Also fuck bamboo straws and other paper straws filled with PFAS. just use a normal straw or none at all
Just doing my part 🤡
Submitted 1 year ago by to [deleted]
Comments 1 year ago 1 year ago
Maybe beverages could be served in containers that don’t require a straw. I wouldn’t mind being served a can or a bottle instead a cardboard cup. 1 year ago
The main issue is drinks with ice. But maybe we could add a retainer on top of the glass to hold the ice so we can sip directly from the cup. 1 year ago
Or you know, food grade stainless steel straws. No bad chemicals, doesn’t turn to mush (unless exposed to temperatures of 1,400 to 1,530 °C) and fully recyclable. Some people say they are hard to wash but ive never had a problem i just stick em vertical into the silverware holder of my dishwasher and it’s always gotten all the way through the straw clean.
They are cheap to produce as well. Not plastic cheap maybe but businesses could easily replace plastic straws with them without going bankrupt or anything. Easy model is just have em as an optional extra so once people already have 8 they can just use their own lol 1 year ago
temperatures of 1,400 to 1,530 °C
Well, that rules out drinking McDonald’s coffee with one then. 1 year ago
I think id prefer a glass straw to metal, but i get thats not something fast food could do easily. 1 year ago
What’s the day to day with a metal straw like?
At home it’s simple but going to the mall with a metal straw in my pocket sounds uncomfortable 1 year ago
I use my own metal straw and it works great 1 year ago
We have those at home too and they’re the only straws I use. They just feel premium in a way. 1 year ago
I was recently served a long macaroni as a straw in a restaurant. It was honestly amazing how well it worked! At no point it was mushy and there’s nothing in it that I wouldn’t eat with my pasta dish anyway. 1 year ago
They are good for some drinks but not great for others in my experience. They do get soggy after a few hours and start to dissolve a bit into the drink so if you use them at home and refill a few times over an evening they aren’t great. They also react with some fizzy drinks and cause them to bubble over. 1 year ago
There’s something about having a lot of money that makes you hate mother nature. It’s weird. 1 year ago
Feels like to them, mother nature and environment is a hindrance to their convenience 1 year ago
I think once you unlocked all the luxuries that the world has to offer, the temptation gets the better of you eventually. I don’t condone it, but I also can’t say I wouldn’t live a bit more wasteful if I had all the money in the world 1 year ago
Taylor Swifts private jet/boat circling the globe to pick up her boyfriend 1 year ago
How else do you go on a cruise while flying your jet? Checkmate, working class! 1 year ago
The jet is so large it actually has its own smaller jers inside to travel from the mansion to the wave pool. 1 year ago
Something something, Taylor Swift 1 year ago
i really do not understand where this idea that plastic has something to do with the climate came from, how do people imagine that to work?
No, the point of not using plastic is to not have plastics blowing around on the street for 50 years before it’s degraded into microplastics that instead enter our bodies. 1 year ago
Honestly, I’m just sick of picking it up on my local beach. That and plastic bags. I’m sick of picking up plastic bags. 1 year ago
Um… what are you referring to? OP says “save the environment”. Excessive emissions are bad for the environment, so is having plastic lying around everywhere. 1 year ago
I don’t know if all these recent jet memes are people just joking around or are you people actually convinced private jets are the problem?
Taylor swift, and every single billionaire alive could be flying 24/7/365 OR NOT and it would make absolutely no difference to fighting climate change.
The main polluters are industry and farming.
All this other shit around are just distractions keeping you from actually going after the people that are causing our crisis.
I don’t know if it’s astroturfing or what, but it seems like it’s deliberate manipulation to keep people inactive.
