Narayama Murthy sounds like an enormous piece of shit.
Weekends were a mistake, says Infosys co-founder Narayama Murthy
Submitted 3 months ago by to
Comments 3 months ago 3 months ago
Narayama Murthy was a mistake. 3 months ago
I keep trying to tell people the pull out method is not 100% effective. 3 months ago
You sully the good name of shit. 3 months ago
Yeah, stuff grows in shit 3 months ago
The problem with statements like this is that they only ever seem to be made by narcissists who thinks work is only those efforts that directly benefit them. The end of my “work day” is when I start my other job of working for myself. I manage my home, I take care of my garden, I put effort into maintaining or improving my physical and mental well being, I foster and build the relationships in my life that I care about, etc. All of that is work, it’s just work that I do for myself and don’t get a paycheck for. 3 months ago
Absolutely nailed it. 3 months ago
Science: knowledge workers stop being consistently productive past 40 hours per week, and probably less than that
Rentier-capitalists hot boxing their own farts recreationally: ackshually the problem is we let you dirty fucking peasants go home to sleep at all 3 months ago
I propose we swap and only work 2 days a week. 3 months ago
You’ve got my vote 3 months ago
I agree weekends were a mistake.
It should have always been 2 on 1 off, 2 on 2 off. 3 months ago
He’s absolutely right. That’s why he should come work for me on his weekends. I’ll pay him $15/hr!
What? He won’t work for that? Lazy CEO. 3 months ago
Infosys is a mistake. It’s a poor choice for anyone. 3 months ago
This. Everything Infosys touches is garbage. 3 months ago
These people, like Musk, think laying on a couch with a pen in your hand pondering about random shit to be hard work. That’s where they come up with this kind of BS. That and being from a higher cast and never having worked a single honest day in his life and making a fortune out of corruption and networking. 3 months ago
And sitting on the couch with their dicks in their hands is “hard work” for them, but it’s just jerking off for the rest of us. These assholes consider themselves working when they sleep, because them being rested is “good for the business”. 3 months ago
sitting on the couch with their dicks in their hands is “hard work” for them
Uh, I think you mean “meditation” and “mindfulness” 3 months ago
Bruh, your golf business meetings, lunches, drinks, clubs, gamblin, parties, and anything other than sitting in front of a computer going meeting after meeting with 5 minute lunch is a mistake.
When you can do what we do for the pay we get, let’s talk. Until then, kindly suck on deez nutz. 3 months ago
Just because he is an idiot who never worked a day in his life and so doesn’t know that your productivity goes down significantly without relaxation that doesn’t mean that anyone should listen to that drivel. 3 months ago
It’s not about productivity. If that were the real goal then the entire system would be structured radically differently, given what we know now through actual research. The real goal is ensuring that workers do not have ample time or energy to collectively organize. Make sure they don’t have the time to even think about anything else, and you ensure they damn sure don’t have the time to rebel. The other goal is ensuring there are a significant number of unemployed people in terrible enough conditions to make them desperate, but not so terrible that they are incapable of working. That way if s few stray workers get a bug up their ass about organizing and striking, there’s a reserve army of labor in the homeless and unemployed communities that can step in and scab. 3 months ago
I’m only able to take a couple a year, but 3 day weekends are amazing. It takes me two days to catch up on life from working like a dog, and it means I get one day to actually enjoy the life I allegedly work so hard for.
You could argue my greedy ass would say the same thing about 4day weekends if 3days was the norm. Perhaps, but I don’t think so - I think there’s something balanced about the 3:4 ratio. My mood and productivity are so much better on the rare occasions I get to experience this. 3 months ago
Instead of taking traditional vacation throughout the year, I started taking as many Wednesdays as I can for this exact reason. I picked Wednesday specifically because no one else is off to need my attention and I can actually focus on my own chores or my mental health.
Two days is not enough for me to get caught up. 3 months ago
That sounds good, but we are strongly discouraged from one or two day vacations. Supposed to take one week blocks. It’s just short enough to not be relaxing and long enough to chew through a decent chunk of time off. 3 months ago
Narayana Murthy being born was a mistake, I hope someone rectifies it. 3 months ago
Shut the fuck up, Narayama Murthy. 3 months ago
The mistake was narayama murthy’s mom didn’t swallow the night he was conceived. 3 months ago
To be fair, some of my weekends have been a mistake. 3 months ago
WOW. Sleep and rest are mistakes. TIL 3 months ago
Is immolation illegal? 3 months ago
This is honestly pretty funny stuff. 3 months ago
Shockingly, your brain and productivity improve when you get regular downtime. 3 months ago
I’ll read this next weekend 🙃 3 months ago
I’ll eat you next weekend! Mmmmmm, smoked gouda cheese. Lettice. Pickles. Bacon. Squirt of ketchup.
Just need some potatoes. 3 months ago
His american colleagues sometimes poke fun at my cousins branch for only working 35 hours a week, taking long vacations and having lots of state mandated holidays throughout the year. When they hire someone new they sometimes comment on how lazy the german colleagues are…
Then they point them towards the numbers and the fact that the german branch is constantly setting the productivity records. They’ve been outperforming the americans by more than 10% for years.