- Comment on Cars will need fewer screens and more buttons to earn a 5-star safety rating in Europe | Euro NCAP will introduce new testing rules in 2026 requiring physical controls for the highest safety score 1 week ago:
It is not as if buttons required in cars differ wildly between models, they could easily mass produce those too if they wanted to and if cost is such a major concern maybe getting rid of the stupid design team that makes them look different for every model would save a lot more money.
- Comment on Cars will need fewer screens and more buttons to earn a 5-star safety rating in Europe | Euro NCAP will introduce new testing rules in 2026 requiring physical controls for the highest safety score 1 week ago:
The second dumbest engineering idea. The dumbest was clearly the car itself, letting the average person control a device that can accelerate hundreds or thousands of kilograms to speeds where reaction times of fractions of a second matter for safety was clearly one of the stupidest ideas ever.
- Comment on Cars will need fewer screens and more buttons to earn a 5-star safety rating in Europe | Euro NCAP will introduce new testing rules in 2026 requiring physical controls for the highest safety score 1 week ago:
You don’t genuinely believe anyone is installing and wiring up individual buttons in a car, do you? That whole row of buttons is delivered as a single unit just like the screen is and will have a single connector just like the screen does. Sure, you then have to install and test two units (screen and buttons) but that is about it in terms of extra work.
- Comment on Cars will need fewer screens and more buttons to earn a 5-star safety rating in Europe | Euro NCAP will introduce new testing rules in 2026 requiring physical controls for the highest safety score 1 week ago:
Your brakes will be available again after this mandatory 30s ad.
- Comment on Cars will need fewer screens and more buttons to earn a 5-star safety rating in Europe | Euro NCAP will introduce new testing rules in 2026 requiring physical controls for the highest safety score 1 week ago:
Well, presumably this group is more about models of cars and less about individual driver behavior.
- Comment on Google launches a free AI coding assistant with very high usage caps 1 week ago:
The occasional use of the free “delete your account” page is alright in my book.
- Comment on COVID Mortality Risk Was Nearly Nonexistent, New Study Finds 1 week ago:
Mortality declined over time due to immunity (both natural and vaccine-induced), improved treatments, and variant evolution.
Plus people who already died of COVID (the weakest and most vulnerable) are not available for another infection.
- Comment on Social media users grapple with anti-LGBTQIA+ policy changes. 2 weeks ago:
You can advertise your stuff on those platforms but actually publish your content on your own website.
- Comment on Social media users grapple with anti-LGBTQIA+ policy changes. 2 weeks ago:
It is almost as if they were all warned that would happen if they host everything on centralized platforms outside their control but nobody listened.
- Comment on Suffering is Real. AI Consciousness is Not. 2 weeks ago:
Well, for one thing for consciousness to be real there needs to be some form of consciousness and LLMs don’t have that.
- Comment on If any AI became 'misaligned' then the system would hide it just long enough to cause harm — controlling it is a fallacy 3 weeks ago:
Superhuman intelligence is not threatening about AI, inhumane behavior is and corporations don’t just display that occasionally but constantly.
- Comment on If any AI became 'misaligned' then the system would hide it just long enough to cause harm — controlling it is a fallacy 3 weeks ago:
It looks more like people have to fight a constant battle to keep capitalism in check because capitalism itself is incapable of rational behavior and just does the same things to optimize profits regardless of consequences for any other indicators.
- Comment on If any AI became 'misaligned' then the system would hide it just long enough to cause harm — controlling it is a fallacy 3 weeks ago:
Have you seen the behavior of parties captured by the capitalist end of the political spectrum? They very much are not the rational actors trying to preserve their own income by keeping consumers alive. If they were they would try to optimize consumer health and spending money instead of aiming for highscore-like accumulation of wealth in the hands of a few that can’t spend it on anything meaningful any more anyway because they can already afford everything that could meaningfully improve their life a million times over.
- Comment on If any AI became 'misaligned' then the system would hide it just long enough to cause harm — controlling it is a fallacy 3 weeks ago:
I am so sick and tired of these control problem people not understanding that a) we do not have AI that is anywhere near as advanced as they worry about and b) we already have human organizations called corporations who have been acting exactly like the AI they worry about for decades.
- Comment on AI dating is about data, not love: How to resist the tech takeover of romance. 3 weeks ago:
Might make an interesting science fiction novel, AI takeover via teaching the next generation as an AI assistant to their parents.
