- Comment on Misinformation? 11 months ago:
Oh, you aren’t looking for an answer because you’re an idiot. Go on with your life then.
- Comment on Misinformation? 11 months ago:
The logic should apply both ways, but it can’t because patriarchy prevents it. Meanwhile, people who don’t have a critique of patriarchy can’t really explain why this is the case. They simply point to it and say, “this is unfair and it hurts men,” without having enough context to actually fix the underlying problem.
- Comment on Misinformation? 11 months ago:
Under patriarchy, men are the only ones seen as having agency so they are assumed to always be the aggressor. The assumption is true, even when the reality is not. At the same time, men are socialized to ignore boundaries meaning that most of the time they will be the aggressor, reinforcing the assumption and justifying the application of laws that align with that assumption.
Men will always be the abusers and never the abused. Men will never be seen as the care givers, even when they are the actual care givers. Men will always be the rapist, never the victim. And, because society tells men these things, we often enact them against our own interests.
The fact that this logic doesn’t make sense is something feminists have been calling out for a long time as part of the larger system of patriarchy. While patriarchy usually gives more power to men, it doesn’t always. But even when it does seem to benefit men, it still harms men… Just like how every other system of oppression harms everyone involved, not just the oppressed.
- Comment on Misinformation? 11 months ago:
See: MRAs failing to understand how this kind of “reverse sexism” is really just the same patriarchy that feminists describe, and that basically every “gotcha” example is really just an example of patriarchy hurting men… In exactly the way feminists have been describing for decades.
- Comment on Lemmy.world be like 11 months ago:
“Boy” is only the opposite of “girl” if you’re working within the framework of gender binary. One could equally argue that “non-binary” is the opposite of both “boy” and “girl.”
Similarly, “Right Libertarian/AnCap” and “Tankie” are opposite ways to justify authoritarianism and atrocities (dictatorship of the “market” vs dictatorship of the proletariat). “Anarchist/Left Libertarian” is the opposite of both because both assert that non-consentual hierarchies are normal and excuse the atrocities that come with them while anarchism rejects the validity of non-consentual hierarchy.
- Comment on Lemmy.world be like 11 months ago:
Ancap: incoherent statement Tankie: heavily cited mix of cherry picked accurate and utterly incoherent statements Ancap: Nuh uh
- Comment on Lemmy.world be like 11 months ago:
It is not the opposite of tankies unless the continuum you’re looking at is awful political takes.
- Comment on Automakers Are Sharing Consumers’ Driving Behavior With Insurance Companies 11 months ago:
If I were malicious enough to design the system, I would make it a heartbeat. Skip too many heartbeats and your car bricks. It could be written in to the terms of the loan since companies are using in-car computers for repossession.
“Why is my car bricked?” “Because you tried to disable our payment verification system.” “I live in a rural area.” “You’re like 1% of customers. Your loan contact says you have to drive within cell range once a month. Fuck you, we’re repossessing the car and keeping the money anyway.”
- Comment on Automakers Are Sharing Consumers’ Driving Behavior With Insurance Companies 11 months ago:
your car is bricked
- Comment on The choice of a new generation 11 months ago:
I feel like this is some kind of backrooms mimic.
- Comment on Public trust in AI is sinking across the board 11 months ago:
People who understand technology know that most of the tremendous benefits of AI will never be possible to realize within the griftocarcy of capitalism. Those who don’t understand technology can’t understand the benefits because the grifters have confused them, and now they think AI is useless garbage because the promise doesn’t meet the reality.
In the first case it’s exactly like cryptography, where we were promised privacy and instead we got DRM and NFTs. In the second, it’s exactly like NFTs because people were promised something really valuable and they just got robbed instead.
Management will regularly pass over the actual useful AI idea because it’s really hard to explain while funding the complete garbage “put AI on it” idea that doesn’t actually help anyone. They do this because management is almost universally not technically competent. So the technically competent workers who absolutely know the potential benefits are still not able to leverage them because management either doesn’t understand or is actively engaging in a grift.
- Comment on SHOTS FIRED! 1 year ago:
I love that the acorn has creepy squirrel hands.
- Comment on Real! 1 year ago:
Het is niet mogelijk.
