- Comment on I miss console ads being this weird 8 months ago:
Oh yeah, I was so bewildered when I read “kanker, ga lopen!” for the first time!
- Comment on I miss console ads being this weird 8 months ago:
“the internet was the domain of white, heterosexual, nerdy, generally well educated guys. And me being a white, heterosexual, nerdy, well educated guy… well… going online felt like coming home. Those were my people”
Thank you for putting it so clearly. Yes, it is completely valid to long for a time where the own niche was the in-group. As someone who’s been on the web from early on but a woman, it wasn’t really “my people”. It was never a safe space for me, but I totally understand where you are coming from. It’s great to be on the side of the “default”.
The only spaces I genuinely miss are phpbb forums. I honestly believe they are better than reddit, or the fediverse for that matter. Smaller interest groups have a self selection mechanism and better moderation. I think they could still foster a great environment today that would welcome nerdy educated people on a shared interest without specifically speaking to just one type of educated nerds.
- Comment on I miss console ads being this weird 8 months ago:
And why is it a “trashy hot” woman despite the target audience being 99% young men at the time? This is what I mean. The ad speaks to a target audience that is not on the poster.
- Comment on I miss console ads being this weird 8 months ago:
Honestly, it puts me off completely. I’m a woman and this is what gaming used to be: women are sluts. The ad isn’t even trying to be clever or anything. Like wtf is this this trying to say?
- Comment on I miss console ads being this weird 8 months ago:
I like the part between your two paragraphs. The early gaming era was really shitty when it came to diversity and… It’s not even representation, it’s not having to play sluts or princesses or whatever.
The now-era is all AAA all-the-same sanitised stuff, nothing to do with lack of edginess. Just corporate safety in mainstream appeal. Currently, indie games are where the experiments and interesting ideas happen.
- Comment on It still stings 8 months ago:
Steve Irvin died from a stingray piercing his heart when he swam close to it. The comic is saying that since he was so enthusiastic about animals, he would not have wanted the stingray to die in order to save him. It was Steve’s own fault, a risk he took many times and it didn’t work out that one time.
- Comment on Shrimps 9 months ago:
Whenever I see that graphic I have to think about all the male painters who apparently can’t tell Pthalo blue from Prussian or Ultramarine
- Comment on Why people are boycotting Asus all of a sudden? Asus outrage explained 10 months ago:
As someone with small hands, Razer is the only mouse I can use. All the beloved Logitech models are just too big. I’ve been using Razer mice for more than a decade. Only had a problem with one. I’d like some competition and alternatives, but the gaming market (side buttons) is for large hands. Which sucks, because people with large hands can also prefer that claw-grip and want smaller mice as well.
- Comment on A photography depicting the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza - 2565 BCE. 10 months ago:
Thanks! Yeah I thought so, it must be just not enough people even if it could work in principle
- Comment on A photography depicting the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza - 2565 BCE. 10 months ago:
I’m curious, would it physically be possible for this amount of people to hold up such a weight? Assuming it is perfectly straight and lifted onto their hands with a crane? I’m thinking of the eggs that can hold much more weight when it’s distributed through a flat surface on top of the eggs.
- Comment on Somebody managed to coax the Gab AI chatbot to reveal its prompt 10 months ago:
Ah at least you benefit from the veneer of being in the natural sciences. Don’t mention you’re a social scientist, then people straight up believe there is no science and social scientists just exchange anecdotes about social behaviour. The STEM fetishisation is ubiquitous.
- Comment on EA just added classics like Dungeon Keeper, SimCity 3000, and Populous on Steam 11 months ago:
I don’t know about these newly added games but I can launch Sim City 4 from Steam without Origin.
- Comment on Microsoft revives aggressive Windows 11 upgrade campaign with intrusive popups for Windows 10 users 1 year ago:
This is also my main reason for not switching and let me tell you this issue is NOT fixed. Do not upgrade to 11. You don’t have an option to use small taskbar icons, making the ungrouped tabs massive. Plus they resize themselves constantly. I use 11 at work and the only workaround as of now is third party stuff that either costs money, is a resource hog, or both.
- Comment on Google will no longer back up the Internet: Cached webpages are dead. Google Search will no longer make site backups while crawling the web. 1 year ago:
I don’t think this is a bad thing per sé. I don’t think that everything on the internet should be saved.
- Comment on Brain Study Suggests Traumatic Memories Are Processed as Present Experience 1 year ago:
I recommend “the body keeps the score” by Bessel van der Kolk to read if you are interested in this. If you are traumatised, beware, this is a tough read.
As other posters already wrote, this isn’t new.
- Comment on I'll just be a quick 3h 1 year ago:
Garcia From Criminal Minds: consider it done 😂
- Comment on The summer is over, schools are back, and the data is in: ChatGPT is mainly a tool for cheating on homework. 1 year ago:
Reading and writing are no exception. You also need practice to learn foreign languages. It’s not just math
- Comment on China universities waste millions, fail to make real use of research, audit finds in indictment of tech-sufficiency drive 1 year ago:
I found the issue in the west is that research only gets funding if it can get results quickly and be turned into money. This is a massive problem because while r&d is completely valid for private companies to do, it strips public universities from much needed funding in the arts, humanities, the non-quantitative social sciences and STEM areas that are not of immediate economic benefit. My experience in Europe.
- Comment on China universities waste millions, fail to make real use of research, audit finds in indictment of tech-sufficiency drive 1 year ago:
Pay walled :(