really good benefit of the Steam Deck over any of the Android handheld retro systems.
If someone’s trying to decide between a Steam Deck and a $300 Retro Handheld that can play through Game Cube, PS2, etc., I would try to convince them to buy the Steam Deck because it opens up a whole world of games.
- Comment on Getting a Steam Deck to emulate retro games? 1 week ago:
I tried Emudeck at first and ended up uninstalling it. It doesnt do anything you can’t do manually, and it did things I didn’t like.
Disclaimer, I am not a RetroArch professional, but I’ve been using it for decades. I know a lot of its quirks, and hiw to do pretty much eveththing i want.
Emudeck has these global options to let you map hotkeys, aspect ratios, and choose whether or not you want shaders enabled for consoles (CRT shaders) or handhelds (LCD shaders). Plus other things. It’s yes or no for each thing, mostly.
The way it configures these things in RetroArch is by saving override files. I will admit I don’t fully understand override files, but I do use preset files a lot. In any case, I was unable to save any of my custom changes in RetroArch. I would find some setting I didn’t like, or some hotkey I wanted to change because Emudeck’s default didn’t suit me, and I could change it while RA was running, but then if I tried to save my options, it wouldn’t let me because “override file in use”. That was very frustrating.
So I ended up uninstalling it and manually installing RetroArch from the app store (“Discover”). And if I needed DuckStation or some other standard-alone that worked better than RA (or a Switch emulator or something), just installed the flatpack and confiured it myself.
You also done need EmuDeck to install ROM Manager which let’s you add specific ROMs to your Steam Library.
In the end, EmuDeck did nothing I couldn’t do myself, and made it worse for a RetroArch power user like myself. Just my two cents.
- Comment on Two Years Later, This Awesome 3D-Printed Film Camera Is Available to All 2 weeks ago:
Yeah, I think you’re right. (No sarcasm.) I should keep such opinions to myself. I’m not at all against being a maker for the sake of making, actually. I guess I’m just a camera snob. Calling my criticism “pixel peeping” kinda set me off, and I lashed out, but that’s on me. :(
- Comment on Two Years Later, This Awesome 3D-Printed Film Camera Is Available to All 2 weeks ago:
You’re absolutely right. I shouldn’t have said anything.
- Comment on Two Years Later, This Awesome 3D-Printed Film Camera Is Available to All 2 weeks ago:
Haha! You don’t need to peep any pixels to see how terrible that camera is.
I’m just not into Lomo crap. Spend time with a real camera and take good photos. Tinker with your skills as a photographer and not with making toy cameras that you’re going to never use again after one roll of film.
- Comment on Two Years Later, This Awesome 3D-Printed Film Camera Is Available to All 2 weeks ago:
I don’t see the point when a used film camera would blow it away by a million miles.
- Comment on You know what Mega Man needs? A gun and the face of a middle-aged smoker. 2 weeks ago:
“megashat” is the word you’re looking for.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
How about you address my actual reply instead of changing the topic constantly?
The PGP public key still has to be shared plaintext… that makes it useless as anyone can sign it after that.
That sentence is incorrect. Just admit it.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Did you even read that article? It has nothing to do with what I said. I pointed out that you don’t understand how public key encryption works, and you replied with an article about an exploit that does not refute what I said. An exploit that can be avoided by simply not clicking “load images”. An exploit that has probably been fixed in a client like Thunderbird anytime over the past six years.
I don’t know why I’m wasting my time with you. You can’t even argue in good faith.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
You need the private key to sign anything. The public key is only for encrypting outgoing emails which only the person with the private key can decrypt.
People have been using PGP over email for literally decades. You do not know what you’re talking about.
- Comment on What do you regard as retro? 3 weeks ago:
I feel very weird calling old games that I thought of as retro “vintage” now, but I guess I have to.
Nah. Maybe? Even I call them retro games sometimes. My favorite gaming hardware YouTube channel is called “Retro Game Corps”. It what gamers call them. Depending on who I’m addressing, I use either.
