All I know is you shouldn’t drink a ton of red gatorade midway through a night of heavy drinking.
When you start to throw up, your friends will assume you are vomiting blood and call an ambulance or possibly an exorcist.
Submitted 8 months ago by to [deleted]
All I know is you shouldn’t drink a ton of red gatorade midway through a night of heavy drinking.
When you start to throw up, your friends will assume you are vomiting blood and call an ambulance or possibly an exorcist.
“I’ve been poisoned by my constituents!”
All of them are great if you want diabetes.
Yellow Gatorade turns into urine when it gets warm.
It’s basic science.
It’s Kool aid with a different label, fight me
alright I’m putting my gloves on. Gatorade is an electrolyte drink. the sugar hides saltiness. also, Kool aid flavors are way fucking tastier. don’t disrespect Kool aid like that again.
I must yield sire
It is not!
That’s all I got. Nothing else, that was my power move, and it took all of the fight right out of me. I’m done.
Kisss theeee riiinngg
blue Powerade is the king of Ades.
Yes, and much better than Aids. Pronounced the same but very different
aids is a great way to lose weight though
Marine Corps beat that into me. We had two options for drinks at the chow hall in boot camp: water or blue Powerade. No milks no juices no sodas no red Powerade. Only blue Powerade. It’s the only one I’ll drink anymore, the rest serve no purpose.
they don’t even make the drink mix for it anymore. if I want to buy it I have to pay full price. in college, 50/50 blue Powerade and Sprite was my go-to
Blue Powerade slushy from Sonic on a hot summer day is the GOAT
Its not my job to teach you. I suggest you do your own research.
naa… blue + ibuprofen for hangover
Light blue for me but Reggie blue will do
After years of drinking hot yellow Gatorade in the sun at football practice, I won’t ever touch the stuff again. Blue does taste colder, it’s a fact.
Y’all sleeping on cucumber.
Cucumber is the best for thirst, yellow is the best for hangovers, orange is good sports drink. Dark blue can suck a dick and the rest are fine.
Where’s the love for white Gatorade? My extensive research has proven this the best color to prevent hangovers.
Riptide Rush is best. Fight me.
Riptide Rush is up there, but Cool Blue is superior
Yellow Gatorade is also great for a sore throat. 8 months ago
Water is best when you’re thirsty. Water is best for hangovers. Water is best for sports hydrations. Cold water is best when you want a cold drink. Water is best for lunch. Drink more water. 8 months ago
Image 8 months ago
My understanding is that it depends on context. Have you been sweating a lot? Are you super dehydrated? Sports drinks (actual “sports drinks” like Gatorade) are probably better for you than water.
The reason for that is because you lose a lot of salt and other electrolytes through sweat, and drinks like Gatorade are meant to replace those. That’s why professional athletes, especially stamina-based athletes like marathon runners, football players, etc, tend to drink some form of sports drink (the sponsorships help though). Additionally, if you’re extremely dehydrated then you may also be low on electrolytes (because you’ve been out in the sun, or you’ve been sweating a lot). I’ve also heard that sports drinks hydrate faster because they’re supposedly similar to saline, but I can’t find any sources for that, so take that with a grain of salt.
However, if you’re just kinda thirsty or want something to drink, then water is probably better. I doubt you’ll hurt yourself drinking Gatorade instead of water, but you don’t need it either. 8 months ago
Intentional or not, that is a grade A pun 8 months ago
Gatorade and its electrolytes are better than water for recharging after or during significant physical activity.
You know what is even better for most people, if your daily calories intake is not at Olympic levels?
Pedialyte. No where near as much sugar thrown in, more Vitamins.
This article goes into it a bit more:…/pedialyte-vs-gatorade#bottom…
Basically, Gatorade’s additional sugar and carbs mean that it makes sense if you are highly active, have a considerably above average physique, or actively drinking it mid work out or other strenuous activity.
For more average people, pedialyte probably makes more sense.
Especially if you are going to pick one to replace water. 8 months ago
Agreed on all except the sports one. If you’re sweating, you’re losing electrolytes and you need to replenish them. 8 months ago
Electrolytes. They’re what plants crave. 8 months ago
But you can do without the shit tons of sugar in Gatoradre. 8 months ago
Also true for hangovers 8 months ago
Fact: 100% of all people who consume the chemical compound Dihydrogen Monoxide eventually die. #HydrationHalt #DitchTheDrink #StayDryDontDie #MADH2O 8 months ago
You cannot say that with statistical certainty. There’s about 8 billion people who haven’t eventually died yet and all it will take is one of them to break that 100%. You should include a disclaimer with an error range or you might get sued by someone who spikes someone’s drink with dihydrogen monoxide and then they don’t eventually die for botching their assassination.
That said, the statistics are pretty strong. 99.9% is basically 100% plus wiggle room so no one can sue me, so readers should be aware that this dangerous chemical can also go by the name of hydrogen hydroxide and some food manufacturers try to sneak it by with the name aqua in their ingredients list. 8 months ago
Spoken like a Lemming who hasn’t worked out seriously or had a serious physical job in their life.
Humans didn’t spend the entirety of their existence looking for shit better than water for no reason lol.
You know what’s better than water when you need water: Nearly everything that isn’t alcohol or literal piss.
Yes, this includes milk and soda. Anything with sugar, protein, or fat is great.
And yes, spiking our drinks with low amounts of drugs is also nice.…/index.html 8 months ago
I mean it really depends on the person and their current condition. The article you linked kinda has an abstract definition of hydration that doesn’t take into account things normally associated with dehydration.
If you are working hard outside and are mildly dehydrated I wouldn’t recommend slamming down a sugary soda with caffeine. Excessive sugar is diluted in the intestines which can cause further dehydration, and caffeine is a diuretic.
Normally this wouldn’t really matter, but if you’re already dehydrated it can make the situation worse.
Water is great, it may not be the most effective hydrator in the world as it doesn’t have the electrolytes and sugars that something like Gatorade has. However, it’s the best thing for your overall kidney and liver health which is what really matters. Most Americans already have an excess of salt, fat, and sugar in their diets, so even after working outside and sweating your ass off you are probably better off just having some water. 8 months ago
It’s literally not, but okay 8 months ago
Like… from the toilet? 8 months ago
Gatorade is best when you’re dehydrated and also need salt. 8 months ago
The average basement dweller probably just needs more water in their life, but anyone eating a balanced diet who is sweating and working out hard or competiting in an athletic event absolutely needs electrolytes not just water. Drinks like Gatorade with simple sugar in them are also still good in this context, the sugar is a readily burned source of energy that is important to have available for high intensity activity. Obviously if you drink sugar and sit on the couch it just goes to your waist, but that doesn’t make it bad for people who are using it correctly.