- Comment on Amazon Restricted Vaginal Health Products for Being ‘Potentially Embarrassing’ 1 week ago:
I actually bought a sex toy on Amazon a week ago and I was pissed that they asked for my driver’s license to purchase it. WTF? What a screwed up country we live in.
- Comment on Ukraine isn’t invited to its own peace talks. History is full of such examples – and the results are devastating 2 weeks ago:
This isn’t a peace agreement, this is a rehabilitate Russia agreement.
The whole goal is for Trump to run cover for Putin and say" if you do this we’ll remove all the sanctions", all the while not changing the ground war at all. (And probably throw sanctions on Ukraine at the same time).
- Comment on Tesla pulls out all the stops as Cybertruck sales grind to a halt 4 weeks ago:
I wonder how Tesla sales in Israel are going?
- Comment on US Bill proposed to jail people who download Deepseek 4 weeks ago:
That’s awesome! I didn’t know you could download an LLM and run it locally! That’s what I’m really interested in is something that’s on my side and not a conduit to Google, MS or other.
I’m so glad Hawley proposed this bill or I wouldn’t have known that deepseek was open source and downloadable! I’ll have to go look for a download.
- Comment on anyway, i started blastin' 3 months ago:
The snap was always the dumbest part of the entire avenger series. Let’s say for example, you have a bunch of deer that are eating the forest bare, so you let hunters kill half of them… Then what happens next? You have the exact same problem in a few years. The snap solves nothing.
Also if you can snap your fingers and do this, why can’t you snap your fingers and make twice the food supply?
The snap is just stupid, even in a world made-up physics-defying superheroes.
- Comment on Elon's Death Machine (aka Tesla) Mows Down Deer at Full Speed , Keeps Going on "Autopilot" 4 months ago:
- Vehicle needed lidar
- Vehicle should have a collision detection indicator for anomalous collisions and random mechanical problems
- Comment on The worst feeling of my life:My vacation is ending tomorrow 4 months ago:
Oh no doubt. I’m not saying that I come home and jump into doing chores, I’m saying that doing constructive or productive stuff in your own life can have a good recharge feeling in it’s own way. I certainly come home and veg in front of the computer… but if I spend the whole weekend vegging in front of my computer I end up feeling MORE like shit than I did on Friday. A healthy combination of both leaves me feeling recharged and happy.
- Comment on The worst feeling of my life:My vacation is ending tomorrow 4 months ago:
Doesn’t matter. Still feels good to get stuff done that’s for you and not for somebody else. I’ve gotten old enough that I’d love doing gardening or fixing stuff around the house on my weekends. That shit’s for me, it makes my life better, not someone else’s.
- Comment on Amazon tech workers leaving for other jobs in response to return to office mandate 5 months ago:
This isn’t what they want to happen. They know it will happen, but this isn’t the goal or objective.
Amazon is a big boy company, if they want to cut staff, they’ll cut staff. The problem with cutting staff this way, is that they don’t get to decide who they’re cutting. They don’t want to cut talented employees at random, they want to pick the low performers and let them go. This is kind of the opposite of that.
The higher skilled the employee is, the more likely they are to have been hired remote, and to feel they can find another job also. That means they’re effectively shooting themselves in the foot and getting rid of some of their talented employees for the benefit of bringing people into the office.
There has been a swing in the business opinion that work from home isn’t as efficient. This is basically the higher-ups falling in line with that opinion.
- Comment on A declaration of war 5 months ago:
If you made it, you’re welcome to do that if you want. If someone else made it then you’re an asshole of assholes and this is grounds for execution or exile to the farthest reaches of the globe.
- Comment on Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills 5 months ago:
Technology has moved from nitch nerdy thing to general public usage and as it did so it became usable without knowing what’s going on. Gen Z doesn’t know shit about technology, they just know how to use it.
When I was a kid, if you wanted to get a computer working you had to screw with the RAM settings or build the computer yourself from components. If you didn’t know how to do this you talked with someone who did. I’ve forced my kids to learn at least some of this, but the idea that they’re more tech savvy is ridiculous. They’re users of tech, but it’s become too complicated (and more user friendly), so they don’t know what’s happening behind their screen.
- Comment on So it begins... 6 months ago:
“fire one million” - Musk
It totally works.
- Comment on YouTube tests server-side ads to make your coveted blocker obsolete 7 months ago:
I would rather pay an add-block company a monthly subscription than give it to YouTube in blackmail. This will just be another salvo in a never ending war.
- Comment on The US population only accounts for 4.2% of the world. 8 months ago:
This comment is the equivalent of trying to have a real conversation with someone and they start singing a commercial jingle.
- Comment on The US population only accounts for 4.2% of the world. 8 months ago:
That’s an interesting read, but I think it misses a point of where that 25% GDP is really coming from. The US makes 25% of the GDP because they outsource. To use other country’s labor, other countries people, other other people’s brains, and they take a huge chunk of profit from it. They then claim that’s their GDP.
America is a very efficient country, with a lot of skilled workers creating a lot of cool products and stuff, but it’s not 5x other countries. The only way to get those numbers is by leveraging the work of other people and claiming it for yourself.
- Comment on Ordered back to the office, top tech talent left instead, study finds 9 months ago:
But the reality is managers want to pick who gets laid off. It’s not that they want to just cut heads and reduce costs, upper management. We want that, but the actual managers want to keep their best and brightest. They want to keep their high performers. Rto tends to have the opposite effect.
The reality is it is often the best employees, the most experienced employees, and some very high level employees who have the most confidence and are most willing to say " screw you, I know I can find a job somewhere else" And give the middle finger to the employee who’s trying to do an RTO plan.