You memeing on Tylor or using wood straws, or recycling your soda can does fuck all. A single paper plant will dump out so much co2 and pollution that will negate the effort of millions. 1 year ago
clears throat Cave Johnson here. I’ve been thinking… 1 year ago 1 year ago
notice how they wrote billionaire and not Taylor, very good 1 year ago
Implicitly includes Taylor though, she’s not off the hook
Just all the others are also on the hook now 1 year ago
Maybe if we make her feel bad about it she will give away enough to just be a millionaire 1 year ago
Mushy pfas straw 1 year ago
Not even a shit post 1 year ago
There’s a different between shitpost and shit post, you know?
We aim for the former in here. 1 year ago 1 year ago
Yep. I’m all for limiting waste, but we never should’ve gotten rid of plastic straws. Paper straws DO NOT WORK. It’s as simple as that.
I’ve resorted to carrying my own straws these days, just so I don’t have to use soggy paper.
And frankly, I doubt getting rid of plastic straws had any effect anyway. They claimed here it was to protect sea turtles. I live four hours from the ocean. Unless a sea turtle knows how to use public transport, they’re not likely to get near my straw. Especially since I actually put it in the recycling bin anyway. 1 year ago
Plastic recycling is a lie.
I use a reusable metal straw 1 year ago
Are you living on a dumpster or really that naive, that you think your waste is staying where you leave it? 1 year ago
Well, all I can reasonably do is put it in the correct bin for proper recycling, as they tell you to do. I would never litter; it’s antisocial as fuck.
Once it’s collected, I have zero control over it. I assume Dutch garbage companies don’t dump my trash in the ocean, but I honestly haven’t bothered to check if they export it to somewhere else or anything like that. 1 year ago
You know you could just learn to drink like grown ups so you don’t need to carry around special implements? My babies could pretty much drink straight from a cup or a glass before they had turned two, you can do it too 1 year ago
And that’s perfectly fine to do with a soda, sure. But with a milkshake? Or a very cold slushie? You can’t really drink those like a soda. Not unless you let them melt completely, which rather defeats the purpose… 1 year ago
Instead of paper we should have gone stainless steel. Safe, strong, reusable, fully recyclable. 1 year ago
I use metal straws as well. It’s a decent option.
As for safe, wellllll… there’s some debate on it. People have been impaled when they tripped and fell while drinking from them. They’re also a bit more difficult to clean, since you just toss a plastic straw. 1 year ago
First World problems, amirite? Gotta carry your own metal straw everywhere if you don’t like mushy PFAS. 1 year ago
Downside is, your plastic trash probably isn’t staying near where you live. 1 year ago
Well, all I can reasonably do is put it in the correct bin for proper recycling, as they tell you to do. I would never litter; it’s antisocial as fuck.
Once it’s collected, I have zero control over it. I assume Dutch garbage companies don’t dump my trash in the ocean, but I honestly haven’t bothered to check if they export it to somewhere else or anything like that. 1 year ago
Just be a grown up like me and always have a handy Red Vine ^tm^ to use as a straw. 1 year ago
They don’t sell those here, unfortunately :D 1 year ago
Paper straws work fine? 1 year ago
Not to be the "well akshually" guy, but I personally find that paper straws are fine for most drinks, when it comes to thicker ones they really suck (no pun intended). Like, using a paper straw with a slurpee or milkshake is a nightmare.
I'm team paper straws, but surely there's a better solution for drinks like those. 1 year ago
They should offer reusable metal straws 1 year ago
They’d just get stolen and you know it. 1 year ago
Taylor Swift needs to relax her Triangle of Sadness. 1 year ago
Why not use “straw” straws again? 1 year ago
Pasta straws seem like the obvious solution, it takes at least 5 minutes to soften in BOILING water, it’s gonna last at least that long in a chilled beverage, and then if you throw it in the forest that’s literally just food 1 year ago
I’m guessing it’s because there’s not as much profit for billionaires in it. 1 year ago
That’s the equivalent of a lot of straws. 1 year ago
The thing is billionaires will always use more resources than you. They will have more stuff. It’ll have more houses. They will have boats, private planes, huge mansions, and more money than they know what to do with. They will always use more resources than you. If your whole statement is we shouldn’t try to solve global warming because some people are rich, and we’re doomed to all die. And by the way, The billionaires will have a nice air-conditioned bunker while the rest of us die.
