- Comment on Hawaii and alaska hiding in the attic 6 hours ago:
Yeah, but it’s every state legislator’s duty to ignore or do the opposite of what the President says until the courts make you cooperate, like with Obama or Biden, right? Those traitors aren’t doing their jobs anymore!
- Comment on A funny thing in Iran is how they repackage old PlayStation consoles 8 hours ago:
It sounds like these are modchipped if they come with a USB stick of games (that the owner then burns what they wish?)
- Comment on What is the best looking retro console or PC? 13 hours ago:
The burl woodgrain is also very fancy!
- Comment on Is this a c/ for making fun of conservatives? 16 hours ago:
Looking back at all the self-removed posts here… on Lemmy, the Nazis are afraid. As they should be everywhere. 😂
- Comment on Microsoft Outlook servers down, reports say 16 hours ago:
I got it from techrights.org, author is a bit wacky but seems to have his heart in the right place.
- Comment on What is the best looking retro console or PC? 16 hours ago:
Even before the Wii Mini, “regular” Wiis were being made without all the GameCube ports and functionality… then the Wii Mini cut costs even further and did not even have Wi-Fi!
- Comment on What is the best looking retro console or PC? 16 hours ago:
Very sciencey, not a toy. Hilariously, Nintendo fought hard to get their competing “Entertainment System” recognized as a toy and not a computer, for import tax purposes.
- Comment on What is the best looking retro console or PC? 16 hours ago:
God damn marketing! That picture makes it look like it had OLED. Of course, these days you can make it actually look like that but it’s ~$60 and you install it yourself.
- Comment on What is the best looking retro console or PC? 16 hours ago:
There were several models including an all-black one that ditched the woodgrain.
- Comment on What is the best looking retro console or PC? 16 hours ago:
I would say the cutoff is Game Boy Advance SP and Micro is a poseur, because Micro can’t play original Game Boy or Color games.
- Comment on Come one come all, it's time to unblock !conservative@lemmy.world and bring your best memes of conservatives! 17 hours ago:
I love you. Unironically. 😅
- Comment on Come one come all, it's time to unblock !conservative@lemmy.world and bring your best memes of conservatives! 17 hours ago:
They are y’all.
- Comment on Come one come all, it's time to unblock !conservative@lemmy.world and bring your best memes of conservatives! 17 hours ago:
And C: instead of system32, to represent everything that was created using programs that rely on system32.
- Comment on Come one come all, it's time to unblock !conservative@lemmy.world and bring your best memes of conservatives! 17 hours ago:
It’s not our fault that the actually reasonable conservative views were already drowned out by the raving lunatic fascist mobs. gestures broadly at US federal government
- Comment on Microsoft Outlook servers down, reports say 1 day ago:
Era of clown computing.
- Comment on Low-level floppy operations with native floppy controller on older PC with modern Linux distribution 1 day ago:
Thanks for this post! 💾
- Comment on Sergey Brin says AGI is within reach if Googlers work 60-hour weeks 1 day ago:
Didn’t Google and Nvidia just throw everything they had into a concerted AGI effort and fail?! 🤣
- Comment on That damnable radical left! 1 day ago:
- Comment on What is your favorite retro racing game? 5 days ago:
The arcade version also has him yelling, “Press your boost button to start!” One of the first x86-based arcade games I can think of.
- Comment on Is this a c/ for making fun of conservatives? 1 week ago:
US Constitution, Article I, Section IX, Clause XIII:
No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.
Trump doubled-down on wiping his golf shoes with the Constitution with this clause specifically.
- Comment on The 20 year old PSP can now connect to WPA2 Wifi Networks - Wololo.net 2 weeks ago:
That was early firmware 1.50. Just put homebrew on MemoryStick Duo and run it on stock firmware. Before Dark_AleX and the beginning of the cat-and-mouse game…
- Comment on Anyone Can Push Updates to the DOGE.gov Website 2 weeks ago:
Does “ужасшоу” sound kind of like “asshole”?
