23andMe confirms hackers stole ancestry data on 6.9 million users::Genetic testing company 23andMe revealed that its data breach was much worse than previously reported, hitting about half of its total customers.
My gf wanted so bad for me to send my DNA to these clowns. I declined due to privacy reasons. She tried to convince me that they keep your info private. I told her that even if that was true, the government could still access it. She thinks I’m paranoid. And now her personal info is likely part of this leak.
MataVatnik@lemmy.world 1 year ago
Would you let government collect DNA from people when they are born? Absolutely not, bit I will definitely give it to a silicon valley start up who will then proceed to sell it and have it stolen.
aelwero@lemmy.world 1 year ago
If you’re allowing a corporation to have it, you are giving de facto consent for government to collect it with zero regard for your rights whatsoever.
They have the greatest ability to buy it, the greatest ability to steal it, and a fairly unique ability to confiscate it.
pdxfed@lemmy.world 1 year ago
Yeah but what about great aunt Marge? Don’t you want to know if it was Scotland or Denmark?!?
MataVatnik@lemmy.world 1 year ago
Good point with that last sentence.
abhibeckert@lemmy.world 1 year ago
No I don’t see how government vs private makes any difference.
A baby isn’t capable of informed consent, so their DNA shouldn’t be collected unless it’s required for some medical reason (and then the sample should be immediately destroyed and no records kept).
r3df0x@7.62x54r.ru 1 year ago
I can very easily imagine a 23 year old liberal virgin technocratic atheist saying that DNA should be collected at birth to solve crimes. These are also the same people who likely support euthanizing disabled people if they “consent” to it.
grandkaiser@lemmy.world 1 year ago
Liberal? The “personal freedom from government” folks? I think you’re thinking of someone who is pro authoritarian. I could 100% see a tankie, fascist, or right-wing authoritarian agreeing with that.