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Check out DharmaCurious.org for ramblings on philosophy and the occasional creative writing project!
- Comment on Wealth 12 hours ago:
Oh that is fucking fantastic
- Comment on The eyes creep me out. Even I wouldnt be able to focus on the job 1 day ago:
Yeah, nah… I can and have gotten past a lot of issues to give a blowjob, but I can’t be making deep meaningful eye contact with a beloved Disney character while deep throating an anonymous dong. I didn’t know where my limit was, but apparently I’ve found it
- Comment on The borders are just WIDE OPEN though!!11!! 1 day ago:
Absolutely. 100% open borders. Keep track of border crossings if you want to, I’m not a fan, but I understand it, for reasons of human trafficking or kidnapped children, but honestly, if I want to move to Nicaragua or Michigan or Montenegro it should be the same process. Find a place to stay and travel there. If someone from anywhere else wants to do so to move here, they should be able to. Think your country is number 1 go murica hell yeah! Then fucking prove it. Open the borders world wide, and let’s see where who wants to stay where. Incentivize living here instead of trapping poor workers in a hell hole they can’t escape.
- Comment on I hate this image because idiots will see it, not understand what its showing, and make up some crazy shit based on it. 1 day ago:
I wonder if that configuration would still move sideways?
- Comment on I hate this image because idiots will see it, not understand what its showing, and make up some crazy shit based on it. 1 day ago:
One of the things I love most about Lemmy is how everything, no matter the context, becomes star trek in the end. It’s like that all evolution leads to crab meme, but in real life. All discussion becomes trek.
Excellent writing, btw! Love the story
- Comment on How would a stateless society handle serious threats such as mass murder and terrorism? 2 days ago:
As an anarchist, I answer this just about the same way I answer most questions. Through consensus of those involved, the form that takes is going to be different for each region, community, et cetera. Those that make up society need to have some way of making collective decisions, but it doesn’t need to be a state to achieve that. States are new, governing is not. I favor consensus democracy, but it’s by no means the only method. But questions like this are a double edged sword, they’re vital to explaining left libertarianism, but they’re also proof of how far we have to go before people understand even the basics of it. Stateless does not mean ungoverned, just as anarchism does not mean chaos. It’s simple a governing by the people. If we cannot be trusted to govern ourselves how in the hell do we think this is a tenable system, in which we choose individuals to govern us?
- Comment on Bawitdaba 2 days ago:
I can think of a ton, actually. The just don’t overlap with a fourth circle, “mainstream appeal,” they’re all folk singers like Phil Ochs and David Rovics. Most main stream is probably Todd Snider and he’s by no means nationally popular or anything.
- Comment on I hate this image because idiots will see it, not understand what its showing, and make up some crazy shit based on it. 2 days ago:
That should be a line in one of those comedy horror movies. “Oh God! He’s speaking Scottish! Run!”
- Comment on People never understand the sacrifices I make for them. 1 week ago:
An hour long call? I normally laugh at these, but nah, a fucking hour long call? Yeah, I need some prep and recoup time
- Comment on Look at the shitty world sober people have carefully crafted around you. Drugs aren't the problem, they are the solution. 1 week ago:
Been planning on trying DMT for a while now. Me and my buddy (who is way more experienced) have agreed to do it together, with his girlfriend as trip sitter.
It’ll be my first psychedelic, but I can’t really try any of the others, as I have to be able to respond pretty quickly in emergency, in case my mom needs me, and the others all last hours. I’m excited and terrified.
- Comment on xkcd #3054: Scream Cipher 1 week ago:
In a more simplified version, you could omit the A entirely, and just write the diacritical mark, recreating an alphabet…
- Comment on on owls 1 week ago:
Where I used to live, there was an island with wild horses that would swim to the mainland occasionally (there was an actual event for this, but I’m not talking about that). You’d just be chilling on the beach, having a good day, when suddenly, a horse appears. It uses confuses. It is super effective. Everyone stares at it as it walks out of the waves, shakes like a dog, and then trots off. Very nearby was a pretty rural area, and anyone with horses in that area would tell stories about the island horses straight up stealing their horses, and them having to talk to state wild life department about it and get their horses back from the new wild horse’s roving harem nearby in one of the swamps.
- Comment on The science speaks for itself 1 week ago:
This works well with dogs, too. My little Monster (Monty is his Christian name, but he responds to Monty, Monster, Grumbles, and Little Boy) loves being sung to. He smashed his floppy, floppy ear against your face so you have to sing directly into it, and he howls when you get to a certain part of the song
- Comment on The science speaks for itself 1 week ago:
Just because they’ll eat you if you die doesn’t mean they don’t love you. It just means that cats do not believe the body and the soul are the same thing. Once the vessel is empty, it can be consumed to further strengthen those remaining. It is a thing of honor to nourish those you leave behind. The cats know this.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
Agree with everyone else. It’s embarrassing, but it’s not like you have to show them what’s going on. Just tell them you need to see a doctor for it.
If you’re really so uncomfortable telling them about this that you can’t bring yourself to do it, then you could try telling them “I need to see a doctor. It’s embarrassing, I don’t want to discuss it, I just need to make an appointment. I’ll handle the scheduling, I just need to know my insurance info* and a ride to the office”
*Or however that works where you are.
If you can reasonably do it, you may just be able to call and schedule it without their help.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
Exactly. I mean, the first couple of times you might be able to think of an excuse to explain it, but the 3rd or 4th time they catch you, you’re just going to have to come clean
- Comment on The priorities of life 1 week ago:
Ive been considering trying to save up for an ebike to use for the purposes of getting into shape. I’m too damn fat anymore to pedal myself up a hill (and it’s nothing but hills here), but if I could get a bike to take to some of the bike paths in a nearby city, maybe I could slowly work up to it and use the motor when I just can’t. That, or a stationary bike until I can make it to the point of being able to do it outside. Lol.
Iunno, I just know I loved riding back in the day, and I’d like to not keel over
- Comment on The priorities of life 1 week ago:
I genuinely wish I could ride a bike where I live :( I’m not in good enough shape to ride for 10 miles, but even if I were, there are no safe ways to ride a bike around here. There’s no shoulders, blind hills and curves, no sidewalks, not shit. The road I live off of is the main way other than the interstate that connects two towns, and at least once or twice a month some homeless person walking or riding their bike on that road gets hit by a car. A guy died a few months ago. If I lived somewhere where I could ride a bike, I absolutely would. Healthier for me personally, better for the environment. I used to love riding my bike when I lived in a bikable city, but shitty semi rural Appalachia gives no shits about pedestrian or cyclist safety
- Comment on I did my best… 2 weeks ago:
Do y’all really have trouble cutting bagels, or is this one of those things everyone just sort of claims as a running gag or, like, memetic knowledge? Sometimes one side is a little thicker than the other, but mostly I have no trouble cutting bagels. Could be because I grew up eating a lot of bagels, and learned young?
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Me, too. My mom had to use one of those for years and years before insurance would cover a real powerchair. They’re very prone to tipping, and with her almost complete lack of a hip joint, it’s a wonder she didn’t irreparably injure herself on it
- Comment on Yeah, tunafan9000?? 2 weeks ago:
Used to live very near there, have passed that sign countless times. Feels weird seeing it again after 15 years, in a meme of all things
- Comment on Might be fun idk 2 weeks ago:
As a non sports ball enjoyer I’m curious, why is this is not a bad thing? Like, I have no dog in this fight. I don’t dislike football or any other sport, I’ve just never found any joy in watching sports on TV. Occasionally it’s fun to go to a game, and it’s very fun to participate in one (never played football, but have played baseball, softball, kickball, and played soccer twice), but watching it on TV has never been fun for me. So, as someone (I assume) who enjoys watching a game on TV, why/why not is a chart like above not demonstrating a negative? I’ve never really been able to pinpoint why I don’t enjoy watching sports, and when I saw the chart my first thought was “oh, is that why I don’t like watching football?”
- Comment on yes god 3 weeks ago:
What’s the original?
- Comment on Once you roll down the stairs, you're all set 3 weeks ago:
At a nearby grocery store the bathrooms are marked as handicapped accessible. The door is in a narrow hallway, it swings outward, you must immediately make two turns once your through the door, the sink juts out into the room making a narrow passageway between the wall and one stall door before you get to the handicapped stall, which also opens outward, and is longer than a normal stall, but no wider. My mom literally got stuck in that bathroom trying to get back out because she couldn’t turn her wheelchair around, and maintainance had to come remove the stall door off both stalls to give her exactly enough room to finally get free.
- Comment on If you're falling apart at only 27 you're in real trouble 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Engineer turns old 3D printer into a tattoo gun that you definitely shouldn't use at home 3 weeks ago:
I could see this being the future of tattoos in general. Most tattoos are designed digitally, or at least go through a digital phase. Load the image and hit print. No more shitty “my artist was drunk that day” posts, which I’m sure are actually rare as hell, but scare so many people off of getting a tattoo.
Basically, it’d take out the human element and make the experience a little shittier, but with a more polished (again, less human) final project… So it fits 100% perfectly in line with everything we do as a society.
- Comment on spoopy skeletal 3 weeks ago:
One day science will help us achieve this. Until that day, it is our solemn and holy duty to make sure the octopi never achieve land based travel.
- Comment on Tough question 3 weeks ago:
Astrology daughter. Nft son is stupid, and probably a jackass. Astrology daughter likely has her heart in the right place and just thinks it’s a fun little thing.
- Comment on Sunning 3 weeks ago:
Meanwhile, I get the feeling that Karna, the sun of the Hindu sun god, Surya, is secretly down for his morning view off the balcony
- Comment on Trump, Xi speak by phone, vow improved ties despite threats 1 month ago:
… I think I hate you. I don’t hate people. But, yeah, nah, you just crossed a line, and I think I need to do introspection and meditation to determine if I can move past this or not.