- Comment on Real! 1 year ago:
Mi learnis ioma da Esperanto antaŭ mi movis al Nederlando. Nun ĉiam ik elektas la aliajn vortojn kaj mi estas malbona met Nederlands en Esperanto.
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
It’s called “bringing food” or “going home.”
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
Because the US is a failed state hiding under a developed world costume.
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
Tipping shouldn’t exist because people should be paid a living wage.
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
I don’t expect people to be rational, I know they aren’t. The point is that it’s better to not eat out than to screw over a person who may not be able to afford to eat in the restaurant you’re eating in. You are asking someone to work for you for starvation wages and then complaining that they’re upset that you’re not filling in the rest of the wages.
Yeah, the owning class is to blame, so stop giving them money.
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
Car sales people are paid on commission. If servers were paid on commission then your argument would make sense.
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
It’s not, but eating at a restaurant is.
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
Again, if it’s too expensive to afford, why are you doing it?
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
If you can’t afford the tip, why are you paying $70 for a meal?
- Comment on Why were so many people believers in the conspiracy that 9/11 was an inside job 1 year ago:
A lot of people grew up being used to a safe county. The idea that the government didn’t actually keep people safe, and that leaders could be so insanely incompetent, was so shocking it was easier to believe in crazy conspiracy theories.
It’s pretty easy to believe in an incompetent government after 9/11, but W came after Clinton and Bush Sr. The first Bush was the head of the CIA. He was evil, but highly competent. Clinton was clearly a world leader, also highly competent. Before that you had Reagan, who was Machiavellian as fuck running secret wars around the world. You had decades of these people looking like they were playing geopolitical 4d chess, then you had this clown who was playing checkers with pidgins. Then you had this incredible shock of the biggest attack on the US since Perl Harbor. It broke a lot of people’s brains.
- Comment on Sometimes, homeopathic medicine works! 1 year ago:
Alright, yeah, that’s fair. I still think the “you’re antifa thus you’re anti-2a” is fucking stupid and obviously wrong.
There’s a much more nuanced conversation that needs to happen on the left about guns. I absolutely hate liberals for making that impossible. They will continue to help fascists kill us because, even after everything, liberals still hate leftists more than fascists.
- Comment on Sometimes, homeopathic medicine works! 1 year ago:
This has not at all been my experience. Most antifa groups are primarily anarchist or communist, which have never opposed arming people. Unless shit has been flooded by liberals in the last couple of years, I have no idea where this is coming from.
- Comment on Sometimes, homeopathic medicine works! 1 year ago:
Have you been living under a rock for the last 10 years? Antifascist groups in the US have been predominantly armed for a long fucking time. Are you so ignorant blindingly ignorant that you missed that, are you just trying to be deceptive, or are you just so far up your own ass that you can’t imagine people outside your cult would be able to defend themselves?
- Comment on Where are the good political songs? 1 year ago:
[Oskar Barnack ∞ Oscar Grant -Blue Scholars[(youtu.be/UdjGC-Jjcd4)
- Comment on Police Departments Are Turning to AI to Sift Through Millions of Hours of Unreviewed Body-Cam Footage 1 year ago:
So funny thing, Seattle Police Department did a pilot for AI that did sentiment analysis on police audio and looked for things like racial slurs. They pretty quickly disbanded the project and destroyed the evidence.
- Comment on A round of applause for Mike Drucker. 1 year ago:
Think about the “demographics shifts” rhetoric. They’re straight up saying “if we don’t murder or criminalize a bunch of people, we have no future.” The only path to continuing to enrich themselves is terrorism and mass murder. Like, I agree, if saving puppies was profitable they’d be doing that instead but it’s not.
- Comment on Wanna start *real* game theory? 😏 1 year ago:
Yeah, game theory is abused in economics but it’s probably the only useful thing associated with capitalist apologetics. The problem with the use of game theory within economics is the fact that it’s using an overtly simplified model that doesn’t actually reflect humans.
Corporations, however, are amoral manifestations of greed pure greed so they generally can be modeled pretty well with simple models in a lot of situations.
Game theory has a lot of applications outside of markets. One cool fact about game theory is that chimpanzees have a more intuitive understanding of it than humans. So it kind of looks like we either lost that for some reason (like… That it’s not as necessary for us as we developed more collectivist tendencies) or we actually evolved away from that (that is, there’s some evolutionary benefit for us to actually be bad at game theory).