- Comment on Dating apps are as if someone turned the job application experience into a pastime activity 9 months ago:
Dating apps are a fucking shit show.
I was on Tinder, Bumble and Hinge for the last 6 months.
I was genuinely trying to put my best foot forward, be kind, genuine and actually wanted to meet someone. I’m kinda sick of being single after breaking up from a long term relationship last year.
I tried every strategy and technique.
More info on my profile / Less info on my profile. More group pics/ more pics of just me. Being funnier / being more sincere.
I even paid for Tinder plus and Bumble plus.
Did I get a single date from any of these apps? Nope. But I did get ghosted. Unmatched. Ignored. Etc etc countless fucking times.
It absolutely fucked my mental health. My brain is in a good place now after a long time with trying different medications and therapy etc. I like the person I am. I know I have a lot to offer in a relationship. But fuck if my self esteem and mental state didn’t take a nosedive after being on these apps. Putting so much time and effort into presenting yourself as well as you can, putting best foot forward etc and getting zero interest back, it really makes you question who you are and even your value as person.
I fucking hate it.
So yeah, I’m still single. I don’t see that changing any time soon.
For context btw, I’m 189cm / 6’2" tall, 100KG / 220lbs, healthy, active guy in my twenties. I’m in a comp sci college course. I drive, have an income, savings, go to the gym 4 times a week etc In other words, I tick enough boxes/ do all the things, that are supposed to help find a match on these apps. But even with all that said, 6 months and zero dates. I don’t even know anymore. I deleted my accounts on these the other day and I advise others to do the same. The chances of you actually finding someone you like and have chemistry with is basically zero at this stage. Plus the enshitification is rife. They push the premium subscriptions so fucking hard but in the end, they don’t help you find matches or dates. It’s worth noting that Tinder wants to keep you on the app. You deleting it after finding love is bad for business as far as they are concerned. I just wish more people would realize this.
Anyway, sorry for the long post, thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
- Comment on bicurious 10 months ago:
I feel seen
- Comment on Slay the Spire devs followed through on abandoning Unity 10 months ago:
Another jewel in Godot’s crown. Love to see it
- Comment on Microsoft won't update your Windows 11 PC if it has these apps 10 months ago:
You misspelled Fedora
- Comment on “Temporary” disk formatting UI from 1994 still lives on in Windows 11 11 months ago:
There’s nothing more permanent than a good temporary fix.
- Comment on Overwatch 2 story missions future uncertain after January layoffs (according to ex-devs) 11 months ago:
Apparently, he and some ex Blizzard people created a new studio. But itl be a few years before they have any games to unveil. And honestly, that’s fine. I mean he could announce he’s retiring and it’d be fine. He earned it as far as I’m concerned.
- Comment on Threads is automatically hiding comments that mention Pixelfed 11 months ago:
Behold unfettered capitalism in all its glory.
“We only stay successful if we hide evidence of alternatives”
- Comment on Overwatch 2 story missions future uncertain after January layoffs (according to ex-devs) 11 months ago:
There was hope initially, but as a huge overwatch fan, when Jeff Kaplan, the former game director of Overwatch, left Blizzard, I could see the bullshit that lay ahead. It took too long for others to realize.
- Comment on Oregon Passes 'Right to Repair' Law With Extra Cojones: Oregon’s “right to repair” bill, which now only needs the governor’s signature before it becomes law, has teeth not found in similar legislation 11 months ago:
- Comment on Never-before-seen Linux malware gets installed using 1-day exploits 11 months ago:
It’s one of those ones where you have to install niche software and then not keep an eye on what your system is actually doing, isn’t it?
- Comment on EA just added classics like Dungeon Keeper, SimCity 3000, and Populous on Steam 11 months ago:
That is so fucking annoying. How they gonna say you can’t play a game that you bought.
I was having similar issues with Red Dead Redemption 2 on Steam. Like RDR2 is still a great game but that DRM bullshit can go fuck itself.
- Comment on AI companies are violating a basic social contract of the web and and ignoring robots.txt 1 year ago:
TIL that robots.txt is a thing
- Comment on FLOSS communities right now 1 year ago:
Fuck Discord when it’s used in lieu of a forum, documentation or proper support channels.
