- Comment on New bird flu variant found in Nevada dairy cows has experts sounding alarms: ‘We have never been closer to a pandemic from this virus’ 2 weeks ago:
I’ll bookmark this comment, not because I don’t think it will happen but because I think April is a little too soon I’m giving it more like July August
- Comment on From Bureaucrat to Villainess: Dad's Been Reincarnated! • Akuyaku Reijou Tensei Oji-san - Episode 1 discussion 1 month ago:
I have watched literally every anime with villainess in its title and so far all of them have been good. Some better but all at least good. SOONER OR LATER this will not work but until that day I’m enjoying one single word being a flag for a good time
- Comment on vines of the animal kingdom 2 months ago:
Worm of Theseus?
- Comment on Elon's Death Machine (aka Tesla) Mows Down Deer at Full Speed , Keeps Going on "Autopilot" 3 months ago:
Real Autopilot also needs constant attention, the term comes from aviation and it’s not fully autonomous. It maintains heading, altitude, and can do minor course correction.
It’s the “full self driving” wording they use that needs shit on.
- Comment on Elon's Death Machine (aka Tesla) Mows Down Deer at Full Speed , Keeps Going on "Autopilot" 3 months ago:
Inb4 it actually stopped with hazards like I’ve seen in other videos. Fuck elon and fuck teslas marketing of self driving but I’ve seen people reach far for karma hate posts on tesla sooooooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Comment on Crunchyroll just Committed a Federal Crime. 3 months ago:
The best citation I can give you at the moment is to have you ask your local Post office. I have before with mine and you can find many anecdotes of other people talking to their own post office and the answer you will generally get from the post office is that they deliver to an address and the owner of that address has the right to receive mail so when mailing to a business the business has the right to receive that mail even if it is somebody else’s name on the mail.
Technically it does violate a couple common laws depending on the situation. You can find an explanation at shrm.org/…/can-employers-open-employee-mail-sent-…
Use reading mode in Firefox to bypass the paywall
- Comment on Crunchyroll just Committed a Federal Crime. 3 months ago:
It will never cease to amaze me how people don’t understand the law. No opening that mail was not a federal crime, if it’s addressed to the business building than it is considered property of the business even if it has a specific person’s name on it. They are fully within their right to open the letter, is it a dick move and are they assholes? Yes, is it a federal crime? Absolutely not
- Comment on "Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill" Season 2 IN PRODUCTION! 3 months ago:
Because they are fun, and comfy. And right now in a world where people are basically giving the entirety of their lives to work just to keep afloat that’s kind of what’s wanted. I have shows that have deeper story and are more engaging but I often find myself not watching them because I just don’t have the mental capacity available after work and I find myself wanting something like this that is simple no Stakes just kind of cute and funny that I don’t have to really put a lot of myself into.
And I’m far from the only one in that situation so these shows are popular and are the ones getting multiple seasons it helps that creating them isn’t particularly hard either
- Comment on New mobile features are sh*t these days 4 months ago:
Just stay on your current phone till it’s dead. And even if you switch to Android avoid Samsung it’s a bloated disaster. Use oneplus or import a sony phone if you want headphone jack microsd slot and hardware fingerprint reader
- Comment on Meta has suspended several Threads and Instagram accounts that track the private jets of celebrities such as Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Kim Kardashian, and Donald Trump 4 months ago:
Except it can would and does. Lots of instances with overzealous owners/moderators that defederate or remove anything they don’t like
- Comment on "The Too-Perfect Saint: Tossed Aside by My Fiancé and Sold To Another Kingdom" Anime Adaptation Announced with Teaser Visual, PV 4 months ago:
Sir I think you are lost
- Comment on Lore Of Disturbing Human-Pokémon Relationships & Hybrid Offspring Come To Light In Recent Game Freak Leaks 4 months ago:
I mean there’s already several references in several of the games to Pokemon being married with humans and other little “jokes” this isn’t that big a leap of logic
- Comment on Nintendo Targets YouTube Accounts Showing Emulated Games 4 months ago:
What’s the point of that? Nintendo isn’t getting any money from that sale so from their perspective it’s literally no different from emulation.
If there is no legitimate means for you to purchase an original product from the company and give them your money then why the hell do they care if you’re emulating something they weren’t going to get money either way
- Comment on What? 5 months ago:
Pretty sure it’s just supposed to be one of those how is it already this late in the year type things
- Comment on High Beam 5 months ago:
The problem is that nobody, apparently not even manufacturers anymore know how to fucking aim headlights. Headlights literally have aimer knobs and you are supposed to aim them such that they cut off just before they would blind the majority of vehicles
I have projector LEDs and with a projector lens you can get an extremely practically knife sharp cut off and I have it literally just at the very bottom edge of most small sedan windshield lines. It’s great my headlights are bright as fuck they go all the way from the left shoulder to the right shoulder even on four lane roads but they don’t blind anybody and I’ve had friends help me test that by just kind of passing each other on the street and them saying it was fine and wasn’t bad like other people’s cars
- Comment on 2982: Water Filtration 5 months ago:
This is why we have remineralization filters I love my highly insane filtered water. Goes through 10 stages before finally hitting reverse osmosis just to extend the reverse osmosis filter life. But it has a alkaline remineralization as the last step so it tastes amazing
- Comment on AT&T and Verizon have a beef with T-Mobile’s Starlink satellite service - The Verge 6 months ago:
It’s true technical analysis does show the opposite, however it’s a technical analysis. AKA Engineers making educated guesses. Which is the reason the FCC allowed a limited test area to run actual trials to verify. And the fact that the FCC has not immediately shut it down implies that they have not been able to confirm what that technical analysis predicted.
