- Comment on BitTorrent is No Longer the ‘King’ of Upstream Internet Traffic 11 months ago:
Basically, yes. It costs me about $140 a year.
- Comment on BitTorrent is No Longer the ‘King’ of Upstream Internet Traffic 11 months ago:
I just dislike having public things. With WireGuard and then tailscale, VPNs got so hasselfree that I’ve removed most things from the open net. Reduces setup time and management a lot.
IPTV is basically paid piracy. Someone else has grabbed most commercial channels from somewhere and sell it to other people. Usually they have a collection of movies/shows you can stream as well. But I only use it for sports really.
- Comment on BitTorrent is No Longer the ‘King’ of Upstream Internet Traffic 11 months ago:
Jellyfin is great, I have it setup with iptv as well, and tailscale so I can reach it from any of my devices from anywhere. It actually saves me a ton of money, since having sport stream subscriptions is cooooostly.
- Comment on EA just added classics like Dungeon Keeper, SimCity 3000, and Populous on Steam 11 months ago:
Oughh, Dungeon Keeper… That was one of my favorites as a child, the Swedish voice acting was top notch!
- Comment on AI Generated Videos Just Changed Forever (OpenAI Sora) 1 year ago:
This isn’t work.
- Comment on Diagon Lemmy - A Queer-friendly, Harry Potter-themed Lemmy Server is now live (before you block me instantly, please hear me out) 1 year ago:
I get it, you think you’re doing good, I’d ask you to reconsider that. You’re claiming someone is doing something no one has even considered yet. Judge the result, not your idea of what they’re trying to do. You’re painting a monster no one else sees.
I won’t answer your second post to me since it wasn’t targeted at you, and I’m lazy.
- Comment on Diagon Lemmy - A Queer-friendly, Harry Potter-themed Lemmy Server is now live (before you block me instantly, please hear me out) 1 year ago:
So if I’m not both a woman and a man I can’t see sexism? That’s an easy way out of responsibility.
- Comment on Diagon Lemmy - A Queer-friendly, Harry Potter-themed Lemmy Server is now live (before you block me instantly, please hear me out) 1 year ago:
It’s not inherently anti-trans. How can you say that, can’t you see what OP wrote? And then you’re trying to put a stample on me for not being a good enough supporter of the cause, so bring out the guillotines! Sometimes I feel like the trans communities greatest enemy is it’s strongest proponents.
You can’t speak for every trans person, neither can I. But if you think no one trans likes HP, or think that if someone trans likes HP they aren’t really trans, then you can fuck right off. And if that’s not what you’re saying, then let it be?
People are weird, let them. If they aren’t actively trashing other people they aren’t doing harm. Stop being upset about things no one’s yet to do to you. You just come of as an leftist incel.
- Comment on Diagon Lemmy - A Queer-friendly, Harry Potter-themed Lemmy Server is now live (before you block me instantly, please hear me out) 1 year ago:
I don’t mean you can’t choose to not associate. What I’m hinting at is that you can disassociate with a group without the drama. HP fans aren’t all bigots, that’s obvious right? I like Wagner’s music, I’m not a fucking Nazi. It’s such a weird hill to die on with everything going on.
And choice to be trans? I dunno if it’s a choice anymore than I “choose” to love the same sex.
It’s not the point, and I hope you got that but just couldn’t leave without slapping my wrist.
- Comment on Diagon Lemmy - A Queer-friendly, Harry Potter-themed Lemmy Server is now live (before you block me instantly, please hear me out) 1 year ago:
Holy fuck. I like Harry Potter and want to speak about it, so what? Because JK made a few announcements? Words do damage and I get that it’s already hard being trans and she isn’t helping. But acting like this is well just build more walls, dividing an already fucked humankind for no good reason.
I respect anyone’s choice to be trans, but then you’ll have to let me discuss HP without judgement as well. And if you won’t, then you’re the problem. Because I will still respect anyone trans, but I won’t respect you.
- Comment on Why do so few Industrial product come with Linux support ? 1 year ago:
Market share. If you look on the server side though, you find the total opposite.
- Comment on Valve issues DMCA takedown for "Team Fortress: Source 2" 1 year ago:
To get in-game drops as far as I know.
- Comment on None of these anchors are real: Channel 1 plans for AI to generate news, broadcasters 1 year ago:
I saw it all, albeit without audio. It honestly didn’t look that bad to me. They seemed a bit stiff and something was off with the hand gestures, other than that it was visually passable to me.
