- Comment on What Was the First 3D Platformer? 1 day ago:
Great, but nobody’s going to be able to guess that until they sit through
And I don’t really care about this person or their video
I’m not trying to be hurtful but that’s the truth
- Comment on What Was the First 3D Platformer? 1 day ago:
Alpha Waves by Infogrames
Saved you 20 minutes.
- Comment on conflicted about my coworkers' overpunctuality 1 week ago:
Before you find a new job, go see a lawyer
I’m not sure what country you live in, but if it’s in North America, that employer is fucked and you’re going to the bank
- Comment on Between Linux or Windows which do you think will be first to have a viable OS for quantum computers? 1 week ago:
Quantum computing is a pipe dream, it’s never going to happen.
- Comment on BREAKING: Warner Bros. Games is shutting down Monolith Productions, Player First Games, and WB San Diego, sources tell Bloomberg News. 1 week ago:
29 years later, after working with Monolith on one of the worst projects in history… I can finally piss on their grave. Fuck you Matt, fuck Monolith. Yeah this is fucking personal.
- Comment on HELP! How do I help educate my son about his body when I know nothing about boys?? 1 week ago:
You need to understand that is one of a host of reasons and things that can be said. I’m not going to write a 40-page essay. Frank talk is necessary, too bad you can’t see that and choose to focus on the gender thing. That’s really about you and not me. Frank talk about all aspects of sex is vital. Get a grip.
- Comment on HELP! How do I help educate my son about his body when I know nothing about boys?? 1 week ago:
At some point. For the love of all that is holy you MUST tell you son the following: Never come in a woman unless you want a baby. Even if she tells you to. Even if she claims she is protected.
Women will baby-trap the living fuck out of young men. He NEEDS to know this.
- Comment on How is my bedroom being heated? 2 weeks ago:
I think the issue has s largely been explored and solved but I’d like to add something to the mix.
Complexes have hot water pipes running from the water heaters on the lowest floor up to all the suites. Usually they are stationed somewhere around the center of the main building, sandwiched between a commons hallway wall and an apartment wall.
The amount of heat that these can radiate is insane, especially if there’s a hot water circulation system in the building.
- Comment on are terfs actual feminists or do most transphobic women just call themselves that? 2 weeks ago:
No I’m not dancing to the music in your head, sorry.
- Comment on Nintendo discontinuing Gold Points on the Switch eShop, ahead of Switch 2 release 2 weeks ago:
Bro I started my professional game development career in 1996 and retired in 2015. I played video games in the early 70’s that existed before Pong. My father had one of the 5 supercomputers in the world in the meteorological service of Canada, where I used to hang out with nerds that would let me play with shit, and play the games they made when they weren’t modeling weather. I have studied nothing in my entire life more than the tapestry of what we call game development. So kindly stop.
- Comment on How do I make a phone call to (not from) an elevator speaker, just like what a debt collector once did? 2 weeks ago:
You just made my day
- Comment on are terfs actual feminists or do most transphobic women just call themselves that? 2 weeks ago:
Just chiming in here with some random nonsense. I am now 50, I have never once met someone who self-identifies as feminist who’s actually about equality, they’re actually scared, hate-filled people.
- Comment on Nintendo discontinuing Gold Points on the Switch eShop, ahead of Switch 2 release 2 weeks ago:
This is one of the stupidest comments I’ve ever heard really Rre video games, no country has produced more innovation in the space than the Japanese.
- Comment on Reddit plans to lock some content behind a paywall this year, CEO says | Reddit executives also discussed how they might introduce more ads into the social media platform 3 weeks ago:
They snuck them in during some AB testing like 5 years ago, they didn’t stick though obv
- Comment on Tech's Dumbest Mistake: Why Firing Programmers for AI Will Destroy Everything 3 weeks ago:
None of you can hear. You’re all so afraid. There is OPPORTUNITY EVERYWHERE but you’re so locked into your script there’s no talking to any of you. It’s so sad to see you limit yourselves. But in a way it’s revelatory of the truth I’m speaking… the “i’m a porgammer” because ya downloaded other people’s work is over, and the path is open to those ready to work and innovate. Good luck, but you don’t need that because you’ve already decided you’ve lost.
- Comment on Tech's Dumbest Mistake: Why Firing Programmers for AI Will Destroy Everything 3 weeks ago:
I’ve been retired for a decade, moron
- Comment on I'm just like some ordinary dude upset about what the government is doing. Doesn't anyone with any sort of means or influence care? Where are those guys? 3 weeks ago:
My friend, you deserve (I don’t know) some money or maybe a cupcake with like really nice frosting for this comment.