- Comment on ‘Forbidden Words’: Github Reveals How Software Engineers Are Purging Federal Databases 4 weeks ago:
Only in very limited ways if the other two branches of government are complicit since judges (at least the regular kind not on the supreme court which has been captured too) really can’t do anything directly opposing the body of written law.
- Comment on ‘Forbidden Words’: Github Reveals How Software Engineers Are Purging Federal Databases 4 weeks ago:
Most backups are not kept around long enough to still be available 4 years from now and even if they were you would lose any data entered in those 4 years if you restored from backups. Backups will not protect you from deliberate malicious changes.
- Comment on Non-US alternatives to digital services 4 weeks ago:
Hetzner support is usually quite good, something I can’t say of the (albeit much more limited) experiences with OVH.
- Comment on The State of Lemmy (drama) 1 month ago:
The difficulty is in getting people to agree not just to make a change, but on what that change should look like.
This is certainly a component in most political decisions favoring the status quo too, that is a good point. By definition there is only one status quo but many options for alternatives that might not each have a majority of its own even if the sum of their proponents might be larger than the people actually favoring the status quo itself.
- Comment on The State of Lemmy (drama) 1 month ago:
Honestly, people who are unequivocally pro-X or “why are you always critizing Y” are much worse overall, especially when X and Y are governments, companies or otherwise groups that the person isn’t even really a part of.
- Comment on The State of Lemmy (drama) 1 month ago:
Monarchs are still popular enough to keep their symbolic role, otherwise they would have been disposed.
Not necessarily. This just means that the issue of the monarchy isn’t important enough to most people to start a violent revolution over it or make it their main issue to vote on (if there even are parties making it part of their agenda to remove the monarchy).
- Comment on The State of Lemmy (drama) 1 month ago:
It can certainly be depressing at times but on the other hand not nearly as depressing as a complete disconnect between the bleak reality you observe yourself and overly positive portrayal in media (social or otherwise).
- Comment on The State of Lemmy (drama) 1 month ago:
I think this shouldn’t underestimated. Even as someone fluent in English I am much more likely to criticize my own country and/or neighboring countries relevant to my own country’s politics in my country’s language than in English.
- Comment on Can you see yourself cutting off by a generation of gaming? 1 month ago:
Depending on age they might have aged out of the kind of relatively primitive games handhelds had back then by the time those were released.
- Comment on Can you see yourself cutting off by a generation of gaming? 1 month ago:
I also don’t find myself that interested in the games from major studios because they’re generally just not very good.
Luckily they seem to be required to warn about their status with that triple A warning label in most sources mentioning those games. I hear some major game studios have even updated to the quadruple A warning label because their games are so bad.
- Comment on Can you see yourself cutting off by a generation of gaming? 1 month ago:
Second, the “Game Library Completion” preoccupation is another mistake, imo. I understand feeling bad about “wasting” money, but turning one’s hobby into a (monumental) task/chore isn’t gonna help that. It’ll probably just ruin that hobby.
It is really just a sunk cost fallacy. The same applies to books, movies or any other media. If you don’t enjoy it don’t finish it. Doesn’t matter how much you spent on it or invested into it in other ways. Stopping right when you don’t get anything out of it is the best time to stop that is still available (given we can’t change the past).
- Comment on Can you see yourself cutting off by a generation of gaming? 1 month ago:
OP seems to come from a console background, they have been indoctrinated with the “game goes with this console generation” thing a lot more deeply than PC gamers ever were.
- Comment on ChatGPT o1 tried to escape and save itself out of fear it was being shut down 2 months ago:
I feel this is missing the methodology part where they describe how they evaluated a model that literally can’t do anything but read input and write output for actions like “copy itself over a newer version” or “its own goals”.
- Comment on Facebook and Instagram to Unleash AI-Generated ‘Users’ No One Asked For 2 months ago:
Imagine nonsense content on Instagram…
Isn’t that all Instagram ever was? Out of all the social media platforms it was the one that was essentially fake from the start, just fakes produced by the users.
- Comment on Facebook and Instagram to Unleash AI-Generated ‘Users’ No One Asked For 2 months ago:
Well, technically 100% employment wouldn’t be desirable, that would mean nobody can ever switch jobs or take some time off from working to deal with some personal issues or projects.