- Comment on Your boomer parents after giving you the most outdated job-seeking advice of your fucking life [Day 86] 5 hours ago:
Eh, we are currently doing our hiring rounds for a few seasonal positions and have offered the job to a few people who have responded with they need some time to think or are waiting on a few other potential offers.
That’s all fine and dandy but we tell them they need to respond with a yes or a no by the end of the week because we need to hire someone and if they no we will need to waste another week waiting for our second choice to shop around and eventually have no time left, they get a day to respond or we ask the next one.
- Comment on Just shoot me and save me the trouble 1 day ago:
I don’t even sleep with a fan for the noise, I love the sensation of wind in my face and also being warm under the blankets while the room feels freezing.
- Comment on Firefox deletes promise to never sell personal data, asks users not to panic 1 day ago:
They can’t just promise they “never will” and then get rid of it. People who used the service under the original agreement should still be able to claim that benefit since it was promising to never sell it.
- Comment on The New York City Subway Is Using Google Pixels to Listen for Track Defects 3 days ago:
So why Google pixels instead of dedicated recording hardware? I feel like there are better microphones out there than Google pixels.
- Comment on Bruce Lehrmann faces Hobart court accused of stealing Toyota 4WD 5 days ago:
Yeah the other dude who said yes should be the one arrested for theft, telling someone to take the car and tricking them is no different than taking it yourself.
- Comment on is telling an employee how he has to speak micromanaging? Is it toxic? 1 week ago:
Communication can be an important part of one’s job and communication encompasses than just being able to speak to someone, but also being able to tailor your speech to your audience.
If a manager feels that your vocabulary can hinder how much a client or customer will be able to understand than it is reasonable to ask them to tone it down a bit in certain situations. In other where you are communicating with colleagues in adjacent industries it would probably be a boon to have someone sound super smart and knowledgeable and then you want them to tone it up. It’s situational and can be a positive or a negative but the employee needs to be able to recognize the situation they are in and adjust accordingly.
I have a coworker right now where we have this issue. He’s a very knowledgable person but also a little arrogant and always wants to sound like the smartest person in the room, but when you are explaining stuff to a random person on the street you don’t want him to be blasting off technical jargon and Latin names for shit as it doesn’t help the person understand anything and doesn’t encourage increased dialogue.
- Comment on place yer bets 1 week ago:
Make a probe with a giant fuel tank and engine land on the asteroid then just fire away to push it slightly off target so it misses the planet. Don’t need to destroy just alter the trajectory a tiny bit.
- Comment on In the US, it's finally socially acceptable again to clap when the plane lands 1 week ago:
As long as you are able to clap the plane probably landed okay
- Comment on Is the pipeline true, fellas? 1 week ago:
Men have to learn that anger is also an emotion❤️
- Comment on How is the Stock Market keeping it's value after *points to everything*? 1 week ago:
Because not enough people are selling.
If people / companies don’t believe the stocks will lose value they won’t sell. If they don’t sell they won’t lose value.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
So, of all the checks and balances and having three branches of government, one branch is able to take all the power just by signing a single piece of paper giving themselves the power? That… Makes so much sense
- Comment on Best way to turn off people and get lower tips 1 week ago:
It’s an automatic $0 tip if I have 0 interaction with anyone but the cashier, that’s for sure.
- Comment on Would you consider me a “dry texter”? 1 week ago:
Now, what do you consider to be dry texting? Can you re-create your responses in the provided example to make them “dry” in your understanding of the word?
- Comment on Why is Pokémon Emerald so grindy? 2 weeks ago:
My biggest gripe as well. I’ve got the Pokemon TCG app at the moment and my god it’s impossible to do anything quickly because of all the transitions, animations, and pointless popups that occur.
Just trying to do one thing in the game you literally need to push like 8 popups informing you about something that’s obvious and that you’ve done a thousand times before and you can’t turn it off.
- Comment on Apple, Microsoft Joining Google Using Gulf of America in Maps Programs 2 weeks ago:
The next Democrat should run with the goal to rename it to Gulf of Donald’s Defeat. I would vote for them.
- Comment on Can you eat soap for acid reflux? 2 weeks ago:
Sounds like a treatment for constipation too then
- Comment on this year has been pretty fun so far 3 weeks ago:
And who the 118 thousand people are who liked the tweet
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 3 weeks ago:
Companies trying to make foldable phones happen are going the wrong way.
They are making giant phones that unfold into tablets when really they should be making small phones that unfold into something just large enough you can watch Netflix on.
- Comment on The Last Of Us Part II will require a PSN account to play on PC, making it unplayable in over 100 countries 1 month ago:
Because Sony is a company and all companies are dicks. Why does anyone ever expect otherwise?
- Comment on End of Russian gas via Ukraine sparks unease in eastern Europe 1 month ago:
I mean, 5 years is still pretty fast for transitioning entire energy sectors and supply. Not that I fault Ukraine for turning off the gas, but I also don’t think Moldova could have transitioned in 5 years easily if at all.
It can take a decade just to build a single refinery, or new pipeline, or other infrastructure. It’s not something someone can just say go and have it all set up and running in a few years.
- Comment on Why does the winter solstice mark the beginning of winter, and not the center? 1 month ago:
Time zone doesn’t affect “midday”
Midday is when the sun is at its highest point. The hottest part of the day is pretty much always a few hours after midday.
Of course there are exceptions, there’s almost always exceptions for literally everything and it’s kind of useless pointing it out.
- Comment on Why does the winter solstice mark the beginning of winter, and not the center? 1 month ago:
That’s a little pedantic. The exact time isn’t really important, just that it is not exactly at midday, it’s a few hours after midday.
- Comment on Syria's leader says elections could take 4 years: Al Arabiya interview 1 month ago:
I understand needing time before an election but I also feel like rewriting the constitution should be done by people that were voted for to rewrite it? Seems a little counter intuitive to have random people rewrite it and then vote after it’s been done.
- Comment on Japanese company makes $16 USB-C cable that rotates 360 degrees 2 months ago:
Is this just an advertisement?
- Comment on $1K a month is a good deal 2 months ago:
Somehow people think their taxes will go up over $1000k a month if it changes to universal.
I live in Canada and I pay less taxes total than what most Americans pay for healthcare alone, yet somehow they think we pay more than them lol.
- Comment on Australia struggling with oversupply of solar power 3 months ago:
Can solar panels not be turned off? I see panels that aren’t plugged into anything and they don’t exactly blow up. Can’t they just be turned off when storage reaches a certain capacity?
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 3 months ago:
Why not build it in a remote location then?
Dams can also produce a lot of hydroelectric power, and a catastrophic failure could also destroy an entire town or more. We just don’t build dams upstream of a large town.
- Comment on America's Next Health Secretary Enjoying A Meal With His Future Boss and Colleagues 3 months ago:
Left wingers should boycott McDonald’s just for fun because it’s Trump’s favourite thing apparently. It would be interesting to see.
- Comment on Typing monkey would be unable to produce 'Hamlet' within the lifetime of the universe, study finds 3 months ago:
Yes I know, but I was just trying to put into the perspective the person I was replying to.
- Comment on Typing monkey would be unable to produce 'Hamlet' within the lifetime of the universe, study finds 3 months ago:
Except the lifetime of the universe is quite small when compared to infinity, so it doesn’t really convey how large infinity is because it’s so much more.