- Comment on Yesterday in Kroger (a supermarket for you non-Americans) I saw a bunch of cans of potato salad. Why would someone buy canned potato salad? 7 months ago:
Because you use broth, fresh beef broth (or a hearty vegetable one) and vinegar just as a spice. The South is looking very critical at the rest of Germany with their weird abominations they call potato salad ರ_ರ
- Comment on Ironing 8 months ago:
Millennial here, graduated highschool nearly 20 years ago. Still not ironing or owning an iron. If you hang your clothes up to dry and do it properly, you don’t need to iron them.
- Comment on Lemmy Recently 11 months ago:
Fast stretch but this could be about people wearing band shirts without knowing the band and others getting offended about it?
- Comment on Please Plan Accordingly 11 months ago:
I always felt like cats were more into targeted destruction. When my cat broke something I usually used it just a few minutes before.
While dogs are like… just gnawing through everything they can put into their mouth. Whenever I’m at my mother’s her dogs love of senseless destruction amazes me.
- Comment on Labradoodle fro 11 months ago:
Nah, the question is: why does it bother you?
Let them have weird hair if it makes them happy. There’s sure enough too much stuff around all of us that doesn’t.
- Comment on Something's fishg about religion... 1 year ago:
Ever heard of “Maultaschen”?
One of their origin stories is, that a monk created them so he can secretly eat meat on Fridays. Since the meat was cut very small and “hidden” in the dough between vegetables and other stuff, God wouldn’t be able to see it. That’s why it’s also called “Herrgottsbscheißerle” in swabian which roughly translates to “small cheater on God”.
- Comment on Just doing my part 🤡 1 year ago:
Are you living on a dumpster or really that naive, that you think your waste is staying where you leave it?
- Comment on First game you played 1 year ago:
I have very fond memories of playing Freddie Fish in our local library while my father thought I was going to children’s choir stuff (I hated it and was hanging out in the library instead, just to be back in time, when my father came to pick me up again).