- Comment on This should be fun 1 year ago:
Go you! Edited
- Comment on This should be fun 1 year ago:
Is it unmanly for a guy to have long hair? And pls explain either way
- Comment on One of capitalisms biggest tragedies 1 year ago:
The capitalist class vs the working class
- Comment on One of capitalisms biggest tragedies 1 year ago:
I’m comparing textbook capitalism with textboox communism. It is built into the very system of capitalism.
- Comment on One of capitalisms biggest tragedies 1 year ago:
Because the made-up unrealistic fable of capitalism has no problem with this either.
Also, this isn’t true - capitalism has inequality and unrealised potential built into it.
- Comment on One of capitalisms biggest tragedies 1 year ago:
Do you object to trying ideas simply because they are ideas? Understand that this thinking is anti-progress.
- Comment on One of capitalisms biggest tragedies 1 year ago:
Again, all things are only “made up” until put into practice.
- Comment on One of capitalisms biggest tragedies 1 year ago:
What do you mean by “real, not idealised”? All such things are ideals until put into practice.
- Comment on One of capitalisms biggest tragedies 1 year ago:
Capitalism does inherently include a class divide.
- Comment on [Politics] Have phobia, will travel 1 year ago:
What about a picture of Trump edited so his face looks reaaaaaaaaally small
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
No, you can’t, and don’t try and gaslight me about it.
You’re either being serious or you’re not. You can’t change your intent based on the response.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
So… was it a serious statement intended to promote discussion, or just a joke?
You can’t play both teams.
- Comment on And a hearse in the background 1 year ago:
She said: “I was wondering if it would be possible to perhaps make a request that members of departments think about their communication to councillors a little bit better. "
This is also peak Britishness. The amount of hedging in that sentence. It’s so indirect it almost misses.
- Comment on Americans are asleep, post European windows 1 year ago:
They can go through shitty Amrrican drywall
post brought to you by brick wall gang
- Comment on Conservatives on Facebook absolutely believe this. 1 year ago:
I’m not even close to a Taylor Swift fan, and I’ve been aware of her since about 2010…
Out of nowhere? Where is this rock you’ve been under?
- Comment on A round of applause for Mike Drucker. 1 year ago:
Huh, what did I miss?
- Comment on Damn freeloaders takin' all the jobs! 1 year ago:
Another thought that occurs is that it shows there is literally no path where they accept the immigrant - they’re upset if immigrants work, and they’re upset if they don’t. It literally just comes down to hating immigrants, and they work backwards from there to find reasons.
- Comment on And why you gotta touch my back with those ice blocks 😩 1 year ago:
What exactly does the "No one: " accomplish, here?
- Comment on I'm not creative enough to think of a title 1 year ago:
What it looks like, after I have actually bothered really check (unlike you) is that it took three days for and to sync up.
Nice unsupported claim. I see a comment of mine with a comment of yours replying three days later. No ambiguity there.
I didn’t change the subject, I directly addressed something you said,
Good that you said “something”, you slippery devil, because it indeed was one thing among many, the others of which you ignored.
Accusing someone of distracting or changing the subject when they respond to something you said is highly dishonest, and I think you know that.
It’s not dishonest when I mean it. And I do, because you laser focused on that one statement while ignoring the others. And this being a new subject, unrelated to the actual conversation (which, may I remind you, is about your comment appearing to be hostile, and not about how long people take to reply!!) it is clearly dishonest of you to ignore the original subject to focus in on this. My statement earlier was simply an aside, which it was it was tacked on to the end.
I will contest your subjective interpretation of my “tone”
All interpretations are subjective. I see you’re trying to muddy the waters here.
(I’m not even sure how you can get someone’s tone from text)
Yet another attempt to weaken my statement without addressing it.
when you accept that my only intent here was to understand something I didn’t understand.
Did I say otherwise? No. So why should I recant a statement I didn’t make?
So do you want this to end or not?
Of course.
The fact that you keep replying suggests you don’t.
How so? Prove that.
Prove me wrong and don’t reply to this.
“Prove you don’t want me to rob you and give me your money willingly.”
See, I can make a false ultimatum, too.
- Comment on The guillotine song 1 year ago:
Yes, we can say that it happens almost every time
…Never seen someone just straight up admit that they were bullshitting. Props to you.
You are arguing against a very obvious fact of life
Citation needed.
A father is a leader to his family
Citation needed.
A teacher has authority in the classroom
Citation needed.
An employer has authority in the workspace
Citation needed.
I’m getting bored of saying this over and over. Just apply it to the whole comment.
If you are a functioning member of society, you will have a leadership role over someone, and you yourself will have leaders
I suppose I’m not functional, then, because I do not “lead” anyone, not am I “led” by anyone. Stop projecting your opinions on to society at large - you’ll find that your opinion is just that; an opinion. Not a fact.
- Comment on The guillotine song 1 year ago:
I don’t think like that.
Two paragaphs later…
people will automatically rearrange themselves into power structures, even after a theoretical reset.
Happens every time. Also…
You and many others don’t seem to have a clue if a revolution will lead to less totalitarianism, or more totalitarianism, you just assume that it would lead to a better state.
Quote me saying this. In fact, quote me telling you anything at all about my political beliefs.
- Comment on The guillotine song 1 year ago:
Must be sad to have such limited imagination. I don’t have the disappointing disability that makes it impossible to envision life without a Daddy in charge, so I can’t relate.
- Comment on I'm not creative enough to think of a title 1 year ago:
What point do you think you’re making? That I should check the age of replies in my inbox before replying to them? What age is the max - 2 days or something? I didn’t know how old it was.
- Comment on I'm not creative enough to think of a title 1 year ago:
Acting confused in the face of someone telling you their problems, and responding that you’ve never experienced that, gives off the vibe that you don’t believe them. Remember, my first didn’t say that you were actually being hostile. I said you were starting to sound hostile. It was a warning. Can we leave this yet? It’s really not that important.
- Comment on I'm not creative enough to think of a title 1 year ago:
I have told you point blank that I am not challenging their stories. More than once.
I didn’t actually say you were, though. Just that you “gave off that vibe” and “came across that way”.
So you are refusing to believe I am telling the truth.
No, you’re refusing to interpret your tone.
Let me guess- that doesn’t make you a hypocrite, because you refusing to believe I’m telling the truth is totally different.
I’m not saying you’re lying, or saying you accused them of lying.
- Comment on I'm not creative enough to think of a title 1 year ago:
You don’t see how that comes across as challenging the truth of their story?
- Comment on I'm not creative enough to think of a title 1 year ago:
Literally every response of yours to people explaining how they were abused for showing emotion. Stop making this more complicated than it actually is. Accept the criticism and grow as a person.
- Comment on I'm not creative enough to think of a title 1 year ago:
I have no idea why you thought I claimed you were looking for sympathy. You must not have actually read it properly. I said you are not giving sympathy.
- Comment on I'm not creative enough to think of a title 1 year ago:
Your evidence is… the comment i responded to? Not very compelling. It doesn’t feature you giving any sympathy, just saying you don’t get it. And the implication thus far is that you simply can’t conceive of it happening. Not the most empathetic stance, is it?
- Comment on I'm not creative enough to think of a title 1 year ago:
No, you didn’t