- Comment on The Factory must grow. 1 year ago:
Reminds me of the “Island Sanctuary” feature added to Final Fantasy XIV, where you were promised your very own tropical paradise to visit and decorate. Ended up being little else to do there other than build and manage factories.
- Comment on Poignant post on the state of things 1 year ago:
Yea man, that’s totally what I said. @@
- Comment on Poignant post on the state of things 1 year ago:
Han Chinese
You’ll have to forgive people for being cautious when presented with an ethnic supremacist state actively working towards global domination.
- Comment on Poignant post on the state of things 1 year ago:
Reproduction isn’t a luxury item. It’s a survival need. The only reason that it’s viewed as such in western society is because our economic system is all kinds of screwed up.
- Comment on YouTube now suggests new content *by colour* 1 year ago:
Yea, seems like a fun and quirky feature, but unfortunately I don’t think there’s anything big tech companies can do at this point to turn things around with public opinion given how utterly egregious their other sins have been.
- Comment on text don't call 1 year ago:
They’re not bugs, they’re features.
- Comment on Music Piracy Is Back, Baby 1 year ago:
I found some of my favourite bands by downloading mislabelled songs on limewire.
- Comment on A round of applause for Mike Drucker. 1 year ago:
This shit needs to die.
- Comment on Brought to you by the vertical mouse gang 1 year ago:
Thumb ball master race chuckles with amusement as they look down upon this post from Olympus.
- Comment on 7 day cleanse or pregnancy cravings 1 year ago:
Using old vodka bottles for water.
- Comment on It’s Surprisingly Easy to Live Without an Amazon Prime Subscription 1 year ago:
I think I’ve used Amazon a grand total of twice in my life. Got a cheap knockoff of what I actually ordered both times.
- Comment on OpenAI Quietly Deletes Ban on Using ChatGPT for “Military and Warfare” 1 year ago:
It may prompt people to recognizing things they had glossed over before.
- Comment on OpenAI Quietly Deletes Ban on Using ChatGPT for “Military and Warfare” 1 year ago:
Language learning models are all about identifying patterns in how humans use words and copying them. Thing is that’s also how people tend to do things a lot of the time. If you give the LLM enough tertiary data it may be capable of ‘accidentally’ (read: randomly) outputting things you don’t want people to see.
- Comment on OpenAI Quietly Deletes Ban on Using ChatGPT for “Military and Warfare” 1 year ago:
I can’t wait until people find out that you don’t even need to train it on secrets, for it to “leak” secrets.
- Comment on "Did you realize that we live in a reality where SciHub is illegal, and OpenAI is not?" 1 year ago:
And people wonder why there’s so much push back against everything corps/gov does these days. They do not act in a manner which encourages trust.