- Comment on The Cybertruck Appears to Be More Deadly Than the Infamous Ford Pinto, According to a New Analysis 3 weeks ago:
Pedestrians would probably learn more from the experience if they don’t die.
- Comment on The Cybertruck Appears to Be More Deadly Than the Infamous Ford Pinto, According to a New Analysis 3 weeks ago:
It’s barely sold outside the US because other places (like the EU) also care about the safety of people outside the vehicle. That’s why European and Asian cars (except the models explicitly for the US market like the Tacoma) are designed for pedestrians to be deflected, while US cars are a moving brick wall which will squish them like a bug.
Also, I suspect you’d need commercial plates and a special license to drive it most other places, due to the weight.
- Comment on The Cybertruck Appears to Be More Deadly Than the Infamous Ford Pinto, According to a New Analysis 3 weeks ago:
Was the Pinto really that bad, though, or did Mother Jones do them dirty?
In the numbers above, the Pinto is hardly a standout deathtrap; I mean, by modern standards, sure, everything on that list is a horrible deathtrap, but the Pinto was safer than the Toyota Corolla or the Beetle or the Datsun 210, and none of those cars are as burdened with the oppressive fiery deathtrap narrative as the Pinto is. In fact, the Pinto’s overall deaths per million vehicles is better than the average!
- Comment on Price Per Square Inch for TVs by size 4 weeks ago:
There’s not much point in optimizing completely for price per inch, but when I bought my TV in 2013 I plotted this, and discovered a pretty sharp hockey stick in the graph at 70" and above. So I got a 65" TV. If my graph had looked pretty straight like yours I’d probably just get the biggest that is practical for the space.
- Comment on I aM tHe DeVeLoPeR wHy Do YoU AsK 8 months ago:
Also: Move stuff, don’t delete it. It’s faster to restore from a renamed folder than from backup.
- Comment on Stack Overflow and OpenAI Partner 9 months ago:
Yeah, that was my assumption as well. I wonder how they’re going to work around that SO is getting spammed with AI-generated answers, though. You really don’t want your LLM cannibalizing itself.
- Comment on Tesla Lays Off Employee Who Slept In Car To Work Longer Hours 10 months ago:
Eh, tech companies also push out shitty stuff, and sometimes the shitty stuff is hardware.
- Comment on Why do video cards get slow when there's an available update? 10 months ago:
Did you reboot as part of updating? If so, the reboot could have fixed it.
Also, how often do you check for updates when you’re not having problems? How long have the updates been out before you have performance issues and look for them?
- Comment on A German state is ditching Windows and Microsoft Office for Linux and LibreOffice on the 30,000 PCs it uses for local government functions 11 months ago:
Yeah, and their latest release was 5 months ago, so they’re probably still a thing.
- Comment on A German state is ditching Windows and Microsoft Office for Linux and LibreOffice on the 30,000 PCs it uses for local government functions 11 months ago:
Debian Edu has existed for over a decade, originally as a Norwegian distro called Skolelinux (“school Linux”). I’m not sure how they differ from regular Debian at this point, but a big part of the original project was high quality translations.
- Comment on A German state is ditching Windows and Microsoft Office for Linux and LibreOffice on the 30,000 PCs it uses for local government functions 11 months ago:
I fully expect this to get backtracked almost immediately. From my experience most government employees can barely handle a browser upgrade with a UI change, and they will 100% throw a collective fit if their Word and/or Outlook goes away.
- Comment on Homeowner baffled after washing machine uses 3.6GB of internet data a day 11 months ago:
Washers usually give better estimates than dryers. How long something takes to dry depends on the material used. The washer doesn’t care about anything but weight.
- Comment on Unreleased preview of Microsoft’s OS/2 2.0 is a glimpse down a road not taken 11 months ago:
Windows NT came out of the failed collaboration with IBM and was originally meant to be OS/2 3.0. MS switched the APIs from OS/2 compatible to Windows compatible after Windows 3.0 took off, and it caused the collaboration to fall apart.
