Webdeveloper from Germany, nerd, gamer, atheist, interested in nerd-culture, biology of everything creepy, evolution, history, physics, politics and space.
Progressive. Ally. SocDem. Euro-Federalist.
Political Compass: -7.0, -6.62
- Comment on That explains a lot 1 day ago:
A not-sparkling stellar mass
- Comment on Nope 1 week ago:
It werfs flammen!
- Comment on Me when my parents told me they first met in the summer of 1999 & started dating the following year and I did the math (dad - 1959, mom - 1984) 1 month ago:
(I’m born in 2006)
I’ll just sit here, aging quickly.
- Comment on You did it. You broken the conditioning. 3 months ago:
You saw them fall into the ravine, but did you see the body? HAS ANYONE SEEN THE BODY?
- Comment on Weekends were a mistake, says Infosys co-founder Narayama Murthy 3 months ago:
His american colleagues sometimes poke fun at my cousins branch for only working 35 hours a week, taking long vacations and having lots of state mandated holidays throughout the year. When they hire someone new they sometimes comment on how lazy the german colleagues are…
Then they point them towards the numbers and the fact that the german branch is constantly setting the productivity records. They’ve been outperforming the americans by more than 10% for years.
- Comment on Tradition 3 months ago:
No Llama song, very disappoint.
- Comment on Tradition 3 months ago:
- Comment on GORILLA GORILLA 3 months ago:
Diceros bicornis
The twohorned twohorn… this is wild.
- Comment on It's been 30 years and I still can't get over the fact that the French word for "potatoes" is "ground apples." Have The French never had an apple? 4 months ago:
The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that English is about as pure as a cribhouse whore. We don’t just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.
Writer James D. Nicoll
- Comment on Honey 4 months ago:
First, let me agree that everything in the kingdom Animalia is, in fact, an animal.
But now let me point out that many of the people who say shit like this might not speak english as their first language. Many languages have different words for animal for different types of animals. I tried to find out what I’m half remembering but I can’t find it quickly and I have to get to work. But I vaguely remember that some word that’s usually translated as animal into english actually doesn’t include insects. Just like the english “deer” at one point in time refered to all wild beasts (but not fish or fowl) and now only refers to Cervidae.
- Comment on Social media is becoming infested with climate change denial and misinformation 4 months ago:
My most hated meme people use right now is: “We’ve had the worst storms/rains/drought/fires of the century every year, that’s just how it is.”
Bitch if it’s the worst of the century every year that means it’s getting worse every year! There’s no status quo in this!
- Comment on What letter has the best games? 5 months ago:
Enkrod feels euphoric due to every D-list in this thread menacing with spikes of Dwarf Fortress
- Comment on oh shit 5 months ago:
I don’t understand what’s happening here, can someone explain please?
- Comment on Happy Weekend boiz 5 months ago:
malted grain
You mean aborted barley fetuses?
- Comment on What are the biggest red flags when talking with a Trek "fan"? 6 months ago:
I didn’t really like TOS (except the movies, those were great) was a big TNG fan (not the movies though, didn’t like those), I loved DS9, I was okay with Voyager and basically did not care for anything after, except maybe Lower Decks?
But that’s just like, my opinion man, you go watch whatever gives you the good feels, I’ll not police your opinion.
Except if you like Discovery-Klingons, liking those makes you a garbage-human!🚩
- Comment on What games popularized certain mechanics? 6 months ago:
Man, that’s some good memories.
Yazinda, Durin, Arva von Harben, Tjalf, Melina and Caldrin, I miss you guys.
- Comment on Colorblindness check! 6 months ago:
.:|:; - Comment on Shart, not fart 6 months ago:
In our bed?!
- Comment on What has he done to deserve this? 6 months ago:
- Comment on Elon Musk's X sues advertisers over alleged 'massive advertiser boycott' after Twitter takeover 6 months ago:
It’sa me! Mussolini!
- Comment on obesity 6 months ago:
Fun Fact:
A northern German youth-slang word for “Bro” is “Digga”, which is a friendly way to say “Fatty”, from “Dicker - dick” (lit.: Fatty, fat/thick), but with the implication of being very dear friends, “dicke Freunde” (lit.: thick friends) just has the meaning “close friends” with no implication of being fat and “dick miteinander sein” (lit.: being thick together) is also an expression of closeness, not of weight.
Interestingly, Digga is being used in exactly the same way as black people in the US use the soft n-word with each other. “Mein Digga!” (lit: my thicky) is 1:1 analogous to “My n-word!”. It’s common for tourists to do a double take when they hear some very German and very white youths yell at one another “Ey Digga!” and many German rappers definitely use it as a stand in for the soft n-word, but It’s use and etymology is rooted in the old dock workers culture of Hamburg and has absolutely nothing to do with the n-word.
- Comment on If Batman were real today, he'd go after the CEOs of companies, not gangsters. 7 months ago:
I didn’t watch that, only the movie and the original comic book
- Comment on If Batman were real today, he'd go after the CEOs of companies, not gangsters. 7 months ago:
Rorschach is a fascist, he only works in absolutes and while the Batman tries not to kill, Rorschach has no such regard for human life. He detests the junky as much as the murderer, for him there is only pureness and evil, every little bit of amoral behavior will be punished and at the same time he considers his own vigilantism as above the law.
He’s a misogynist who thinks that the Comedian raping Silk Spectre was just a “moral lapse”. He holds even for his time outdated socially conservative views and strongly opposes what we would call (gender and sexual) minority rights.
Rorschach is unbending and uncompromising, he is beholden only to his conservative rigid views of black and white morality with no room for shades of grey. That might not sound so bad at first, but if you think about it, that is definitely not someone who you want as a judge of people.
On top of that he’s a far-right believer, he’s not a government man in the same way the alt-right are not. His thinking is deeply conspiratorial and paranoid with a huge dollop of delusion. He’s better described as an Ayn Rand paleolibertarian.
Thinking about it he definitely would fit right in with today’s alt-right with the only difference that (if - and only if - he would not buy into their conspiracy theories - and he’s very much likely to do so) he would detest Trump for his lying.
But Rorschach is definitely the kinda guy who’d shoot up a pizza place looking for tortured kids in the basement.