Remember when the crazies were considered alt right instead of mainstream right?
A round of applause for Mike Drucker.
Submitted 1 year ago by to [deleted]
Comments 1 year ago 1 year ago 1 year ago
The Overton Window is a fairly popular concept on Lemmy, and I haven’t the faintest idea why.
It’s easy to see why the Overton Window holds such appeal. For one thing, it offers a universal theory of change in an age of polarization and fracture. While Trump and the UK Independence Party pull right, and Sanders and Corbyn pull left, Overton’s concept suggests that the mechanism of change is the same. For another thing, it has the virtue of simplicity: Overton did little more than repackage the basic negotiating principle that if you ask for a lot, you will likely get more than if you ask for a little. And although the window offers a theory of change, its central element—the window itself—actually describes the norm from which reality has deviated. Zeynep Tufekci worries in The New York Times that Trump “voices truths outside the Overton Window,” while the British writer Sam Leith speculates that Corbyn may have positioned his party “dangerously far from the centre of the Overton Window.” The window serves as shorthand for the erstwhile consensus. Viewing politics through the Overton Window reinforces liberal notions about the moderate center, even as that center ground erodes.
For conservatives, by contrast, the Overton Window has always been about strategy. Though Overton himself never committed his most influential idea to paper, his Mackinac Center colleague Joe Lehman continued his work after Overton’s death in 2003 at age 43. Lehman not only coined the term “Overton Window,” he weaponized it, setting up training sessions on the concept for other right-leaning think tankers. The term filtered into the conservative blogosphere in 2006, when Josh Trevino enthused about the window as a tool for the right. “Step by step, ideas that were once radical or unthinkable—homeschooling, tuition tax credits, and vouchers—have moved into normal public discourse,” Trevino declared. “The conscious decision to shift the Overton Window is yielding its results.”
The concept did not reach a wider audience, however, until Glenn Beck cast Overton’s ideas as the bogeyman in his 2010 best-seller, The Overton Window. The villain of Beck’s tale is Arthur Gardner, an aging PR guru who plots to use the Overton Window to foist his own objectives (“criminalize dissent,” “reinforce dependence and collectivism”) on an unsuspecting and gullible public. In his afterword, Beck urges readers to watch out for manipulation in their own lives and to set their own priorities.
While Beck shared Overton’s libertarian ideology, he was wary of the window as a strategy for change, imagining a totalitarian left that could hijack it. Its elitist overtones also stuck in his craw: An early champion of the Tea Party, Beck preferred to extol the power of the American people, whereas Overton largely sought to influence policy-making from the top down by “educating lawmakers and the public.” At one point in his novel, Beck takes a veiled swipe at the somewhat otherworldly Mackinac Center, which was founded on an island in Lake Huron: Arthur Gardner’s son boasts that his father “stole the concept” of the Overton Window “from a think tank in the Midwest.” 1 year ago
It’s even more embarrassing, though. The full-time pundits and career politicians pitching a hissy fit right now aren’t alt-right incels. Whining about Taylor Swift is a coordinated strategy. 1 year ago
It’s not the most useful distinction when the full-time pundits and career politicians in question are taking their cues from the alt-right incels. Certainly still an embarrassment though. This is not how the GOP (re?)gains its credibility among the sane. 1 year ago
Their goal isn’t to win credibility with the sane. It’s genocide. They want to exterminate or enslave anyone who disagrees because they know they’ll never win back credibility. 1 year ago
They should be courting her not bitching about her. If she said in concert that she would be verry disappointed in anyone that didn’t vote x. It would be difficult to derail that swatch of engaged people. 1 year ago
What could they possible offer to win her loyalty? We know where she stands on reproductive rights and while it may be a single issue, it’s an enormous single issue for a significant portion of the electorate. 1 year ago
Taylor Swift dressed as Hulk Hogan: “listen up all my Swifty-maniacs, I want you to smash the Fash and punch Nazis, oh and PS: fuck MAGA to death!” 1 year ago
That’s a whole new Era for her next tour… :P 1 year ago
I didn’t know that I need this, but I need this so much. 1 year ago
Oooohhh yeaaahhhhhh. Flexes In steroids 1 year ago
The onion is getring out of things to publish.
But yeah something that a couple of years appears to be insane now is a reality with the snowflake conservatives 1 year ago
Not really, fiction has always had to be believable while reality doesn’t
Also onions have long been part of cuisines around the world 1 year ago
Fiction too. Are you saying onions are fictitious? 1 year ago
The Overton window being incrementally pushed. 1 year ago 1 year ago
2018 was FIVE years ago? 1 year ago
Almost 6 my friend. 1 year ago
The best thing for the class war is internecine warfare among the upper class. 1 year ago
internecine ˌɪntəˈniːsʌɪn adjective destructive to both sides in a conflict
This goes in my mind pocket! 1 year ago
Lets see if the reddit markdown works and use multiple spaces
single line or single spaced? 1 year ago
is there no way to get new line only on lemmy? It’s either single line or dual line (all on one line or one on every second line)?