- Comment on Is TV Dead? Global TV Shipments Hit a Decade Low in 2023 11 months ago:
You just know it’s going to be some stupid AI shit.
- Comment on Is TV Dead? Global TV Shipments Hit a Decade Low in 2023 11 months ago:
I bought a 65" TV in 2013. It’s good enough for me. I don’t need 4k at home. It got zapped after 9 years, but there were tons of power supply boards on eBay for $40 each. Turns out a lot of people break the display and sell the other parts.
- Comment on is this the moment spez became Heisenberg? Reddit CEO warns users: "We know your dark secrets' 11 months ago:
You forgot same email address.
- Comment on Reddit: Return Of The Junk Stock IPO 11 months ago:
Different goals. The goal of Apollo was to make a good app. The goal of the official reddit app is to show you ads and siphon money off you.
I guarantee you a good chunk of that R&D money is for making ads more profitable and other monetization.
- Comment on Reddit wants to raise $748M with IPO, sets value at $6.4B 11 months ago:
Days? When my company went public employees couldn’t sell their stock for several months. And as soon as we could the price tanked, because everyone wanted to cash out.
The selling was understandable, having 80% of your net worth in a single stock is scary, but hundreds of first-time stock owners doing a fire sale didn’t do the stock price any favors.
- Comment on Automakers Are Sharing Consumers’ Driving Behavior With Insurance Companies 11 months ago:
New Hondas with front cameras (used for adaptive cruise control and lane departure warnings) will read speed limit signs to display them in the dashboard.
It only parses the number, so if a US car is in Canada it will say the speed limit is 110 mph on the highway. If these GM cars do the same they’d probably think any Canadian car going for a weekend trip to the US did so at prison-worthy speeds.
- Comment on _Real_ gaming router - GTA Vice City on a TP-Link router 11 months ago:
It can probably even run Half-Life no problem. It was based on a mish-mash of the Quake 1 and 2 engines with some extensions.
- Comment on How Quickly Do Large Language Models Learn Unexpected Skills? 11 months ago:
That’s interesting. My trilingual kids definitely translate individual words, but I guess the real bar here is to translate sentences such that the structure is correct for the languages?
- Comment on Lemmy Active Users looking good 11 months ago:
It’s also a volume thing. By the time I reach a reddit comment thread what I wanted to say has already been said, and if I say it again my comment will drown in a sea of heavily upvoted comments. On lemmy you can be several days late to the party and still get both upvotes and responses.
- Comment on Sometimes I want to call malloc, just as a treat 1 year ago:
Yeah, that’s what I was implying, just didn’t want to write a whole novel about it.
- Comment on Sometimes I want to call malloc, just as a treat 1 year ago:
Using a file system is much less bad than dynamically allocating memory, at least as long as you keep a predefined set of files.
- Comment on A round of applause for Mike Drucker. 1 year ago:
This isn’t even about preference, though. Most people would recognize Taylor Swift before they’d recognize any NFL players, even if they hate her music.
- Comment on A round of applause for Mike Drucker. 1 year ago:
Why would you be fascinated by that? She’s probably been more famous than all of the NFL combined for more than a decade. Why wouldn’t she get more attention than them?
- Comment on Fitbit Clock Fade 1 year ago:
I have just the thing for you! Ever heard of binary XML?
- Comment on Elon Musk's X claims it's now a 'video-first platform' as it tries to reverse an advertiser exodus that has cost it billions in value 1 year ago:
I’m looking forward to all the selfie videos with Elon sitting on the toilet accusing his advertisers of being pedos. Then we can sit and guess what specific drugs he’s on that particular day.
- Comment on Nothing pulls its iMessage app from the Play Store following privacy disaster 1 year ago:
Can confirm, I never heard of them before this post.
- Comment on Steam Deck OLED announced 1 year ago:
Well yeah, otherwise it will end up like Atari. No sales for the first one because everyone is waiting for the next one.