- Comment on this is the United Kingdom 1 year ago:
I think it’s funny how Middleton is included in this map when it’s basically a suburb of Cork now.
- Comment on Why Everyone Should Still Use an RSS Reader in 2024 1 year ago:
RSS is fucking amazing.
I use Feeder on Android and QuiteRSS on my laptop and desktop. I use it for everything from local news and tech news, to YouTube subscriptions. It’s great. Forget social media with enshitification and profit driven motives. RSS is all you need.
- Comment on Chinese hackers ready to ‘wreak havoc’ on critical US infrastructure with 50-to-1 cyber personnel advantage, FBI director warns 1 year ago:
Every cyber security and software dev that got fired over the past year: fucking sick, where do we sign up.
- Comment on Haier hits Home Assistant plugin dev with takedown notice 1 year ago:
Move that shit to Gitlab and have some of it saved offline for good measure.
Make it like the Barbara Streisand effect but for a FOSS project lol.
- Comment on How is Russia not Financially Crippled? 1 year ago:
Great insights. Thank you.
- Comment on Ubisoft Exec Says Gamers Need to Get 'Comfortable' Not Owning Their Games for Subscriptions to Take Off 1 year ago:
Yeah. No.
- Comment on Google Search Really Has Gotten Worse, Researchers Find 1 year ago:
This is what happens when everyone does ‘SEO,’
It really seems like nowadays that internet search is just people trying to game the system for clicks. But it has made everything superficial and fake. Not to mention, utterly useless.
I don’t know what the solution is really. It’s easy to say ‘dont do SEO’ but people will just find some way to game that system too. It was great when Reddit wasn’t complete shit, because the subreddits dedicated to a particular topic had great insights into whatever topic you wanted to know about. But now that it’s a cesspool, and Lemmy is tiny in comparison, id say get used to the Internet being like this for a while.
- Comment on Fortnite has changed 1 year ago:
Fucking nightmare fuel lol
- Comment on Why is Google allowed to remove purchases from our Play Store accounts without telling us? 1 year ago:
It’s purchasing ≠ owning, then piracy ≠ stealing
- Comment on SR-72: US secret hypersonic jet to allegedly break sound barrier in 2025 | Believed to be a top-secret project of the US Air Force, the SR-72 is touted to reach over 4,000 mph (6,437 kph), making i... 1 year ago:
Hypersonic is 5x the speed of sound. SR71, F22, F35 none of them could go that fast. Or at least were designed to go that fast. Get an aircraft to reliably and consistently go 5x the speed of sound is a huge milestone.
- Comment on UK firm develops jet fuel made from human poo | The starting material is generated in excess and available in plenty. It is a win-win for everyone that the waste is repurposed. 1 year ago:
Will it still pollute the atmosphere?
- Comment on Steve Ballmer is set to make $1 billion a year for doing nothing | CNN Business 1 year ago:
Billionaires gonna billionaire.
“Hustle and grind bro. Get that bread”
It doesn’t matter if you hustle and bring every single day for the rest of your life, you will never have a billion dollars.
- Comment on The full source code for GTA 5 has been publicly leaked 1 year ago:
Cease and desists go brrrrrr
- Comment on [F4 Mod] Fallout London - Official Release Announcement 1 year ago:
This trailer gave me chills. Absolutely phenomenal work.
I have a strong suspicion that this will be more enjoyable than Starfield. I can’t wait.
- Comment on Frequently 1 year ago:
26 year old here. Happens constantly. I really wish reality would let me kinda pause time for a second like in a video game, so I have time to weigh up my options. Tbh tho, I’d probably still end up regretting things I’ve said
I’m getting better though. I can have a conversation with most people and most likely not say something completely fucking retarded. But there are times I say dumb shit and end up reliving those moments constantly in my head.
- Comment on Researchers warn that Windows 11 restrictions could send 240 million computers to landfills 1 year ago:
Microsoft: Okay (Forces everyone on W11 anyway)
- Comment on Wayfair CEO Niraj Shah tells employees to 'work longer hours' in year-end email 1 year ago:
Employees: lol no opens new tab, starts looking for a new job