- Comment on Tech's Dumbest Mistake: Why Firing Programmers for AI Will Destroy Everything 3 weeks ago:
I was a mf’ing hard core rider of the tech boom, was a sought-after consultant, and I and my colleagues rode the razor’s edge of what was possible in online gaming for 2 decades… and I can tell you now, AI presents to creative individuals who have a clue, the greatest opportunity ever handed to them. Look at how AI destroys things and “invent” solutions and you’ll pay yourself well.
Now more than ever a “programmer” is a guy that can plug other people’s modules together and pray it works. Notice that now and git gud at what you do.
- Comment on 005 is the most influential game you’ve never played. 3 weeks ago:
Very valid, I also noticed he goes off talking about the motivations for a cartridge-based deployment system, and he misses the mark completely.
- Comment on We like music because our brains crave pattern recognition. 2 months ago:
Smoke - Everything 1973 - (entry point 20m50s)
Kollectiv Live 1973 -
Vladimir Ussachevsky Electronic 1950 -
Missus Beastly - Dr Aftershave & The Mixed Pickles 1976 -
Pink Floyd Atom Heart Mother 1970 -
Ramsey Lewis Trio Live 1983 -
Herbie Hancock Cantaloupe Island Live 1991 -
Flying Luttenbachers - Destroy All Music - Fist Through Glass 1995 -
- Comment on We like music because our brains crave pattern recognition. 2 months ago:
Exactly. Good music never ever goes where you expect and should always suspend the listener in a delightful unease.
- Comment on How extreme car dependency is driving Americans to unhappiness 2 months ago:
I moved from MB to QC in 1999-2003 and I was so shocked by the differences I ended up giving my car to my sister back in MB.
Metro to work would be like 25 minutes including walk, where vehicle to parking to work would be like 1 hour.
- Comment on How extreme car dependency is driving Americans to unhappiness 2 months ago:
I just want to share my perspective. I just had my car totaled (not my fault) and I decided to bank the insurance payout and not rebuy, and see what it was like. I didn’t think I’d cope since I’m now 50 and had a car my whole life from age 16.
I’m actually a little shocked to say I don’t I miss the car, and further I actively enjoy not having a car anymore. It did necessitate rearranging some of my habits, but now I save a shitload of money and I seem to find it more convenient in more ways than I expected. And it’s just so much less stress and worry.
I’ve never been fitter, and the freedom from lugging it around, gassing it up, washing it, maintaining, finding parking, blabla saves me time and bother almost everywhere. I stress so much less because of constant vandalism, and needing to seek stable non-ticketed parking at friends’ places and at my apartment.
There are times I need to do a big shopping thing or just go to the beach, I rent a car for a day. I don’t need to live a life of deprivation I just re-balanced things. If I need to go out for some special occasion I cab/uber round trip.
- Comment on Is there any way to search through all the games on Steam for titles that don't use the word "dystopian" anywhere in the description? 2 months ago:
There’s lots of different approaches, but I’ve had the same problem.
Steam lets you exclude tags, but they limit how many tags you can exclude so it’s basically a useless feature.
I go to steamDB and it has a ton of sorting options, including being able to exclude “Lovecraftian”, “visual novel”, “dating*”, etc
There’s also a great browser extension for Firefox which is my preferred browser. It enhances the Steam homepage (depending on how you configure it) and lets you do lots of things like quick-sell cards and other stuff.
- Comment on Facebook and Instagram to Unleash AI-Generated ‘Users’ No One Asked For 2 months ago:
Facebook was a wonderful tool for me for quite a while. It let me build a digital list of my irl “friends” and then I got watch over the years as they posted their most vile and ill-conceived innermost thoughts.
An excellent tool for seeing what people really think and feel when they’re not “performing” in social settings. Curiously people don’t understand that public posts to a public SM site aren’t anonymous but there’s enough separation from the “real world” that lots of people forget that.
Just sitting back and watching gave me a lot of insight as to how awful people really are when they “feel like” they aren’t being watched.
- Comment on Where does a man get a proper shoe horn that will not break 4 months ago:
My ex GF bought me those and they were great for the first 12 months then they both deformed.
- Comment on Where does a man get a proper shoe horn that will not break 4 months ago:
Help you keep the shape when sliding the foot in, especially in nicer shoes.
- Comment on Where does a man get a proper shoe horn that will not break 4 months ago:
No. I just have large feet. All my shoes are in great condition and the reason I use a shoehorn is to protect the backs.
- Submitted 4 months ago to | 58 comments
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
As brutal as it is to say, people like that have forfeited any determination on their future once they commit such an antisocial act.