Don’t be fooled by the headlines. Real businesses want to Control who they let go. They want to have all the power in the relationship. They want to cut their underperformers and keep their Superstars. Rto is about the worst head cutting program you could dream up.
- Comment on Republicans are pulling out all the stops to reverse EV adoption 9 months ago:
This is the home of Tesla. There are a million EVs here.
- Comment on Republicans are pulling out all the stops to reverse EV adoption 9 months ago:
I’m in the SF bay area.
The off-hours rate for my electricity is $0.04 cheaper than the prime hours rate. It’s laughable. $0.51 vs $0.47. Why bother even thinking about it at that pathetic difference? It’s certainly not going to change the math much.
- Comment on Republicans are pulling out all the stops to reverse EV adoption 9 months ago:
It’s shockingly high. I live in the SF bay area and I’m a bit pissed off at how bad we’re getting screwed.
- Comment on Republicans are pulling out all the stops to reverse EV adoption 9 months ago:
We have a Volvo XC90. Much bigger (and probably heavier) than your Bolt. It gets ~26MPG on the gas only mode. It has an 18.8kWh battery and can go ~30 miles on a charge. So again, bigger, heavier, and less efficient. At $0.50 per kWh, it takes ~$9 for 30 miles, and ~$5.5 in gas to go 26 miles.
- Comment on Republicans are pulling out all the stops to reverse EV adoption 9 months ago:
That’s all great, but the real thing that will stop it is economics. We have a PHEV and I calculated it out and we pay $8 per gallon equivalent compared to $5.50 for regular gas. That’s a pretty big difference. Right now we ignore the EV part of the vehicle. (Live in California and I pay $0.50/kwh.)
We’re planning on getting solar shortly and that may make it feasible, but until then, it’s not.
- Comment on Elon Tusk 11 months ago:
That’s weird because the world is in better shape than it was when I grew up. You have drills for what to do in active shooter situations. I had drills for what to do in case of a nuclear war. I don’t think it’s as much to do with how bad the world is vs how bad the economy is for young people… and I"m not even sure if it’s statistically worse. Certainly housing is worse. Are there any other metrics that are really worse? (This is an honest question, I"m not looking for a generational fight. None of us have any control over when we were born.) Wealth inequality has gotten worse, but it was pretty bad before too.
I guess what I"m really arguing is that I think there is too much negativity and pessimism in our society especially amongst the young. Some things do suck. But finding someone who you love and then deciding to start a family with them and creating a small pocket of a better world seems 100% worth it to me.
- Comment on Just doing my part 🤡 1 year ago:
More people than billionaires are telling you there’s a climate issue. Scientists are, normal people are, etc. It’s the biggest environmental issue of our lifetimes. And there are some celebrities that are also trying to use their popularity to promote the message to get the government to create a set of rules that will actually impact out much CO2 we’re putting into our atmosphere. The right-wing talking heads have found that it’s really effective to point at them and say “LOOK! They have big houses! They fly around in private jets! They use more resources that 100 of you normal folks, therefore we shouldn’t do anything.”
The reality is that they’re using more resources than 100 of us normal folks, but there are 100k of us normal folks to each of them so we make a much more significant impact on the climate than they do. And yes, lets make the laws affect them also. But the “they’re flying around in jets” talking point is lame. They’re going to be flying around in jets no matter what. They’re going to have big houses no matter what. So lets make them have lots of solar panels on their big houses or make flying around in private jets more expensive. That’s just a reason to make the laws affect them also, it’s NOT a reason to do nothing and let the world burn.
- Comment on Just doing my part 🤡 1 year ago:
The thing is billionaires will always use more resources than you. They will have more stuff. It’ll have more houses. They will have boats, private planes, huge mansions, and more money than they know what to do with. They will always use more resources than you. If your whole statement is we shouldn’t try to solve global warming because some people are rich, and we’re doomed to all die. And by the way, The billionaires will have a nice air-conditioned bunker while the rest of us die.
I’m all for trying to solve wealth inequality, but it shouldn’t get in the way of solving a major environmental disaster.
- Comment on Why is living with your parents considered a bad thing? 1 year ago:
The idea that if you’re still living at home that your parents are still taking care of you. That they still make your food, do you laundry, pay your bills, etc. there is also a stereotype that you’re emotionally stunted since you haven’t moved out and had to take care of yourself. This is often summarized in the neck beard living in his parents basement meme.
I’m not saying this is true, but that’s the idea.
- Comment on I know it's one of you guys 1 year ago:
Yeah, I call bullshit on this. Not washing under your foreskin is how you get an infection, not washing there too much.
- Comment on YouTube Says New 5-Second Video Load Delay Is Supposed to Punish Ad Blockers, Not Firefox Users 1 year ago:
I’ll take a 5 sec delay over ads any fucking day of the week.
- Comment on Teens exploited by fake nudes illustrate threat of unregulated AI 1 year ago:
I completely agree.
- Comment on Teens exploited by fake nudes illustrate threat of unregulated AI 1 year ago:
Look that’s nice and all, but it’s not going away and it’s only going to get worse. The age of fake AI porn is only beginning. Full-on porn videos where you can take a couple of photos of someone and the AI will build a model of the person and insert them into the porn video is coming. Whether this is done for laughs, from embarrassment, or because it’s sexy doesn’t matter.
This genie is not going back in the bottle. This is only the tip of the iceberg. We are moving towards an age where you will be able to have virtual sex with anyone you want as long as you have a picture or video of them. VR sex and a porn game that can map someone into a character isn’t that far away. It really doesn’t harm anyone if we quit being such prudes.
- Comment on xkcd #2846: Daylight Saving Choice 1 year ago:
It’s all well and good, but can you add to the list the US just fucking changing to SI units instead of the stupid ass English system? (Since we’re on the topic of the things that will never happen.)