I wonder how they did it though, and how procedural it can get.
- Comment on Why Bother With uBlock Being Blocked In Chrome? Now Is The Best Time To Switch To Firefox 1 year ago:
Give me examples. I’ve been using Firefox exclusively for over ten years and I can recall one website I’ve had to use chrome on. That was to get shared drawing through a Google drive to work.
- Comment on An extremely high-energy particle is detected coming from an apparently empty region of space 1 year ago:
Yeah, I thought this was common knowledge by now? It’s like they don’t even care to do some digging before posting stuff anymore…
- Comment on Firefox 120 ships today with massive privacy improvements - gHacks Tech News 1 year ago:
I’m not even talking about ditching Office 365, I’m talking about ditching Chrome, for Firefox, where O365 works just as well. I don’t even mind O365 in corporate environments. It simplifies things. I do mind it for my personal stuff though.
There’s very little friction for a non tech-savvy person to ditch Chrome for Firefox as long as you help them transfer their passwords and bookmarks. The biggest complaint will be “it looks different”, which sure can be a no go. There should be even less friction for a tech-savvy person.
- Comment on Firefox 120 ships today with massive privacy improvements - gHacks Tech News 1 year ago:
I’m just tired of these excuses. Either you take a stand and do the bare minimum to keep the freaking free web alive or you go down with excuses of superior tech. I don’t know shit about modern web tech, thank fucking God, because no one can tell me it hasn’t gone straight downhill last ten years with a straight face. There may be cool tech demos in a few places, but that’s it about it. It’s just gotten bloated.
- Comment on Firefox 120 ships today with massive privacy improvements - gHacks Tech News 1 year ago:
I call bullshit
- Comment on What android phones do you recommend and why? 1 year ago:
Yeah, maybe a bit of hyperbole on my part as well. Have a good Saturday evening!
- Comment on What android phones do you recommend and why? 1 year ago:
Ahh, I only meant to say that I might be living in the past. I thought the bloatware came from Samsung since what I heard on the street matched my experience. Maybe it’s time to borrow that hatchet though.
To be fair it wasn’t a big issue. It was just like five apps that I were stuck with. But back in the days with less memory overall it really grinded my gears. These days I’m not sure I’d even notice.
- Comment on What android phones do you recommend and why? 1 year ago:
Experience, to be fair though I last owned one 3+ years ago and that one was 3 ish years old.
- Comment on What android phones do you recommend and why? 1 year ago:
After four years there are no more security updates coming from OnePlus, unless someone started doing the work themselves. This is the only reason I updated my last phone.
- Comment on What android phones do you recommend and why? 1 year ago:
No security updates though.
- Comment on What android phones do you recommend and why? 1 year ago:
Why wouldn’t you recommend OnePlus though? I have a 9 pro which I enjoy. I really don’t miss the Samsung’s bloatware.
- Comment on Lemmy active users down, comments steady and posts up 1 year ago:
What a time to be alive
- Comment on Google’s Bard AI can now access Gmail, Drive, Docs, and more 1 year ago:
When I did it I just forwarded my mails to the new service (fastmail) and changed mail address whenever a mail got forwarded in. When I didn’t receive a forwarded mail for a year or so I deleted my old mail and never looked back.
If you use a password manager this get easier though, since you can just lookup where the old mail is used.
- Comment on Madden should not be 70$ 1 year ago:
Depends on the studio of course, but I bet in the general case they wouldn’t be payed more if the price was lowered. It’d be fun to investigate the margins but I don’t care enough to do so.
The games I play the most are actually from reputable studios and/or indie devs whom I don’t mind supporting. Except football manager, but I don’t buy new revisions and have clocked enough hours to feel ok with the price.
- Comment on Madden should not be 70$ 1 year ago:
I don’t agree. Development costs money and I’m willing to pay for it. I usually compare it to other daily things, such as nice restaurant visits or such. Things costs money.
Just because I’m curious, what would you feel to be a fair price for one of those games?
- Comment on Madden should not be 70$ 1 year ago:
Depends on the playtime you get out of it. 140hrs+? Great value.
- Comment on Why are there many hundred Chromium based browsers, but seemingly very few Firefox based browsers? 1 year ago:
s/math/meth/gc FTFY