Don’t get me wrong I’m no big huge fan of starlink over here, but both AT&T and Verizon have a long standing history of competing through litigation rather than actual service so I’m inclined to give T-Mobile and starlink the benefit of the doubt here.
When everyone was first getting new frequency opened up AT&T and Verizon fought over millimeter wave while T-Mobile mostly ignored it and went for the mid band 600-800mhz. This caused the T-Mobile to have an insane lead over actual 5G deployment you can now get good 5G speeds out in the middle of rural fuck nowhere because you’ll be on the 700 band 12.
Meanwhile millimeter wave is still useless because a piece of rice paper will block the signal entirely so it only works in extremely extremely limited areas of town with direct line of sight and no obstacles to the Tower. So Verizon and AT&T started complaining to the FCC that T-Mobile has too much spectrum and they can’t possibly compete even though they made absolutely no attempt whatsoever during the initial bidding to get any mid-band.
Now we see the same thing here, T-Mobile is getting ahead of everyone Verizon and AT&T are lagging behind they plan to roll out the exact same service, with the exact same frequencies, with the exact same technology, however they are still in the planning phase and starlink/t-mobile is just about ready to activate it so they are complaining
- Comment on AT&T and Verizon have a beef with T-Mobile’s Starlink satellite service - The Verge 6 months ago:
You could try actually reading? The article goes over why they want the exemption. Which is mainly that the fcc’s maximum transmit power for this particular band is both outdated and wildly over cautious. They argue that you can easily transmit with more power without creating any interference and that’s what the trial was demonstrating
- Comment on AT&T and Verizon have a beef with T-Mobile’s Starlink satellite service - The Verge 6 months ago:
Starlink and T-Mobile, in a limited area that was approved by the FCC for testing. And at the end of that trial they are required to give the results to the FCC so AT&T and Verizon wouldn’t even need to say anything if it was going to cause interference the FCC would just stop it at the end of the trials. The fact that that didn’t happen and that they now feel the need to try and say it might interfere is proof that they are just stalling.
And again they are literally getting ready to roll out the exact same thing, based on the exact same technology, using the exact same frequencies. They literally just want time to catch up because they got caught slacking lol
- Comment on AT&T and Verizon have a beef with T-Mobile’s Starlink satellite service - The Verge 6 months ago:
They are claiming that they think it would, despite the fact that both T-Mobile and starlink have demonstrated that it won’t in trials. They are also simultaneously getting ready to roll out their own service based on the exact same technology which proves they are just talking out their ass because they want more time to catch up
- Comment on Close call 6 months ago:
I asked that same thing to people that are somehow still playing Minecraft despite having been playing it since it was an alpha. I definitely played a lot of it but I can’t even touch it anymore I don’t care what mods you put on it
- Comment on Close call 6 months ago:
They get upset about it because it’s a trend in the industry that a lot of people hate. That particular series is a great example where the next game not only adds nothing but even generally takes stuff away from the previous title, but it keeps selling so it’s kind of becoming a trend in the industry for most series to just keep releasing the same garbage over and over.
So it’s less about enjoying a sports game that they are upset about, and more upset about encouraging the behavior of extremely low effort recycled releases constantly
- Comment on Researchers develop 3D printed filter for ‘forever chemicals’ in water 6 months ago:
“naturally we won’t release the stl files or any models of any type. we wouldn’t want normal people making these”
- Comment on Average consumer now carries $6,329 in credit card debt. 'People are stretched,' expert says. 6 months ago:
Just a heads up, Remove everything after the ? In the link when sharing , it’s tracking data
- Comment on Average Amazon user intelligence 6 months ago:
All edges or just the left right? I’ve got really limited space so want to avoid just blowing air into a wall lol
- Comment on Average Amazon user intelligence 6 months ago:
I am the one that posted the question on that product, the answer came the next day. And I can confirm from having gotten the emails asking for answers to questions in the past that the email asking the question provides you an image of the item and description so even if the listing had been flipped it should have not shown them the dash cam in the email asking the question.
But yes sellers do like to do that to make reviews look good, he have to be careful to actually read the reviews to look for someone describing the product to make sure it matches
- Submitted 6 months ago to [deleted] | 53 comments
- Comment on Uh oh 7 months ago:
I accidentally tapped yours while trying to scroll down! I’mma leave it tho because so true
- Comment on All junk 7 months ago:
80% of their employees don’t fucking care. So stuff still slips through
- Comment on Inflation is cooling, yet many Americans say they're living paycheck to paycheck 7 months ago: