There hasn’t been a lot of good news out of EA lately, but here’s some: the company just launched a bunch of classic games on Steam. The new (old) releases include nine games in total, spanning franchises like Dungeon Keeper, Populous, and SimCity.
Here’s the full list:
Command & Conquer The Ultimate Collection
SimCity 3000 Unlimited
Populous II: Trials of the Olympian Gods
Populous: The Beginning
Dungeon Keeper Gold
Dungeon Keeper 2
Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri Planetary Pack
The Saboteur 11 months ago
I’m sure most of them have already been available on GoG for quite some time, I don’t know what took them so long to port them over competing storefronts. 11 months ago
Maybe they had an agreement with GOG? This is all personal speculation, but GOG was primarily known as Good Old (Ol’?) Games for a long time, as they would put that under their GOG acronym back in the day. It was essentially a storefront that primarily dealt with classics and keeping them available to consumers before they pivoted and started also focusing a lot on modern games. Maybe my memory is flawed and I’m completely misremembering the old GOG, so anyone feel free to correct me if that’s the case.
Anyway, I wouldn’t be surprised if GOG struck a deal with a lot of publishers for selling all their classics exclusively. On the flip side, it could also be that the publishers just didn’t care enough about their old offerings to put any effort into porting them into other storefronts. Now that retrogaming is much more ubiquitous than it once was, some bean counter pitched this idea in a mid-quarter profit seeking brainstorming meeting and here we are. 11 months ago
GOG doesn’t have the money to do exclusives like Epic Games. 11 months ago
literally in the bloody article lmfao. 11 months ago
I didn’t see where it says why they took so long to add to Steam? 11 months ago
I read the article and it didn’t answer my question, so I’m not sure what are you trying to say.