- Comment on 005 is the most influential game you’ve never played. 2 weeks ago:
Right? Hundreds of thousands of people have scrolled over it and yet never seen it.
- Comment on Who's making older games so expensive? 2 weeks ago:
At least they offer a substantial discount from eBay price.
“Well, this is what it goes for on eBay!”
Me: “No, that is the price it sits unsold on eBay. Refine search -> Sold items, my friend.”
- Comment on Valve ban advertising-based business models on Steam, no forced adverts like in mobile games 2 weeks ago:
I almost wish I hadn’t looked; knew my area had paper mills and wood processing, they’ve been dredging the waterways for PCBs (chlorinated organics) for decades.
I work with electronics and have heard from multiple older gentleman that when they were young, they saw old high-voltage transformers from power poles being replaced which would be leaking off the backs of the trucks until empty or even purposely tipped into the storm drains. Why is healthcare so expensive? 🤔
No apologies for being politics-adjacent in the Gaming community, billionaires aren’t keeping their hands out of anything either. Keep rewarding Valve and the good companies and shitting on the bad ones!
- Comment on PayPal owns brands like Venmo, Honey and is heavily integrated into eBay - if you're looking to stop giving your money to bad companies, take a second to search their subsidiary brands as well. 2 weeks ago:
Nah. News… Uh, in an adjacent saga, billionaire Kanye West is selling swastika t-shirts. So that’s where we’re at with these people…
- Comment on PayPal owns brands like Venmo, Honey and is heavily integrated into eBay - if you're looking to stop giving your money to bad companies, take a second to search their subsidiary brands as well. 2 weeks ago:
Hear, hear. It fucking sucks that we created these monsters. At least I did, for simply wanting to use eBay.
- Comment on PayPal owns brands like Venmo, Honey and is heavily integrated into eBay - if you're looking to stop giving your money to bad companies, take a second to search their subsidiary brands as well. 2 weeks ago:
Now you got me started on X… 😂 While true, Musk is no fool and bought such a simple and recognizable domain back from PayPal in 2017 for an undisclosed amount.
He’s a successful businessman, no doubt. Problem is that billionaires are pulling up the ladders behind them as wealth inequality is increasing (power is concentrating).
Twitter was well-known to be infested with bots when Musk purchased it. Turns out, that made it more valuable to someone rich who wants to sway elections…
Shop local, use smaller local services (credit unions), drop services owned by or purchased by billionaires (Too busy ranting and I haven’t actually read this article yet 🤣)
- Comment on PayPal owns brands like Venmo, Honey and is heavily integrated into eBay - if you're looking to stop giving your money to bad companies, take a second to search their subsidiary brands as well. 2 weeks ago:
It’s an early specimen of “unregulated bank”, founded in part by Trump buddy Peter Thiel and merged with Elon Musk’s X.com in 2000.
They have a history of locking accounts under false pretenses and seizing the money. It’s screwed over many a Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Early in Minecraft history, Notch lost access to over half a million dollars. They’ve failed to pay rewards in their software bug bounty program.
Braintree, Honey, Paydiant, Tradera, Xoom, and Zettle all owned by PayPal.
- Comment on Valve ban advertising-based business models on Steam, no forced adverts like in mobile games 2 weeks ago:
Valve applying a bit of regulation (the right way) and still making piles of money, weird how that works.
I’ve been saying for years that if we want healthy economies, compare to human health. When the factors keeping growth at a controlled rate are disrupted, you end up with cancer.
Rant is related although covering hardware manufacturing rather than software:
Commodore manufactured in the USA and Europe some of the best-selling personal computers ever under lack of regulation. When the market became dominated by IBM-compatibles and Macintoshes, Commodore exited the market and left Superfund sites all over. (Superfund is basically EPA disaster declaration allowing for taxpayer funds release for large-scale cleanup operations.) Privatize the profits and socialize the losses. (lack of regulation led to the wrong way)