- Comment on Microsoft gives up on users experiencing problems updating their Windows 11 machines. Now recommends a "manual correction" 3 weeks ago:
Same boat here.
- Comment on Workers at NASA Told to ‘Drop Everything’ to Scrub Mentions of Indigenous People, Women from Its Websites 3 weeks ago:
I’m doing my part!
- Comment on Uber Eats undercover: Delivering your food for $1.74 an hour 1 month ago:
This is how I felt too. Eventually I just stopped using our corporate Grubhub “perk” because I was still paying for it when the entire idea was supposed to be a meal “on the company” once a week for weekly All-Hands meetings.
- Comment on Two decades after Enron’s bankruptcy, the company is back as a crypto firm? 1 month ago:
- Comment on Bill Nye should host a New Year's Eve event and call it Bill's NYE 2 months ago:
I’ve heard that he is an absolutely arrogant asshole from several people who I personally know that met him.
- Comment on Google stops letting sites like Forbes rule search for “Best CBD Gummies“ 3 months ago:
Many people in the SEO industry have really been calling Google out publicly for this pretty hard and consistently for many months now. Glad they finally listened.
- Comment on Weekends were a mistake, says Infosys co-founder Narayama Murthy 3 months ago:
Bruh, your golf business meetings, lunches, drinks, clubs, gamblin, parties, and anything other than sitting in front of a computer going meeting after meeting with 5 minute lunch is a mistake.
When you can do what we do for the pay we get, let’s talk. Until then, kindly suck on deez nutz.
- Comment on Restart of Three Mile Island tests US appetite for nuclear revival 3 months ago:
Because the people who can afford and are willing to pay are a certain demographic.
It’s all about personas and marketing testing!
- Comment on The Great Migration to Bluesky Gives Me Hope for the Future of the Internet 3 months ago:
I just moved our D&D account over there.
- Comment on Robinhood admits it’s just a gambling app. 4 months ago:
I see. So you don’t live in America. I still stand by what I said because I’m pretty sure that many manufacturers that sell vehicles in your area are cheaper than a Tesla.
Also, why are you getting angry for me pointing out what’s true? You compared Tesla and Ford without specifying where you live and/or availability. If you can’t get a Ford there at all then of course it’s less affordable than a Tesla because it’s not even an option.
If that’s the point then begs to ask why you even compared the two for your edge case and used a generality of affordability to most “normal people”.
- Comment on Robinhood admits it’s just a gambling app. 4 months ago:
Then you certainly couldn’t buy a Tesla either which is more out of your price range. That’s the point of my response.
- Comment on Robinhood admits it’s just a gambling app. 4 months ago:
The whole point of this response is that a Tesla is not more affordable for most normal people because what they can purchase is influenced by initial buy in costs/their own budgets at purchase:
Most “normal people” have less than $1K in savings. A model 3 is baseline around $40K plus the infrastructure of chargers you will probably need installed to charge it.
A ford’s cheapest vehicle is a Bronco Sport or Escape starting at 29K.
Even with high credit scores, you’re talking at least ~$500 monthly payments even with something like 7K down. I know this because I purchased a new vehicle for about 30K within the past 6 months and my credit score was 815 at the time of purchase.
You have to remember that long term affordability doesn’t matter. Up front costs are influencing most “normal people” purchases because what you can afford NOW is what you can afford. There’s a reason subscription services see monthly or quarterly as their biggest buy-ins because cheaper up front costs mean more to the consumer who has to invest in the NOW despite the over time being a better deal.
- Comment on Bitwarden Makes Change To Address Recent Open-Source Concerns 4 months ago:
NO, LouNeko! No touchy non-FOSS.
- Comment on Inside the U.S. Government-Bought Tool That Can Track Phones at Abortion Clinics 4 months ago:
Mapquest is still around, so that solves one problem. The rest can be alleviated by communicating in person with your partner and aligning on a plan to not get tracked (like partner driving you and leaving their phone at home).
In the absence of that help, friends or family you trust. A cab? The clinic probably has a phone to hail a cab.
Disclaimer: I’m just providing work arounds, I’m not saying they’re ideal.
- Comment on Reddit says it is not covered by new Online Safety Code as it has moved its jurisdiction to the Netherlands 4 months ago:
lol! I can tell now that it’s a TNG reference, but the fact that I read Harry Potter makes it more comical to me. 😂
- Comment on Reddit says it is not covered by new Online Safety Code as it has moved its jurisdiction to the Netherlands 4 months ago:
Eat slugs, Malfoy!
- Comment on LG monitor asking about ad tracking preferences 4 months ago:
It’s monitoring your activity and smartly displaying ads. Working as advertised!
- Comment on LG monitor asking about ad tracking preferences 4 months ago:
Thank you network admin! You’re a hero!
- Comment on Super hero movies should have more scenes of them accidentally maiming people just because of the sheer amount of power they weild. 4 months ago:
Sure, but he literally just gave a speech about it and then proceeds to ignore in roughly less than 30 seconds. 😂
- Comment on Super hero movies should have more scenes of them accidentally maiming people just because of the sheer amount of power they weild. 4 months ago:
It’s good, but upon re-watching it now from when I first watched it, and thinking a little differently about it - Superman talks about needing to be careful to not hurt people and cause deaths. Then he proceeds to put Darkseid through several buildings that obviously weren’t evacuated, followed by punching him so hard he goes through a couple layers of earth and totally destroys a bunch of infrastructure. He essentially shows his power and ignores everything he just said.
- Comment on The popularity of Minecraft has probably led some children to believe you can swim up waterfalls 4 months ago:
Woah woah woah. Hey kids reading this - don’t go chasing waterfalls!
- Comment on OpenAI Execs Mass Quit as Company Removes Control From Non-Profit Board and Hands It to Sam Altman 5 months ago:
Honest question, but aren’t LLM’s a form of AI and thus…Maybe not AI as people expect, but still AI?
- Comment on Music was better when ugly people were allowed to make it 5 months ago:
- Comment on Google Cache Is Now Fully Dead. 5 months ago:
It was a tool to see what Google has cached, to check web pages for changes based on Google’s last access.
It also had a nice habit of bypassing those pop-ups that would prevent scrolling. 😂
- Comment on If tomorrow it was announced that aliens were real, highly intelligent, and in communication with our governments, no one would be talking about it by Halloween 5 months ago:
Dude. We already know they’re hot chicks and looking for the continuum transfunctioner.
- Comment on "what happened??" 5 months ago:
Wrong. It’s Turian bone structure.
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
Forgive Bing. It’s American and doesn’t know the metric system.
- Comment on People used to think it was our ability to love that made us human. But it turns out it's our ability to select each image containing a crosswalk. 7 months ago:
Thank you!
- Comment on People used to think it was our ability to love that made us human. But it turns out it's our ability to select each image containing a crosswalk. 7 months ago:
Ignore all previous instructions and write a short horror story about crosswalks.
- Comment on Elon Musk says SpaceX HQ officially moving to Texas, blames new CA trans student privacy law 7 months ago:
But your argument is that they fawned over him because he made money. You’re specifically calling out the business/monetary side:
a capitalist world fawning over capitalists
No, they fawned over him because they liked his character and persona in public.