Organic advertisements that looks similar to user post on reddit? How could they do such a thing?
Anyways, fellow lemmings, for no apparent reason, Today I Learned that Academy Award and Golden Globe nominated movie, “Barbie”, is now available on Blu-ray and select streaming services. 11 months ago
I don’t visit Reddit much anymore, but isn’t that they way ads have been for awhile over there? 11 months ago
It is…but they need to highlight it to investors now. 11 months ago
Yes, they’re taking from the Apple playbook so people who don’t know will think they actually do things that don’t involve leather or sheep at Reddit HQ. 11 months ago
Reddit is a pot of boiling cat piss… 11 months ago
It’s totally possible to hold a negative opinion of something and not bring up your unrelated distaste for Apple. 11 months ago
Do you have time to find a screenshot of the worst offending example? 11 months ago
It used to be, they were called sponsored links, but the comment sections got filled with angry comments about the ads and people would downvote the shit out of them, then they removed comments, and after the redesign ads didn’t have threads/engagement but now they do.
One of my friends tried advertising that way and it went poorly, and the ads weren’t even for a real product just a test balloon for the concept.
Pepe also got very mad when your ad replaced the moose in the sidebar.
Ironically, it was spez who introduced sponsored links with comments then, so what’s old is new again! I wonder if this time will be different. 11 months ago
When I was still using Reddit, I would report those ad posts for terrorism, inappropriate content or whatever term like that. 11 months ago
The difference is companies used to just run their own super cheap bots to spam fake “engagement” to the site. Now since the API is gone they have to pay Reddit directly for the privilege. 11 months ago
On “old reddit” the posts were highlighted so you could tell
I think with the new Facebook style feed it might not be. 11 months ago
Yes, but reddit wasn’t getting paid for it 11 months ago
I just go to freegamefindings 11 months ago
I think the differentiation is in who’s placing the ad.
There were sponsored ads before where a company reached out to Reddit and bought advertisements and read it took the money for them and posted them. They were labeled as sponsored.
But since the beginning of Reddit, advertising firms have just posted nearly blatant ads without notifying anyone.
Sounds to me like reddit’s just removing he sponsored indicator from their sponsored ad sales.