- Comment on Weekends were a mistake, says Infosys co-founder Narayama Murthy 3 months ago:
The problem with statements like this is that they only ever seem to be made by narcissists who thinks work is only those efforts that directly benefit them. The end of my “work day” is when I start my other job of working for myself. I manage my home, I take care of my garden, I put effort into maintaining or improving my physical and mental well being, I foster and build the relationships in my life that I care about, etc. All of that is work, it’s just work that I do for myself and don’t get a paycheck for.
- Comment on who is part of my family and who isn't?? 3 months ago:
Personally, I consider family to be a social group more than a biological relationship. I have relatives that I’ve never met in my adult life that I don’t consider family. Conversely, there are people I consider family that were brought into my life through marriage, adoption, and close friendships.
- Comment on Ah, the old family favourite 3 months ago:
- Comment on Are there any historical or modern day true stories (like the story of The Buddha) of someone born rich and privileged who just walked away from their family and turned down money and an inheritance? 4 months ago:
Not born wealthy, but there was Ronald Read who lived a modest life resulting in a multimillion dollar estate when he passed in 2016. He left most of it to local library and hospital.
- Comment on I don't want to call Twitter X out of spite, but calling the travesty that is X Twitter is an insult to the people that made Twitter what it was. 5 months ago:
It’s not like it was a hostile take over. They played their part when Musk talked shit and they sued him to follow through with the purchase. They could have easily kept it, but they wanted the money instead.
- Comment on Amazon tech workers leaving for other jobs in response to return to office mandate 5 months ago:
I hope a significant number of them get new jobs and quiet quit to get that double paycheck for as long as they can.
- Comment on Ubisoft comes crawlin' back to Steam 5 months ago:
Until I hear that they have dumped the requirement to log into Ubisoft Connect or Uplay or whatever they are calling it noe, then Ubisoft will remain dead to me.
Makes me sad. I really enjoyed the Assassin’s Creed series and have waited for Shadows for what feels like a decade now.
- Comment on Reminder: Sly Stallone’s name is Sylvester 5 months ago:
70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s, 2010s, and 2020s.
- Comment on Comedy shows have laugh tracks cuz they aren't that funny 6 months ago:
You aren’t necessarily wrong. Have you ever seen Friends without a laugh track?
- Comment on Trump promotes family's new crypto platform, 'The Defiant Ones' 6 months ago:
“… guys like me who have been debanked,” Donald Trump Jr. said
I had to look up “debanked”. Admitting to it has to be the financial equivalent of telling people you are a registered sex offender.
- Comment on Why is it so easy to avoid nettles as an adult? 7 months ago:
As you got better at avoiding where needles are likely to be, or
- Comment on Trump's answer today reminded me of his infamous "Nuclear" quote. 7 months ago:
What was he supposed to be responding to? I assume it was at least some sort of question, but beyond that I have no idea.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
A survey of 18,000 Americans released in March pointed to flexible work schedules helping mental health.
It’s almost like the work force actually values the quality of their lives more than … umm, honestly I’ve never been able to figure out a positive side for companies pushing RTO. Report after report show remote work improves productivity, employee retention, is perceived as a significant perk to attract new talent, and reduces corporate overhead (that last one is just an assumption on my part).
Seriously, what is the attraction for RTO?
- Comment on Oddly specific question 10 months ago:
One side is fearful while the other is merely worried. Does that feel like loaded language to anybody else or am I being paranoid about subconscious manipulation by the media?
- Comment on What a TikTok Ban Would Mean for the U.S. Defense of an Open Internet 10 months ago:
How is banning TikTok “limiting technological advancements”?
Would you agree that I was able to provide examples of “China doing the same” which you stated that you “did not see”?
- Comment on What a TikTok Ban Would Mean for the U.S. Defense of an Open Internet 10 months ago:
Are you kidding? China has some of the strongest censorship laws in the world which includes filtering internet content and blocking access to apps. North Korea is the only country that has more repressed access to free information.
The Chinese government has banned, among others, Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Reddit, BBC, Wikipedia and … are you ready for this … TIKTOK. The Chinese government agrees that TikTok should be banned (though for different reasons).
- Comment on First known test dogfight between AI and human pilot carried out, US military says 10 months ago:
In 2020, so-called “AI agents” defeated human pilots in simulations in all five of their match-ups - but the technology needed to be run for real in the air.
It did not reveal which aircraft won the dogfight.
I’m gonna guess the AI won.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Panhandling is just asking for money. Every celebrity, politician, school, charity, church, library, little league sports team, etc I can think of has done that at one point or another. I have worked in office environments where people have come around looking for donations for this thing or that.
How are you defining panhandling and why would it be any different than other forms of soliciting for donations? Because it sounds like your question is about policing a group of people and not an action.
- Comment on 23andMe tells victims it's their fault that their data was breached | TechCrunch 1 year ago:
23andMe admitted that hackers had stolen the genetic and ancestry data of 6.9 million users
I’m honestly asking what the impact to the users is from this breach. Wasn’t 23andMe already free to selling or distribute this data to anybody they wanted to, without notifying the users?
- Comment on PlayStation To Delete A Ton Of TV Shows Users Already Paid For 1 year ago:
Not the first time people “bought” digital media only to have it taken away.
Physical media or local downloads is the way to go.
- Submitted 1 year ago to [deleted] | 19 comments
- Comment on China launches world’s fastest internet with 1.2 terabit per second link, can transmit 150 4K movies a second 1 year ago:
China is claiming…
Aaaand I no longer have any confidence in the validity of this claim.
- Comment on There's no way for teachers to figure out if students are using ChatGPT to cheat, OpenAI says in new back-to-school guide 1 year ago:
At the core of learning is for students to understand the content being taught. Using tools and shortcuts don’t necessarily negate that understanding.
Using chatGPT is no different, from an acidemic evaluation standpoint, than having somebody else do an assignment.
Teachers should already be incorporating some sort of verbal q&a sessions with students to see if their demonstrated in-person comprehension matches their written comprehension. Though from my personal experience, this very rarely happens.
- Comment on New Footage Shows Tesla On Autopilot Crashing Into Police Car After Alerting Driver 150 Times 1 year ago:
Officers injured at the scene are blaming and suing Tesla over the incident. … And the reality is that any vehicle on cruise control with an impaired driver behind the wheel would’ve likely hit the police car at a higher speed. Autopilot might be maligned for its name but drivers are ultimately responsible for the way they choose to pilot any car, including a Tesla.
I hope those officers got one of those “you don’t pay if we don’t win” lawyers. The responsibility with the driver, and I’m not seeing them getting any money from Tesla.
- Comment on Shrooms - A place to discuss the growing, hunting, and the experience of magical fungi. 1 year ago:
- Comment on Cigna Sued Over Algorithm Allegedly Used To Deny Coverage To Hundreds Of Thousands Of Patients 1 year ago:
Healthcare and capitalism have no business whatsoever being in the same sentence
But … Umm … Ermm