Like I said in my original comment, I was mostly being pedantic. Then again, if the entire gaming world shifted to calling them “vintage games”, I’d be thrilled. Someone recently started a thread here titled “What’s your favorite vintage game?” And I did a “Not bad Obama” face and nod.
in Victoria, Australia…
Well, yeah! I expect everything be upsidedown and backwards there! 😜
- Comment on What do you regard as retro? 3 weeks ago:
Define retro.
- Comment on What do you regard as retro? 3 weeks ago:
Oh, god. I had not heard that yet, but… Ugh…
- Comment on What do you regard as retro? 3 weeks ago:
Retro means new things that look like they’re old. As in “looking backwards” for inspiration. Like pixel art. Prime example: VVVVVV.
I’m mostly being pedantic, but it’s a pet peeve of mine that gamers (and only gamers) use “retro” wrong. Every other type of collector correctly uses the word “vintage” instead: Vintage clothing, furniture, coins, wine, etc. And they use “retro” to mean new things that look old, like retro clothing. Only gamers call vintage things “retro”.
In my experience when I point this out, gamers just get mad. I don’t understand that. But I’m kind of a language nerd who watches linguistics videos for fun.
- Comment on YSK You can substitue blood for eggs in recipes 3 weeks ago:
Mmmmm deviled blood.
- Comment on The deed is done. 3 weeks ago:
I’m going to pretend you only used that for the pause feature and taking screenshots. Otherwise, we’re going to have a problem.
– Video Game Police
- Comment on 'My personal failure was being stumped': Gabe Newell says finishing Half-Life 2: Episode 3 just to conclude the story would've been 'copping out of [Valve's] obligation to gamers' 3 months ago:
It’s spelled coppp-out
- Comment on Castlevania Anniversary Collection free on Epic Games through 2024-11-21 3 months ago:
I thought people on Lemmy supported free software.
- Comment on Castlevania Anniversary Collection free on Epic Games through 2024-11-21 3 months ago:
You can’t just make a simple list on any site that uses markdown. It removes line breaks. Why? So some nerd can post an 80 character formatted email from a listserve and have it look normal in markdown. It’s archaic and stupid.
At any rate, this “feature” makes your list look like a giant paragraph:
Castlevania Castlevania II Simon’s Quest Castlevania III Dracula’s Curse Super Castlevania IV Castlevania The Adventure Castlevania II Belmont’s Revenge Castlevania Bloodlines Kid Dracula
You have to end each line with two spaces to force markdown to preserve the line breaks. Or you have to start each line with an asterisk and a space to make a bulleted list.
I’m going to fix it for you so other people can read it more easily, and also fix some of your typos:
Castlevania Castlevania
Ill Simon
Quest Castlevania
Ill Dracula
Curse Super
Castlevania is Castlevania
The Adventure
Castlevania II: Belmont Revenge’s Castlevania Bloodlines Kid
Dracula - Comment on Castlevania: Symphony of a Broken Man | Civvie11 3 months ago:
Ah, I didn’t realize that. Thanks for taking the time to explain.
- Comment on Castlevania: Symphony of a Broken Man | Civvie11 3 months ago:
It would be nice if your FreeTube link actually linked to the video in question.
- Comment on In the era of remakes and remasters, what niche game would you like to see receive the treatment? 3 months ago:
Zelda LttP
That’d be awesome! I’d pirate the shit out of a remake.
- Comment on Problem? 4 months ago:
I, too, spend my Sunday afternoons draped in lace.
- Comment on YSK about JShelter, a browser extension that attempts to protect you from being fingerprinted online. 4 months ago:
I tried turning them all off and nothing changed. Same result with the Duck Duck Go browser set on Android. Unique fingerprint. And I have no extensions. I wonder if my VPN is part of the fingerprint. I did read a lot of the explanation of what fingerprints you, but I didn’t see VPN in there. I should do a search on that page to see.