- Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 3 days ago:
Even before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, it had occurred to me that the US disproportionately spends much, much more on military might than our allies do. Europe pulled a good one on us, ensuring they could lead more carefree lifestyles with first world social safety nets while we take on that heavy burden of being the sentry guard of the entire western world.
However, we made promises of security to Ukraine in return for their nuclear disarmament. It isn’t right that we turn our backs on them now.
Trump is a simpleton. He doesn’t truly understand the long-term butterfly effects of the decisions he’s making.
- Comment on NASA cuts off international climate science support 1 week ago:
Not with a bang, but a whimper.
- Comment on A system to organise your life • Johnny.Decimal 2 weeks ago:
Today: reorganize all your files according to this ✨ new✨ system
Tomorrow: forget everything you did yesterday. Your spouse can’t find shit.
50 years later: your kids and grandkids can’t find a fucking thing, wonder what the hell you were thinking
- Comment on Make your complaints heard about bad games, says Dragon Age veteran Mark Darrah, but "your $70 doesn't buy you cruelty" 2 weeks ago:
I’m definitely not one of those GamerGate dorks. DA:V was a 100% day one but for me, as someone who enjoyed DA:I. However, after seeing some gameplay and dialogue, I lost interest. It looks and sounds like a Disney game. I understand if EA was moving toward capturing a segment of younger gamers with this entry in the series, but it didn’t seem like it was for me. I still plan to try it, but only once it’s on sale for significantly less than retail price.
- Comment on Bad UX is keeping the majority of people away from Lemmy 3 weeks ago:
I’m fine with the effort bar being selecting an instance. If someone can’t get beyond that, there’s probably not much they have to say I’d be interested in.
- Comment on comically loses its domain name 3 weeks ago:
What I see from hexbear trolls is an attempt to usurp leftism and turn it into something very weird. They came hard for Biden and Kamala, but don’t really say anything negative about Trump. They talk about “libs” as though the word hasn’t changed which group it refers to over the course of the last century.
It is quite clear to me that they do this to advance Russian interests and global fascism. They will, of course, deny it, but they are simply manipulators.
- Comment on comically loses its domain name 3 weeks ago:
Yes, are you unaware of how Russian propaganda works?
- Comment on comically loses its domain name 3 weeks ago:
They don’t care, mission was accomplished in November of last year.
- Comment on Weekends were a mistake, says Infosys co-founder Narayama Murthy 3 months ago:
This. Everything Infosys touches is garbage.
- Comment on Looking for help/guidance on how to setup a server for a business 4 months ago:
Put them on M365 or Google Workspace. Do not buy a server.
- Comment on Just Terrible 4 months ago:
People who didn’t grow up in the pacific NW:
- Comment on Men Harassed A Woman In A Driverless Waymo, Trapping Her In Traffic 5 months ago:
California is awesome.
- Comment on How do people in this day in age become nazis/neonazies sexist or even incels when there is so much knowledge against it? Do they get anything out of being that way? 6 months ago:
Well, you see, it all started with Steve Bannon playing World of Warcraft…
- Comment on Two trucks 6 months ago:
Bustin’ is the best shit ever.
- Comment on Minecraft. Family guy, even. 6 months ago:
ESG compliant! Oh no! Only the most…wait, what’s that? Every fucking Fortune 500 company has an ESG program? Oh.
Well, I guess that’s nothing but stupid fucking conspiracy theorist QAnon goof bullshit.
Moving on…
- Comment on Capacitive controls could be the cause of a spate of VW ID.4 crashes 7 months ago:
I’m not defending capacitive touch in cars. I don’t like it either. I’m just saying that it being blamed for an accident is silly to me.
- Comment on Capacitive controls could be the cause of a spate of VW ID.4 crashes 7 months ago:
I have one too. The only part of the cruise control system that is capacitive is the speed up and down. Love it.
- Comment on Capacitive controls could be the cause of a spate of VW ID.4 crashes 7 months ago:
Well, ok, how do you feel about Toyota’s or any other manufacturer’s cruise controls being on the wheel, where they almost always are now? It really isn’t that different.
- Comment on Capacitive controls could be the cause of a spate of VW ID.4 crashes 7 months ago:
Cruise control speed changes don’t rapidly accelerate or decelerate the vehicle, much like any vehicle. IMO, if someone is too addled to handle that state change, someone should take their keys from them.
- Comment on Capacitive controls could be the cause of a spate of VW ID.4 crashes 7 months ago:
It’s fine. Making a mountain out of a molehill.
- Comment on Capacitive controls could be the cause of a spate of VW ID.4 crashes 7 months ago:
Keep finding your axe against capacitive buttons, I don’t like them either. However, the ID.4 is most definitely not causing more people to crash than other cars. People can accidentally swipe touch controls on steering wheels, too.
- Comment on Capacitive controls could be the cause of a spate of VW ID.4 crashes 7 months ago:
The stereo causing someone to crash the car? That’s just Darwin at work.
- Comment on Capacitive controls could be the cause of a spate of VW ID.4 crashes 7 months ago:
How would these be causing crashes? The ID.4 has a few cruise control buttons on the left side of the steering wheel. They are push buttons, but you can swipe the speed up or down to change it to the next 5 MPH. Once again, this seems like people not wanting to take responsibility for their own lack of attention while driving and blaming it on the tech in the vehicle.
- Comment on Tesla Steers Onto Train Tracks It Apparently Mistook for a Road, Police Warn 7 months ago:
All of those are very densely populated places.
- Comment on Tesla Steers Onto Train Tracks It Apparently Mistook for a Road, Police Warn 7 months ago:
I’m open to ideas. Show me an example of it.
- Comment on Tesla Steers Onto Train Tracks It Apparently Mistook for a Road, Police Warn 7 months ago:
It is too distributed in too many places for mass transit. The religious fervor over the fuck cars movement is not going to get people in highly populated, low density areas to walk a mile to catch a bus to catch a train full of homeless people to catch another bus to walk a half mile to their destination, when they could have completed that same journey in the comfort of their own car in 1/4 of the time.
Take Dallas for instance. I’m not going to do the work for you, but feel free to plan a trip from a random house in Allen, TX to a business 5-10+ miles away using both the public transit system and then a car. No one sane with limited time in their day is opting for the public transit option. And this is in a city with a decent passenger rail system.
- Comment on Tesla Steers Onto Train Tracks It Apparently Mistook for a Road, Police Warn 7 months ago:
The United States is simply too large and distributed for everyone to use public transportation. It will never happen, so get used to it and try to optimize what will be part of our future.
- Comment on I will not be taking questions. 8 months ago:
This post sent me down a rabbit hole.
The funniest one is the Japanese “chuugi”, translated to “shit stick”.
- Comment on We can dream right 10 months ago:
Good God there are so many assumptions about my character based on this post. Thought I was escaping the Reddit hive mind mentality coming here, but seems like it’s the same shit in another place.
The message is fine. A refugee story. The plight of the impoverished. Fine. It might have landed better for me if there were more sci-fi aspects involved.
- Comment on We can dream right 10 months ago:
It’s not that I don’t understand there are political themes in sci-fi. It’s that it felt like I was being beat over the head with it in D9. Also, just not a big fan of being told something wild exists in a movie but it’s never exposed because the budget doesn’t allow for it.