Not afaik (on jeroba). ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 1 year ago
Seems to be double line or no lines if you enter only one line spacing. 1 year ago
Hmm Merriam Webster and Cambridge seem to disagree about the American pronunciation. ˌin-tər-ˈne-ˌsēn vs ˌɪn.t̬ɚˈniː.sɪn. And Collins gives a third way wtf! 1 year ago
Remember the freaky guy who sued Swift for not performing one of his songs? That’s what conservatives sound like lately about her. 1 year ago
I actually have never heard this before. Do you have more info? All I could find were claims that her songs infringed someone else’s copyright (and thus, shouldn’t be performed unless royalties are paid) or that she didn’t have performance rights (which again, means they shouldn’t be performed) 1 year ago
I do!…/judge-dismisses-utah-mans-lawsuit-…
He’s seriously 100% insane. 1 year ago
Why was she on the radar 5 years ago? 1 year ago
I think that’s when she endorsed some Tennessee Dems. 1 year ago
Right? I never heard about her until last year. 1 year ago
Wait seriously, like not at all? If so I can only assume you live out of the US or literally under a rock if you do live in the US. 1 year ago
You’ve never heard of Taylor Swift until last year?
Do you know who Madonna or Michael Jackson are? 1 year ago
Huh, what did I miss? 1 year ago
Apparently the 6’8, 260 lb future Hall of Fame professional footballer player she’s dating is gay because… she’s over 30.
Also, she thinks things like women should have a choice over what happens to their bodies and that you should be allowed to use the name you like best so that’s a problem too.
Totally sane and normal stuff. 1 year ago
And she told people to go vote and the right really didn’t like that 1 year ago
Funny thing is they’re both the same age lul. Perfectly normal and reasonable for people to date people their own age. I guess the right just wants to date the cradle. 1 year ago
Apparently the 6’8, 260 lb future Hall of Fame professional footballer player she’s dating is gay because… she’s over 30.
It is sickening that it has stooped to this level. Just comprehend the number of bigoted points of view expressed there. It’s almost diabolical how refined it is, how much time they took with it. I have been following the development of right wing propaganda for over two decades, and I never fail to get stunned over how blatant it is, and how well engineered.
I would highly recommend to read “Banana Republicans”:…/593702.Banana_Republicans
Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. Then Manufacturing Consent is essential lore, but the hole goes deep. No other conspiracy theories needed. 1 year ago
He’s six foot eight? How tall is Swift? Jesus. 1 year ago
With the Kansas City Chiefs headed to Super Bowl LVIII, influential MAGA Media personalities have started circulating conspiracy theories about the pop superstar, promoting the deranged notion that she is part of a sprawling psychological operations plot staged by the NFL and Democratic Party to deliver the 2024 presidential election to President Joe Biden.
Mr. Kelce’s advertisements promoting Pfizer’s Covid vaccine and Bud Light
speculation that Ms. Swift is after Mr. Kelce for his money.
Some say he’s gay…/1752422032187470011 1 year ago
Why the fuck would the billionaire Taylor Swift be after the millionaire Travis Kelce’s money? 1 year ago
That’s the level their psyops work at these days? It’s impressive in its stupidity and terrifying in its efficacy. 1 year ago
I agree with the good call. Can’t say I’m as fascinated by her receiving more attention than half the NFL teams, tho 1 year ago
Why would you be fascinated by that? She’s probably been more famous than all of the NFL combined for more than a decade. Why wouldn’t she get more attention than them? 1 year ago
I don’t like professional sports or T Swift.
Gun to my head, I would pick T Swift. 1 year ago
Blame that on the people who choose to have the cameras aimed at her, not TSwift herself 1 year ago
Michel Drucker ??? 1 year ago
Ceo of Drucker Drucker and Drucker 1 year ago
It’s a shame they are all so fucking vapid. 1 year ago
Was that midterms? I know she doesn’t get political, but I think she was just telling her fans to make sure they go out and vote. More voters scares certain political parties. That’s my best guess anyway. 1 year ago
She endorsed Biden in 2020 and has spoken out about the end of Roe v Wade and the importance of abortion rights, so while she hasn’t made it her personality her team is as clear as it can ever be for a billionaire. 1 year ago
This shit needs to die. 1 year ago
Not just more voters. More “wrong” voters. Like young, black, and young black voters. 1 year ago
Don’t forget the most dangerous “minority” of all, WOMEN 1 year ago
That’s what I don’t like about her. She’s just in it for the money, and she’s a vapid mo-fo with nothing much to say. Just like her detractors.
Has it really come to a point where public political discourse is some dumb fuck against some other dumb fuck?
Before you say it was always like that, think it over, because it is not true. 1 year ago
Women’s bodies are literally on the line here and you come with some misogynistic bullshit like that???
You need to take a long hard look at yourself there,sir.