I’m all for trying to solve wealth inequality, but it shouldn’t get in the way of solving a major environmental disaster. 1 year ago
If your whole statement is we shouldn’t try to solve global warming because some people are rich
I don’t think that’s what they’re saying at all. Any solution to climate change is incomplete if it doesn’t also address inequality and overconsumption 1 year ago
Not just incomplete. You probably need to start with inequality. 25% of global emissions are created by the richest 1%. 50% by the richest 10% 1 year ago
Well, I can’t help but notice it’s mostly those billionaires and the people who work for them who are telling us there’s a climate issue and WE need to solve it while they continue to fly everywhere on their private jets and buy more waterfront mansions they tell us will be underwater in 10 years.
So IDK man… I’m certainly not a climate scientist but something doesn’t add up here. 1 year ago
More people than billionaires are telling you there’s a climate issue. Scientists are, normal people are, etc. It’s the biggest environmental issue of our lifetimes. And there are some celebrities that are also trying to use their popularity to promote the message to get the government to create a set of rules that will actually impact out much CO2 we’re putting into our atmosphere. The right-wing talking heads have found that it’s really effective to point at them and say “LOOK! They have big houses! They fly around in private jets! They use more resources that 100 of you normal folks, therefore we shouldn’t do anything.”
The reality is that they’re using more resources than 100 of us normal folks, but there are 100k of us normal folks to each of them so we make a much more significant impact on the climate than they do. And yes, lets make the laws affect them also. But the “they’re flying around in jets” talking point is lame. They’re going to be flying around in jets no matter what. They’re going to have big houses no matter what. So lets make them have lots of solar panels on their big houses or make flying around in private jets more expensive. That’s just a reason to make the laws affect them also, it’s NOT a reason to do nothing and let the world burn. 1 year ago
TaleSpin 1 year ago
I recently visited China, to meet my wife’s extended family.
Let me tell you, the sheer amount of single-use plastics that are consumed by any individual throughout a regular day in a metropolitan environment, is absolutely and mind-numbingly depressing.
Given that there are 1.3b people there, and that no matter how much we in the US/AU/EU reduce/reuse/recycle - we will never be able to truly offset that sheer amount of plastic pollution produced.
Now I’m not saying this to be a doomer, but more-so to say that individuals can’t enact sufficient change to save this planet, we need Government and corporate incentives to shift towards sustainable alternatives, and punitive policies to disincentivise plastic production globally. 1 year ago
Lots of places in the US won’t recycle the supposedly “recyclable” plastics, it ends up in a landfill regardless of what you do. I remember all the educational initiatives about the importance of recycling when I was a kid. Turns out it was all just propaganda to make us feel responsible for problems caused by corporations. 1 year ago
Oh man that’s a drop in the bucket compared to medical/industrial/commercial plastic waste lol. 1 year ago
I did the ambulance thing for a bit. CPR calls, the back of the ambulance, despite being covered in fluids, looked like a recycling center. And none of it gets recycled, obviously, all just gets red bagged or containered. Everything is individually wrapped, and for obvious reasons, but I’d have days where I could match my family’s plastic use for the week or more in 12 hours. 1 year ago
The majority of Chinese residents don’t live in metro zones, work office jobs, and eat fast food, though.
Also, very common to find reusable metal straws (and cups and utensils) outside the US. Korea and Japan both overwhelmingly favor washable utensils, as do cities south of the US border (I stopped seeing disposables once I got outside Mexico City proper and I never saw them in Jamaica or Cozemel outside the airport/seaport). There are zero disposables in Havana. The very idea is alien to them. 1 year ago
Something like 60%+ of China is urban. The majority definitely live in urban areas.…/urban-and-rural-population-of-chin…