- Comment on [deleted] 22 hours ago:
Too bad he didn’t. It would’ve saved us Canadians a lot of work burning the White House again.
- Comment on Cars will need fewer screens and more buttons to earn a 5-star safety rating in Europe | Euro NCAP will introduce new testing rules in 2026 requiring physical controls for the highest safety score 2 days ago:
I disagree. I don’t want to have to take my eyes off the road to change my music, or turn the volume up/down. They need to be physical buttons/knobs.
- Comment on Cars will need fewer screens and more buttons to earn a 5-star safety rating in Europe | Euro NCAP will introduce new testing rules in 2026 requiring physical controls for the highest safety score 2 days ago:
We already have distracted driving laws here. You can’t use electronic devices like phones while driving. How a giant iPad in the middle of your dashboard doesn’t count blows my mind.
- Comment on Firefox deletes promise to never sell personal data, asks users not to panic 2 days ago:
That’s the thing that bothers me about all these companies now. My data is my data, not theirs. They shouldn’t even be allowed to collect it, let alone sell it or give it to anyone who wants it.
- Comment on Microsoft begins turning off uBlock Origin and other Manifest V2-based extensions in Edge 3 days ago:
Just in case you needed another reason not to use Edge.
- Comment on Maybe I should live next to a blueberry farm or something. 5 days ago:
Driscoll’s are a US company. There’s a full shelf of those in our grocery store no one will touch. Go fuck yourself Trump.
Canada - Comment on I am from a different millenia 5 days ago:
CDs? They used to do it on tapes too.
- Comment on I love the future. 1 week ago:
No it’s not. It’s not too late to start resisting, but every day that ticks by makes it harder.
- Comment on let's goooooo 1 week ago:
Nature has rules, boundaries, and predetermined roles.
But that’s just not true. There’s no such thing as a predetermined role. That’s the whole process of evolution. Nothing is predetermined. Things move and change, often in ways that seem nonsensical at first. For example, many species have switched back and forth between carnivory and herbivory throughout their ancient history. And even today many animals which we call herbivores will take advantage of a quick snack of meat. Both deer and horses have been observed doing this.
If you start with a false statement, of course you’ll get a wacky conclusion.
- Comment on After 40 years of being free Microsoft has added a paywall to Notepad 1 week ago:
They have different use cases. Notepad++ is for manipulating text, strings, and code. It’s got very powerful tools for it.
Word is for making things look pretty. You can change typefaces, fonts, size. You can add pictures and diagrams and arrange them on the page.
- Comment on After 40 years of being free Microsoft has added a paywall to Notepad 1 week ago:
Your first two points are part of Notepad now too. Everything else you’ve said is true though, including the find and replace function supporting regex. It’s amazingly powerful for editing.
It also supports line numbering, which seems like a small thing but is really helpful.
- Comment on Im thinking we still have a deeper bottom 1 week ago:
Especially when the first things they do are start taking apart consumer and environmental protections, disband social safety nets, increase taxes (tariffs) on imported goods, attack FEMA, and stop farm subsidies, all of which hurt the working class.
Not only do people still believe the ridiculous lie, they believe it despite the mountain of evidence they don’t give a fuck about you.
- Comment on People never understand the sacrifices I make for them. 1 week ago:
One of our help desk reps spent 45 minutes on the phone helping someone set up their authenticator app for MFA. It’s a simple install of an app and linking it to your account. If the user listens and does as instructed, it takes about 2 and a half minutes. If they don’t? 45 minutes.
The rep took their break and worked on something else for a while to recover.
- Comment on US could cut Ukraine's access to Starlink internet services over minerals, say sources. 1 week ago:
That’s true, the spellings are very different.
But otherwise they’re all countries ruled by petty men trying to project their power and rob their neighbours of their resources, liberty, and lives.
- Comment on US could cut Ukraine's access to Starlink internet services over minerals, say sources. 1 week ago:
Come visit us in Canada! It’s beautiful here. Better come fast before Trump decides to invade us for our oil and minerals though. I expect it’ll be much less beautiful after that, and we won’t have as much time to spend with you while waging a guerilla resistance.
- Comment on Freedumb 1 week ago:
I can proudly say I never wear my stupid seat belt and for 20 years never had an accident! I’m just a better drive!
… see how stupid that sounds?
- Comment on Freedumb 1 week ago:
That’s exactly the problem. Vaccines have worked so well that people have forgotten the horrors of the diseases they prevent.
I read an article a while back about a mother who’s little girl caught whooping cough. She hadn’t vaccinated her, but said that watching her daughter struggling to breathe was the worst thing she’d experienced and wished she had listened and given her the vaccine.
People realize very quickly why vaccines are important, but it’s usually by experiencing it firsthand, and unfortunately it’s too late by then.
- Comment on Facepalm on multiple levels 1 week ago:
When a fascist “jokes” about taking and keeping more power, they’re not joking. They’re absolutely serious.
He wouldn’t have to be elected again. He lost the vote last time and still tried to launch an insurrection to overthrow the legitimate government and maintain power. He’s learned a lot since that failed attempt. He’s dismantling the government and the checks and balances by the day. There won’t be anything left to stop him in 4 years. He will not leave willingly.
- Comment on In the US, it's finally socially acceptable again to clap when the plane lands 1 week ago:
I celebrate my bus rides and thank the driver every single ride. We need more positivity for everyone providing services we rely on.
- Comment on You can't see me 1 week ago:
Incognito mode was never meant to hide your traffic from the internet. It’s only to hide it from your browser cache/history.
In other words, everyone on the internet still knows the disgusting websites you visit. It just doesn’t leave traces on your computer for your family to find.
- Comment on Amazon is changing what is written in books 1 week ago:
An unlimited digital library that lets you download anything you want for a flat subscription fee.
A library? We solved that centuries ago.
- Comment on Facepalm on multiple levels 1 week ago:
With a sharpie.
- Comment on Fellow Lemms and Lemettes, how do you solve this? 1 week ago:
I’m too busy cranking my own lever after looking at all those nudes.
- Comment on Everyday it's getting closer, taking a bath with a fucking toaster 1 week ago:
Well that sounds like a way to make terrible toast.
- Comment on Looked out the glass front door to see if my package had arrived. Just a dog turd. 1 week ago:
How do you know it’s a dog’s?
- Comment on I miss myspace 1 week ago:
With hundreds of flashing ads along the side-bar.
- Comment on Kindle Is Making It Harder to Switch to Rival eReader Brands. 1 week ago:
Actually own it.
- Comment on The best place to get water from a hotel room is the shower head 1 week ago:
In what world is a sink more used than a toilet?
I know what you’re thinking: I always wash my hands, but most people don’t.
- Comment on Nomenclature 1 week ago:
Where’s Mt Everester?
- Comment on Fingerprinting: Critics say Google rules put profits over privacy. 2 weeks ago: