- Comment on Kingmakers - Official Announcement Trailer 1 year ago:
Reminds me of Darkest of Days.
- Comment on Now that Deus Ex has been cancelled, what other games scratch the Deus Ex itch? 1 year ago:
System Shock 2 for old school, Prey (2017) for a more recent one.
- Comment on Britain’s Social Security has banned its staff from using ChatGPT—but it’s okay with Microsoft Copilot 1 year ago:
I bet they regret blowing their load on Cortana already with their useless Windows 10 feature.
Now their actual AI isn’t named after the AI from the videogame they specifically used for brand recognition. What a fuck up.
- Comment on Britain’s Social Security has banned its staff from using ChatGPT—but it’s okay with Microsoft Copilot 1 year ago:
Copilot is an official Microsoft offering like Outlook or PowerBI, of course they’d rather you use a product officially sanctioned by the company you already pay to handle your productivity software.
- Comment on Christians think gay people are trying to convert them to being gay *because Christians try to convert people to being Christian*. 1 year ago:
You could say the same thing about psychopaths, since they believe that everyone has the ability to understand that they’re sinful, etc.
That’s why I said there’s no real logic, it’s all just cherry picking the parts they want to believe and ignoring the real world aspects that don’t conform to their presuppositions.
- Comment on Christians think gay people are trying to convert them to being gay *because Christians try to convert people to being Christian*. 1 year ago:
As someone who was raised in the church I think this completely misses their perspective.
They believe that God is completely fair and just, and wouldn’t make someone in a way that was contrary to how he wants people to be. So it’s impossible for being LGBT to be something innate and unchangeable, since that would require God created people specifically in a way that he says is wrong.
So instead they go with “it’s a choice, they were ‘converted’ and it’s possible for them to mess up everyone else too.” It’s just to stave off cognitive dissonance, essentially. You can’t believe in a God that says being gay is sinful and then creates people to be gay, so you have to believe it’s like alcoholism or something and can affect anyone.
There’s no logic behind it and clearly no scientific data, but that won’t stop them because they arrived at the conclusion based purely on it being the only thing they can believe and not change the way they understand the nature of their God claim.
- Comment on Controversial benchmarking website goes behind paywall — Userbenchmark now requires a $10 monthly subscription 1 year ago:
So spend money to get bad info, sick.
- Comment on Controversial benchmarking website goes behind paywall — Userbenchmark now requires a $10 monthly subscription 1 year ago:
Aren’t these the same guys that have a stick up their ass about AMD and/or they get paid by Intel to be biased?
- Comment on efficiency 1 year ago:
UE5 uses mega scans of real world assets.
- Comment on How can a ugly and short guy compensate for his looks? 1 year ago:
Well for starters your assessment of your own attractiveness might be overstated, it’s also possible that it’s accentuated by poor grooming, fashion, or fitness standards.
So let’s assume you just have an unattractive face, full stop. Do you have a patchy beard? Maybe keep it only in areas where you grow hair more fully like a goatee, or clean shave if you don’t have any areas where it grows well. Make sure your hairstyle fits the shape of your face, if you have a longer more oval-like shape a fade on the sides and longer on top works well. If you have a round face then longer hair usually pairs well with that as it helps even out the width.
Physically you’ll need to be in better shape than most, if just to keep up. You don’t need to be a body builder necessarily, but having muscle and a beer gut looks better than being “skinny-fat” as they say. A lot of the stigma around short guys surrounds us not being as capable of defending ourselves and our families due to size, but anyone who’s ever been in martial arts can tell you weight is more important than height, and while height can allow higher weight capacity, not every tall guy gets shredded. Being bigger will help offset that stigma, the worst thing a short guy can be is scrawny.
Also important is personal hygiene, I’ve always been complimented on this especially when getting head, and believe me it’s the quickest way to show someone you have attention to detail. If you can get and afford baby wipes they make a great finisher so you can actually get clean after going to the bathroom, and take showers regularly.
Now this last part is the hardest since it has no tangible existence that can be measured, but you have to accept a couple of truths. Keep in mind when I say these things that I myself am 5’4-5’5" depending on time of day so I’m not some 6’ chad giving you useless info. I have LIVED this for a large part of my existence.
Everyone has preferences, and it’s OK that some women need their guy to be taller than them. It sucks, but no matter who you are there’s a guarantee you won’t be everyone’s cup of tea and that’s just life.
Think of these preferences as a filter, the women that care aren’t your dating target anyways. Find the ones that don’t seem to mind and focus on those.
Even the women that don’t mind WILL be turned off the more you harp on how being a short guy is the cause of all your problems. You must be the bigger man when it comes to this, if you get made fun of find a way to respond that doesn’t show you’re insecure about it even if you are, but getting angry is the one thing you absolutely cannot do. It’s literally the goal of people who ridicule you to make you angry so they can point and go “look at the pissed off short guy he’s such a stereotype.” You have to rise above this in social situations until the person making fun of you for it is seen as the weird one for focusing on it so much. It’s the only way to win. Either way you have to reframe the way you see yourself so that you’re not a victim. It’s the most difficult part of the mental hurdle to overcome but you’ll not see success until you do.
- Comment on Diablo 4's new mount costs more than the actual game 1 year ago:
Damn close.
- Comment on Diablo 4's new mount costs more than the actual game 1 year ago:
As if they’ll keep their word about anything, the game’s only 8 years past their initial launch debut.
“But but but S42 is done and now they’re making the PU more quickly!”
Yep, and I’m sure they’ll reach their 100 star system goal (lol) in about 40 years. Orrrr they’ll just release 5-10 solar systems and then shrug when people ask why they stopped.
- Comment on Obi-Wan Cannolli. 1 year ago:
It’s a shit post community, like… If you’re worried about low quality/originality this isn’t exactly your place.
- Comment on How does employing a rapist not constitute an unsafe work environment for female employees? 1 year ago:
“I don’t support the prison industrial complex, but when I do I choose Dos Equis.”
- Comment on How does employing a rapist not constitute an unsafe work environment for female employees? 1 year ago:
Just out of curiosity, what other violent crimes do get a pass for “not knowing it was wrong?”
Like do you believe that people can assault other people with weapons without knowing it was wrong? Can they beat their wives and not know it was wrong?
You seem to have a weird hangup on rape in particular in comparison to other violent crimes when it comes to “knowing it was wrong.”
I’m pretty sure the MS13 guys that butcher people know it’s wrong they just don’t give a shit. I’m sure people who use physical violence to get what they want know it’s wrong but they just don’t care.
Stupid standard, people can rationalize any crime rape ain’t special.
- Comment on EA flop Immortals of Aveum reportedly cost around $125 million, former dev says "a AAA single-player shooter in today's market was a truly awful idea" 1 year ago:
I doubt it, this kind of logic is the same as “medical costs are insane because modern medical tech is expensive.”
It completely ignores the entire economy all functioning under advanced technology to create and produce advanced goods more cheaply with the technology that costs money. It’s also mismanagement in the same way the movie and TV industry has seen, they don’t want to hire writers cause they don’t want to pay them, so instead they just spend hundreds of millions on reshoots because having a writer being paid 60k on staff 24/7 was too costly apparently and some suit got a promotion for “saving” that money.
Someone made a better version of “the day before” with a few grand in purchased assets and a couple months using UE5. If you were creating your own resources instead of buying them and you had an actual vision then you absolutely can make a game for less than hundreds of millions that will return that money back to you. How much did pal world take in? How much is helldivers 2 currently making? What were their production costs?
Just because some inept studio run by corporate bean counters can only churn out tech demos for millions of bucks doesn’t mean that’s the actual standard for cost and production of gaming.
- Comment on Your meal has been delivered 1 year ago:
- Comment on Millions can no longer afford their rent 1 year ago:
It seemed sensible when the economist Henry George postulated it as the solution for wealth inequality and the seeming rise of material desire that the uber-rich cause in the market. Unfortunately no one listened and the landlords won, and now we’re here.
- Comment on Millions can no longer afford their rent 1 year ago:
It’s exactly what you described.
Essentially people will hold onto property in order to make more money on it through land value inflation.
If we tax the crap out of property that isn’t being used, then either the tenant will do something with it or sell it to someone who will, instead of just waiting for the market to double their money while they play golf.
- Comment on Childhood disrupted: is the internet damaging young people’s development? 1 year ago:
I wonder if it has anything to do with needing to be a millionaire to support a family and the earning potential being locked away under skyrocketing costs of education.
When people have no hope for a future and start realizing that their ability to succeed is being placed behind wealth tests, they give up. When an entire generation gives up you see it in the population decline. Most people don’t want to start a family knowing they can’t afford it, so they just refuse to. They’d rather just sit around and do as little as possible since doing as much as possible will not reward them.
This situation has been in the making since at least the 1970-80’s but people have been preaching about self correcting markets and nonsense like trickle down economics to cover for the inevitable collapse due to an entire generation+ realizing they’re totally fucked with no hope of it getting better outside of a full political overhaul that won’t happen.
- Comment on Millions can no longer afford their rent 1 year ago:
- Comment on Millions can no longer afford their rent 1 year ago:
Except for the part where you have to rip out everything and build it virtually from scratch due to the severe lack of plumbing infrastructure to individual spaces in the same way that apartments require.
It sounds great, but realistically it’s almost easier to just demo the buildings and begin from the foundation.
Either way the issue isn’t the ability to construct apartments and/or condos, it’s the land being owned by people who either want it for a commercial use-case or it’s just being held for value increase.
- Comment on FCC bans AI-generated voices in robocalls that can deceive voters 1 year ago:
Profit from calls: $42069
Fine from calls: $2000
Gee, I wonder why people still break the law?!
- Comment on i hate my wife and i love bug lite 1 year ago:
Sounds like narcissistic tendencies, when you stop feeding them they come back.
Had an ex like this too, the moment I called her bluff and said I was going to grab boxes to move out she changed her tune since the power dynamic shifted. Then she wrapped the conversation around how we should try again and it wasn’t that big of a deal what I’d done, etc.
Most of them just don’t want to admit anything they’ve ever said was wrong so the perspective changes and gaslighting starts to creep in.
- Comment on Which option lads? 1 year ago:
If the calories burned are greater than those I can consume to maintain my body weight (currently about 3000kcal/day) then yes it will make me lose weight.
Also yes it is cardio, or it wouldn’t be good exercise. It’s not HIIT or running, but it consumes energy and calories.
Do you fundamentally misunderstand the concept of calories in versus calories out? If my body needs more calories than I’m eating it will harvest muscle to do so. I’ve been lifting weights for over a decade and diet is just as big of a factor in gaining muscle versus lifting itself, this isn’t something new to me.
- Comment on That's a low blow 1 year ago:
Occasionally you’ll meet someone who just can’t see you as a full adult, if that makes sense. Even in a professional environment I’ve had people try to tell me they aren’t convinced of my abilities until someone who I work with confirms what I’m saying, with no other logical reason to mistrust my claims outside of identifying height instinctually with good moral standing or intelligence.
It’s mostly in the dating world though, thankfully it usually presents itself as an issue immediately and you can just use it as a sort of filter. The women who truly don’t care are rare but at least you know they’re cool with it immediately.
- Comment on That's a low blow 1 year ago:
I really wish they’d hired someone shorter for the role, I understand they want their actors to all be similar in height for close up shots and we’ve culturally adopted the idea that the good guys are always 6’ tall and only villains are short, but it would have been nice to see Wolverine accurately represented.
- Comment on Are We All Too Cynical for Star Trek? 1 year ago:
It’s easy, go and watch the way Picard deals with Barcley and then go watch discovery and see how their COs deal with problem crew members.
Modern Star Trek is written by adult children and you can fucking tell.
- Comment on Are We All Too Cynical for Star Trek? 1 year ago:
It wasn’t really always like this, in modern Trek they don’t have any ideals to aspire to, they just do what they have to. In DS9 you had Captain Sisko breaking his back trying to convince himself that letting Garak kill a Romulan diplomat to get them on the alpha quadrant’s side was worth it.
- Comment on Which option lads? 1 year ago:
increasing your calories burned without excess hunger or fatigue
That’s my point, your goals for exercise are to burn more calories, calories that my body needs to rebuild muscle. If I do more cardio I have to eat more food to maintain my muscle mass. I’m not worried about too many I’m worried about having too few.